This was the TBYC cruisers at Queenborough last year, 7 boats on one mooring! It would be great to replicate this next year with Sandhoppers. There are a number of weekends when we can leave at 10:30 (sh) wander (or race) over for lunch on the outgoing tide and come back on the incoming tide. Who fancies it? Maybe a trip or two further up the Medway as well? A sail up to Chatham Marina? Stay overnight in the hotel and come back the next day? All ideas welcomed …. Sandhopperclass@gmail.com

** update: The ideal oars are circa 7ft (2.1m) long and wooden if anyone has any they would like to donate **
Have you been in the back of the shed or garage at the weekend and have found rowlocks or oars that you no longer have a use for?
The club tenders seem to be lose these quite easily and we are asking for any (singes or pairs) that anyone has that they would like to donate to the club. If you could pop them just inside the front door of the club on the left as you get into reception that would be fantastic or down by the club tenders on the racks.
Please note any Oars and Rowlocks left on the racks by the weekend will be painted a wonderful colour or two so we can easily identify them in the future and hopefully prevent them from walking quite so easily.
Also, if you happen to have a dinghy trolley or wheels that you no longer need then we could use those also, I can collect if local!

Good News! We can run the Nore Race this year! There was some doubt we could get on the pier, but it’s all OK!
Programmes are being posted out to clubs right now. You can also download a copy from www.benfleetyachtclub.org. Follow the link at the bottom of the first page.
More good news – the Prizegiving will be the following Friday night as usual, as we don’t have to invoke the socially distant options considered in the printed program.
It is only about five weeks to the event so please get your entry in as soon as you are able. Thanks.
Phil Bostock
Benfleet Yacht Club – Nore Race
Email: Norerace@benfleetyachtclub.org
Address: Canvey Road | Canvey Island | Essex | SS8 0QT
over the last week I’ve been to the club dinghy park to work on boats 4 times, 3 or these times the gates have been wide open with the lock left hanging and twice with the code still displayed. Now I realise the lock and gate aren’t the best or biggest theft deterrent, but it does go some way to keeping the general public out. So please, if you’re first into the car park, close the lock back up and scramble the code and if you’re last to leave, shut the gate and lock it back up please, it’s not rocket science people, I’m sure you wouldn’t leave your front doors open or your keys in the lock when you go out, so please don’t do tantamount to the same to the club dinghy park.
We need Helms for SS2 & SS3 this weekend please. This is for trot boat duties only – ferrying sailors to cruisers and Sandhoppers.
Saturday 6th June 10:30 – SS2 Helm – Covered thanks Adrian Bunting
Saturday 6th June 10:30 – SS3 Helm – Covered thanks Paul Farrall
Sunday 7th June 11:00 – SS2 Helm – Covered by me
Sunday 7th June 11:00 – SS3 Helm – Volunteer needed please
Please note: One helm will need to row out to SS2 as RIBs are not in use.
If you can help please volunteer via dutyman in the usual way or contact me via dutyadmin@tbyc.org
Thanks for your support
Mark Robinson – dutyadmin@tbyc.org
We need Helms for SS2 & SS3 this weekend please. This is for trot boat duties only – ferrying sailors to cruisers and Sandhoppers. Outstanding vacancies are:
Sunday SS3 Helm – Covered thanks Paul Graves
Monday SS3 Helm – Covered thanks Sue Daly
Please note: One helm will need to row out to SS2 as RIBs are not in use.
If you can help please volunteer via dutyman in the usual way or contact me via dutyadmin@tbyc.org
Thanks for your support
Mark Robinson – dutyadmin@tbyc.org
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