Archive for the 'Cruising' Category

Jun 27 2011


Date for your diary everybody….NORE RACE 2011, Sat 9th July. So get entered and win some great prizes.

Some bullet points copied from the entry form if one is not available to you yet…..

Start times for Groups 1 & 2 Dinghies-Multihull  & Monohull….start signal; 10:40.

Start times for Groups 3 & 4 Cruisers-Multihull & Monohull…..start signal; 10:50.

Southend on Sea: HW 07:11 (5.3m) & 19:54 (5.2m) BST…..LW 13:10 BST.

Entry fee is a snip at £12.00 for all classes and this includes free entry for the prizegiving at 19:30 on friday 15 th July for all entrants, crew & family. Barbecue food is available to buy and ‘Plan C’ will be providing the music for the evening.

Entry forms are available to be downloaded off the Benfleet YC website and have to arrive by post Thur 7 July or in person by 21:00 on fri 8th July. Also a coloured chart of course, flags & signals to download:

Fast multihull cats with handicap below 720, expect to do 2 laps, (32 miles).

Myself & Sophie will be in SS7. If you wish to leave your munchies, stella artois etc for ‘safe keeping’  until after the race then give us a shout. Cost of the looking after said items will be half the ‘booty’.

Have a great day and see you on the water.

Simon & Sophie.

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Jun 07 2011

TBYC Regatta Party – 18th June

With the TBYC Regatta only two weekends away there is still time to pre-purchase your regatta party tickets from behind the bar.

At a bargain price of £6 for adults and £4 for children with music from James Christian this is one party not to be missed.

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May 28 2011

Why we sail at TBYC

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May 22 2011

What TBYC Members do when their Sailing is cancelled

Jaguar escapes yet again!!  She was recaptured within 20 minutes and placed safely back on her mooring thanks to TBYC members.

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Apr 15 2011

Wha HOO!! Another Cruiser Rally.

Published by under Cruising

Hoo Marina Rally 29th,30th April, 1st May 2011

Hi All,  Cruiser section has our old favourite Rally to Hoo the bank holiday weekend of 29th April, returning on the 2nd May. Great place to visit the West coast of the river Medway. Lots of good old pubs in Upnor about a 15minute walk and 25 mins on Bus to the East side — Rochester. The club house is very friendly and all are very accommodating.

We have provisionally booked but need to know definite numbers ASAP. Please inform us by placing your details here, on the notice board or e-mail myself [email protected] and Bob at [email protected]

Hurry last chance!!!


Vice Captain.

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Apr 13 2011

Cruiser Section – This is an ‘All Ships Announcement’

Published by under Club Notices,Cruising


Chatham is fully booked for clubs now…….please book in as an individual if they have anymore space.



    CHATHAM RALLY 22nd / 24th April 2011


On behalf of Bob our Captain; please note that we have the Chatham Rally fast approaching. 22nd & 24th April 2011. Lets see how many of us can support this event.

With enough of us attending we will be able to secure club rates on the events pontoon and we will be having a Barbeque on the Saturday evening.
Chatham is a good rally with lots of places to eat and visit, coupled with exceptional Marina facilities.

I shall be placing a notice on the board and anyone who wants to join us please as soon as possible enter your boat name and your name on the form or if you prefer e-mail the details to myself [email protected] in order that we can book this with the Marina.

If anyone without a boat from the club is interested in joining us please contact me and I will see if I can find space for you on those that are going.

On a more serious note:- Could we please have some more volunteers to man Polly. It is already the same faces taking this on. All boat owners are expected to carry out this duty to make it fair for all.

Thank you. Look forward to seeing you all in Chatham.

Vice Captain.

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Mar 09 2011

Work party saturday 19th March

We have a painting work party on saturday the 19th march starting at 9am, please give some time as there is alot to do with the race box, guard boats etc. Many thanks to Graham Dare who has made an excellent start on the committee boat, lets hope the weather is kind.

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Jan 13 2011

Watch this film from 1964 TBYC

Watch this footage from 1964 of the GP 14 Nationals at TBYC, comment if you recognise anyone, YouTube Preview Image

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Dec 11 2010


If you have any photo’s of sailing or social at TBYC that you would like displayed on the screens in the club and that would add to newsbuoy could you please let me know, the sooner the better, many thanks, email [email protected]

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Oct 27 2010

Marina Etiquette Boatpark

Published by under Club Notices,Cruising

With the cruisers having swapped places with the dinghies can i remind you of the standard Marina Etiquette for all Halyards to be fastened away from the mast. This will ensure a more peaceful boatpark without the clanging and continue the goodwill from our neighbours.

many thanks


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