Jun 08 2017
Archive for the 'Club Notices' Category
Jun 01 2017
We need volunteers to help with the following duties this weekend please
Sat 17 June 2017 16:00 Summer Sat 2 – SS7 Helm – COVERED thanks John Casson
Sat 17 June 2017 16:00 Summer Sat 2 – RIB Launch & Recovery – COVERED thanks Howard Warrington
Sun 18 June 2017 16:30 Summer Sun 2 – Race Officer – COVERED thanks Chris Boshier
Sun 18 June 2017 16:30 Summer Sun 2 – SS5 Helm – COVERED thanks Steve Churchyard
Sun 18 June 2017 16:30 Summer Sun 2 – RIB Launch & Recovery – COVERED thanks Steve Hopper
If you can help please volunteer in the usual way via Dutyman or email [email protected]
Many thanks
May 26 2017
We need volunteers to help with the following duties this weekend please
Sat 27 May 2017 12:00 TBYC Regatta – SS2 Helm – NOW COVERED thanks Kris Berry
Sun 28 May 2017 12:45 TBYC Regatta – SS3 Helm & Crew – NOW COVERED thanks Tracey & Gary Haylett
If you can help please volunteer in the usual way via Dutyman or email [email protected]
Many thanks
May 24 2017
Unwanted sailboards, kayaks and canoes
You may have noticed the unsightly raft of old sailboards, kayaks and canoes cluttering up the racks to the east of the steps as you enter the dinghy park. These items are sitting there, rent free, and this storage space is required for ongoing club projects, the storage of boats and other gear essential for the continued sailing and racing at the club.
These boards have been moved to the back of the club, where you have one month to either collect them and take them home, or put them under your boat in its allocated space in the dinghy park.
After this time has elapse (24th June 2017) and boards left will be disposed of accordingly.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Chris Boshier
Rear Commodore (Racing)
May 23 2017
Southend Triathlon – This Sunday
This Sunday, Southend has it’s Triathlon and we all need to be aware that there will be a lot of activity around the club, road, beach and in the water. Our Regatta starts at 12:45 so hopefully most people will be on the water.
The first Triathlon swimmers start at 12:00 swimming from the Shoebury Common slipway and then coming up the beach before Thorpe Bay YC slipway. They cycle through Barling and Wakering, then returning for a run along the Seafront in front of the club. I estimate the first runners will be around 12:45, the cutoff for the race is 16:00. Entrants are parking in the council green car park next to ours.
More information available at Sundried-Southend-Triathlon-Race-Briefing.pdf
May 22 2017
Clipper Race 2017-18 Start 20th August
After the Start and Finish of the Clipper Race being from Southend twice, unfortunately this years 2017-18 race returns to Liverpool.
Many of us had enjoyed the spectacle over the last few years and I am sure it will come back in a few years time.
May 21 2017
Rotary Club Raft Race – 25 June 2017
Would any club member like to manage the club’s raft race entry. We have two rafts, but need someone to get one of them assembled, decorated, crewed and tuned for speed!
If you are that person, take a look at the Rotary Club’s website http://www.thorpebayrotaryevents.co.uk/raftrace.html
to find out what’s required and then email [email protected] to register your interest.
May 16 2017
John Boshier 1930 – 2017
Club member John Boshier has, sadly, passed away leaving Mary, his wife and a son Christopher. John was a member for many years, originally joining to enable him to sail with his son. This was in a Mirror dinghy later John moved onto bigger things with a Sandhopper, in 1981 and John became a leading light in the class, becoming class captain for several years in the late Eighties.
Always a participant in weekend racing and Weekend and Weekday cruising for many years, John was sailing into his mid-eighties with Janet, our club administrator.
He will be greatly missed by family, friends and the Sandhopper class.
May 08 2017
Cadet Week 2017 7th – 11th August
Cadet Week 2017 7th – 11th August – Return registration forms by Friday 26th May 2017
The price of Cadet Week 2017 is £75.00. This maintains the price for the seventh year running, Due to the expected demand, there will be no refunds for late cancellation or for those attending only part of the week. Please download and read the forms below, then complete and send your cheque, made payable to TBYC, with your registration and supplementary forms no later than Friday 26th May 2017. Please ensure that envelopes are addressed to Jeremy Sandford – Cadet Week 2017 c/o TBYC. If you are not posting your form, please put it in the mail box which is situated by the front door of the Clubhouse. Please do not leave any application forms behind the bar. Payment for Cadet Week must be made in full at time of application.
Evening events are a provisional plan and subject to numbers and the age range of cadet involved. A final timetable of events will be issued when entries are confirmed.
Non members are not allowed to participate or supervise. 1 parent per child, all children must have a Parent/Guardian present on the beach or on a roster duty at all times during Cadet Week. The Adult must be a full member.
Should you have any questions regarding Cadet Week, please e-mail Jeremy Sandford on [email protected]
CadetWeekRegistrationPack 2017
May 05 2017
Power Boat Course – RYA Level 2
We have a few vacancies for our next powerboat course to be held on Thursday evening 1 June and during the day on Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 June. The cost is £50. If you are interested, please contact Ken Clarke at “[email protected]“.
Our main purpose is to train Club members to helm our safety boats and in the process help them gain the RYA Powerboat Level 2 qualification. That qualification also helps you to gain the International Certificate of Competence for powerboats.
Many thanks