Lesley and I will be away on 3rd June so unable to do Race Officer and Assistant. We are looking to swap these duties. Given up trying to work out how to post a message as simple as this on DutyMan, hence this posting! 01702 476734.
TBYC’ Dutyman’ web–based duty roster management system has been live for 3 weeks and some duty swopping and updating of personal contact details has already taken place using the system. Click on ’ DutyMan Race Roster’ at the left hand side of this web-page to view the roster.
All those members (up to 260) with one or more duties allocated should have received from DutyMan a welcome email ( with a password) and a second email listing out their allocated duties.
However, you will not have received an email from DutyMan if the club does not have an up to date email address for you.
If you know that you have duties allocated and have not received an email from Dutyman please send an email to [email protected] letting us know. Your name and correct email address will then be added to the DutyMan database.
If you have had your email from DutyMan giving you your password please enter the site and confirm that you have noted and recorded your duties by clicking on the ‘Confirm you duties’ heading . This will greatly assist the Duty Officer for each race.
DutyMan will send out an email reminder for each duty 3 weeks and 1 week before each duty date. If you do not wish to receive these reminders then you can enter the site with your password, ‘confirm’ and record your duties, and cancel the reminders. However, please be certain that you have transferred the duty dates to your diary and that you are sure that you do not need reminding.
Please remember that whether or not you confirm your duties in DutyMan, you are expected to do your allocated duties. If you are unable to do your duty then it is your responsibility to arrange a suitable replacement. The simple rule is “no race officers or support boat crews – no sailing”
Please use DutyMan to arrange or confirm swops or to get a volunteer – the Duty Roster is then automatically updated and you do NOT have to inform the Duty Officer. DutyMan may help you arrange a swop but swopping cannot be guaranteed.
Please let us have any feedback on how this new system is working. You can email [email protected] with any queries or comments on DutyMan. Or you can phone Graham Dare on 07946 413923.
The club’s 2012 race duties (from 25 March 2012) now appear in the TBYC DutyMan Race Roster database. This can be viewed by clicking on the link at the left hand side of this web page. Duties for Cadet Sailing will be added shortly.
Members on the duty database receive a welcome email from DutyMan with their password and an introduction to the system. Members also receive a second email listing their duties for the year. This should happen by 8 February 2012.
Members can access the database – using their password – to change their personal settings, review the data, and request and accept duty swops.
Dutyman will also send out email reminders of duties.
Please always use DutyMan to request and confirm duty swops as the Roster will then always be up to date and accurate. Please remember it is each individual’s responsibility to arrange a swop if needed. DutyMan may help you with this but swopping cannot be guaranteed.
Members on the duty list will not receive a welcome email from Dutyman if:
• The club does not have an email address for you; or
• The club has an incorrect email address for you.
In some cases a family email address has been entered and used initially for a number of members (although each should be allocated a separate password) which an individual family member may then wish to change by logging into the Dutyman site.
If you believe that you are, or should be, (or, indeed, want to be) on the race duty roster but have not received a welcome email from DutyMan, please email ‘[email protected]’ with ‘DutyMan’ in the Subject heading and let us know.
If you don’t have email (and aren’t now tempted to get one!!) then any swops can be sought and recorded on DutyMan by contacting the TBYC DutyMan Administrator. Phone Graham Dare on 01702 301961.
on behalf of Tom Jenkins:
Due to unforeseen circumstances I am unable to do my duty on October 15th on SS3. Would anyone be able to swap with me to cover this? My daughter Kylie with be crewing but I need someone to cover the helm
If so please contact me on 01702 295326
On behalf of Graham Dare
Please can someone swap with Graham Dare who is down to SS3 helm on Sunday 25th September but is unable to as he is away.
He can be contacted on 07946 413923 or [email protected].
Is anyone able to step into the breech and helm SS2 on Sunday please?
Racing starts at 2.30pm
Please can you let me know if you are able to to this
best wishes
07734904824 [email protected]
This is now covered, Graham Dare is kindly stepping in.
On behalf of Mark Evans
Is anyone able to swap for SS7 helm duty on September 3rd as I have to work. I am able to swap for any duties after September 16th when I will no longer be working weekend shifts!
Anyone able to swap please do give me a call 07931908257
I would like to request a duty swap for ‘Duty Officer’ on Sunday 18th of September.
I will be away at the K6 Nationals in Falmouth.
many thanks
Had previously posted that unable to fulfill above duty due to holiday abroad, but don’t think anyone contacted to offer swap. Please let me know if anyobe can swap – September dates onwards preferable. Thanks, Dan B (o7973 715522)
Wanted helm & crew for displacement boats this Saturday, if you are able to assist please respond to this post or text or email me (details as per the programme).
Now covered by Rex Hanson & Colin Goodman – Thank you.