The 2017 main season is over, it is this time of year when your Class Captains and the Sailing Committee start to work hard behind the scenes putting next year’s programme together.
The Dinghy AGM is your chance to help by telling us what aspects of the 2017 programme you enjoyed this year and sharing any good ideas you think we could incorporate into the 2018 Sailing Programme. A draft copy will be available for consultation.
We hope to see you there.
Chris Boshier and the 2017 Sailing Committee.
Please note for safety reasons the dinghy park will not be accessible to members during the Sandhopper Lift Out between 2pm and 4pm on Sunday 15th Oct
from Phil Crawford to all those involved on Saturday pm.
To the RIB crew for getting me ashore, and helping Margaret pack the boat away, to Chris and Ivan for “walking” me through the boat park, to Howard, Gary and Lindsay for support roles and to Jack and colleague in their “professional paramedic” roles. I should be OK next year, once I’ve had a pacemaker fitted!
Calling all dinghy sailors,
This weekend is the last sailing weekend of Autumn with 2 races on Saturday and culminating in the End of Season Trophy on Sunday.
Please remember it’s the end of season Trophy this Sunday and if you’re not entered for the Winter Series or paid winter storage you need to take your boat home.
even if you paid winter storage, if your boat is in the area where the Sandhoppers or Cruisers live over the winter you will need to move your boats out of the way.
The club is able to offer members limited storage space for dinghies and catamarans that are not entering the Winter & Icicle Series.
Please refer to the winter storage cost relative to your class of boat Winter storage rates 2017
and ensure that your application Dinghy-Catamaran-Winter-Storage-Form
is received by the Club Secretary by Sunday 8th October.
All dinghies in rows I, J, K and M will need to be moved and it is the responsibility of the owner to move his/her boat into a free space immediately after the End of Season Trophy race.
If you plan to race this winter then please complete the Winter/Icicle Series entry form instead of the storage application form.
Nick Cotgrove keeps a pair of oars under his Dart 16 (yellow hulls). The oars have been borrowed. If you used them, would you return them to Nick’s catamaran, please.
If you need oars, each club tender has a pair.
Due to the Finn Nationals the second Car Park has been opened for the weekend. Enter using the normal Dinghy Park Entrance and drive through the usual area where the Finns are, entering the weekends Car Park through the hole in the fencing.
A reminder to club members, who use the dinghy park and the grass car park. Please ensure that the dinghy park gate is locked at the end of the day. Do it please, even if there are still one or two cars in the car park. Those leaving after you can open and relock the gate. Better that, than leaving the gate open all night.
I’d just like to thank all the people that helped on Sunday launching extra support boats and recovering the RIBs following the eventful end of the Sandhopper Nationals! It’s at times like this that the spirit of the club and it’s members really do shine through.
As you probably know all ended well with no injuries and Zeus was recovered quickly that night with minimal damage ( I think). And it even got a mention in the Echo!
Six members completed the RYA Level 2 Powerboat Handling Course over the weekend, demonstrating great skill in handling Seasafes 2 and 5. This adds further resources to our pool of qualified safety boat drivers to support our sailing activities. Many thanks to those six for volunteering to spend their weekend to benefit their fellow members. Thanks also to our Instructor Team of Toby Speller and Martin Swindon, aided by Jeremy Sandford, for their continued expertise in teaching our participants.
We hope to run two more courses next year. Numbers are limited by RYA rules and by the time available to the Team to run these enjoyable sessions. If you would like to be included on one of these courses, please contact Ken Clarke at “[email protected]“.