Archive for the 'Club Notices' Category

May 02 2017

DutyMan currently unavailable – NOW FIXED

DUTYMAN SHOULD NOW BE WORKING OK AGAIN – Please let me know via [email protected] if you are still having any problems.


Dutyman is currently undergoing hardware replacement to fix an intermittent fault that has been occurring over the last few weeks. It should be back on line by Wednesday 3rd May.


If you have any queries about your scheduled duties due over the next few days please email me at [email protected] as I have a full backup of these.


Duty Officers – I will email you lists of your teams contacts etc for the coming weekend shortly.


Mark Robinson

TBYC Dutyman Administrator

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Apr 28 2017

Dinghy Park

Published by under Club Notices

A gentle reminder to all – last one out, please lock the dinghy park gate.
Thank you.

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Apr 25 2017

Cadet Night Friday 28th April, Cadet Week food menu trial

This Friday is the first Cadet night, we are starting the activities at 7pm, “Rigging and tuning boats”. There will be Oppie, Tera, Pico and Laser 4.7 rigging groups.
Cadet week forms were published last week and the Food available this Friday will be the same menu, Dave will be serving from 17:30 – 19:00, trialling cadet week menu. To promote and test the menu we will be offering a limited number of £10 family vouchers family to test the menu and complete the feedback form.

If you intend to come for food please comment on TBYC Facebook page posting to register interest and secure your voucher.  Dave will use the Facebook comments indicating interest to gauge numbers for food on Friday.  Lindsay will be posting on Facebook tonight.
Don’t forget, Oppie Beach Club on Saturday at 12:30, weekly forecast is looking hopeful at about 12mph wind and 12degree temperatures.

Come along and get involved.



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Apr 06 2017

Dinghy Park Space Allocation

Published by under Club Notices

The Dinghy Park has now been cleared of Sandhoppers and Cruisers and is available for return of Dinghys.

The Picos that were on top of the racks have now been moved to the ground although are not in their allocated spaces.

The space allocation is now on the notice board in the club for all boats, so could all owners review this and ensure their boats are moved to the correct spaces.

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Apr 05 2017

Club Jump Leads

Published by under Club Notices

The club had a set of heavy duty jump leads which are often used to start  the Displacement and Ribs. Unfortunately they may have been borrowed. If you know of their whereabouts please could you drop them into the club.

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Apr 04 2017

Long Standing Ambition: the first solo round Britain windsurf

Published by under Club Notices

A couple of years ago Jono Dunnett set off from Clacton to complete a Solo around Britain Windsurf and his first stop was Thorpe Bay. We invited him to the Balcony where he was offered his first hospitality of the whole trip.

Many people had previously done the circumnavigation, however always with a support boat. Jono completed it in 98 days, far short of the record but he had succeeded in his quest. He uses a quote in the front of the book “Dream is not what you see while sleeping it is something that does not let you sleep”, something that helped him with his goal.

He has now written a book of the adventure and thought we would be interested to know it has now been published.

See Amazon for more details

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Mar 31 2017

Breakfast and Bar Saturday 1st April from 9am

This Saturday 1st April

DD’s will be serving Breakfast from 9:00am

The club Bar will be open from 8:30am

Why not come down and watch the Sandhopper launch from the bar while enjoying breakfast and refreshments!

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Mar 31 2017


The Dinghy Park will be closed to members for safety reasons this weekend as below:

Saturday 1st April – Sandhopper Lift In – Closed from 9am to about 12am (when completed)

Sunday 2nd April – Cruiser Lift In – Closed in the morning until completed

Please do not try and enter the Dinghy Park or drive through it into the car park as the tractors will be moving in the area. Lift support teams will prevent anyone trying to access and turn them away

Thanks for your understanding.

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Mar 27 2017

RACE OFFICER – 2017 Briefing Session – ALL WELCOME

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Mar 26 2017

Cadet Race Training and Races 2017

I have put together a full programme of Training and Races for Cadets aged 11+ years, in any class of boat during this season.  In addition to the Pico Racing there will be Cadet Race training (including mini races) using our new training Rib, preceded by Shore based sessions during Cadet nights on some Fridays. I intend to go into some depth over the season, preparing our youngsters for Cadet trophy races, Interclub races and School’s Sailing. In addition, we will train a TBYC Team Racing squad (Year 9+) with our first match against Haileybury School in May. There will also be the opportunity to take the TBYC Stage 3 qualification in September. Nearer to the end of the season, we will enter the Matt Trophy and the Interclub Cadet Team Race at a neighbouring club, both of which, we have won in the past.

I have put all the dates and events together on one sheet to encourage our boys and girls to participate as fully as possible and ENJOY making progress with their sailing.

Please click here to see and download the full Programme.

Whilst I will publish times and events, it would be helpful to know those who are interested. Please could parents E-Mail me your child’s name, age and a contact telephone number, and I will keep you informed.  (The E-Mail address must be a parent’s address with the option of an additional Cadet’s address).  [email protected]

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