The chimney at the defunct Kingsnorth Power Station will disappear from Medway’s skyline in March. The Medway Messenger exclusively revealed the giant 650ft chimney at the site in Hoo, will be blown up and demolished on Thursday, March 8. It is understood the chimney will be blown up at 10am.
Please note that some Stage 2 dates have changed. All start times are now available.
Look forward to the Spring. Well now is a good time to plan your sail training for this year which is still free to all members of the club.
Stage 2 starts in April followed by the 1st Stage 1 in Late April/May (another in July), spaces are limited so check your calendar and get your place booked quickly.
For more details and forms go to http://www.tbyc.org/sail-training/
Nick Alston is also in the process of planning a Stage 3 course which will be advertised soon and detailed also on the sail training webpage.
On Saturday 3rd February, Thorpe Bay Yacht Club is hosting a Sprint 15 Winter Traveller event. This event does not affect club racing on Sunday 4th.
We expect to see around 20 entrants. Briefing is at 11am, 3 races (45-50 minutes each), first race starting at/or around 12 midday.
More information can be found in the Notice of Race – Sprint 15 TBYC Winter – NOR
We would welcome anybody that would like to volunteer to help with this event, but particularly would be interested if you would like to take some action photographs. If you can please contact me on [email protected]
It’s nearly that time of year again, mince pies and punch in the bosun’s hut on the 6th and a bit of racing too, so break the ice from your cover and come for a sail in the Frozen Sheets, note the SI’s for the winter series cover the Frozen sheets, Note that the frozen sheets is a Mass start.
We’ll have a briefing in the bar beforehand around Midday.
.Frozen Sheets 2018 entry
Winter Series SIs 2017-18v3
The club will be open on NYE to members who wish to join us in seeing the New Year in. There will be music and children and guests are welcome too. No ticket necessary.
New Years Day the club will be open and serving brunch.
We’ll have five 30 minute sittings
Ticket prices lower this year. Price £7.50 adults and £4.50 children
Select sitting when booking. Limited numbers
Tickets on sale, from the bar, today.
I have now had the final account for donations to the RNLI in memory of Brian and they amount to £981.75. My family and I would like to extend our grateful thanks to all for their generosity. It is very heartening to know that Brian was held in such high regard.
Glen Whistler
Tuesday 5th December @ 8.30pm
This is always a fun evening so don’t miss out.
Hope to see and hear many TBYC members there.
John Williams
Cruiser Captain
We need volunteers to help with the following Club Racing this weekend please
Sat 2 Dec 2017 10:00 Winter Sat 4 – SS5 Helm – Volunteer needed please
Sat 2 Dec 2017 10:00 Winter Sat 4 – SS5 Crew – Volunteer needed please
Sat 2 Dec 2017 10:00 Winter Sat 4 – RIB Launch – Volunteer needed please
Sunday 3 Dec 2017 10:30 Winter Sun 4 – RIB Launch – Volunteer needed please
Don’t forget you can swap a future duty with a VOLUNTEER PLEASE duty
If you can help please volunteer / swap in the usual way via Dutyman or email [email protected]
Many thanks
If you boat is in the dinghy park, and you haven’t paid for winter storage, NOW is the time to do it.
You can pay by cheque or by card at the bar.
If you prefer to pay by bank transfer, please contact [email protected]
Hurricane £83.83; Laser £51.49; Musto Skiff £55.65; Pico £42.59
For other classes please contact [email protected].
Please ensure that your boat is marked with its sail number, and, if relevant, that halyards are secured away from the mast.
Due to a seriously disappointing lack of support the prize giving supper has been cancelled. Refunds behind the bar with your ticket.
Prize Giving will however still be taking place starting at 8pm. Many prizes to be handed out with the support of your classes. Look forward to seeing you Saturday.