Aug 28 2008
Forts Race 2008
Can any Race Officer please swap with me to do Saturday 20th September duty. I am available to do any Saturday after that date.
We are away at the Forts Race for the whole of that weekend.
Aug 28 2008
Can any Race Officer please swap with me to do Saturday 20th September duty. I am available to do any Saturday after that date.
We are away at the Forts Race for the whole of that weekend.
Aug 27 2008
Due to a Lifeboat duty commitment Gerald Sverdolf requires a sea safe duty swop for Saturday 30th August.
Please phone him direct on 07703 104020 if you can help please.
Aug 13 2008
Can anyone swap my rescue boat duty on 31 August for any date thereafter. I go away on 24th August for a week and won’t be back in time. For ages I knew I was paired with Russell Tredget on Seasafe 3 and knew it was 2nd August, I hadn’t noticed the identical pairing and boat applied for the 31st as well until that duty. There is a fallback option if no-one can swap – but a swap would be best.
Mike Nevin
Aug 05 2008
Would anyone be able to swap rescue boat duty with me on Monday 25th August on SS3? I’ve just realised I’m getting married that weekend so if someone could swap places with me it would be much appreciated (rescue boat duty that is!)
either drop me a note on here or my email address is [email protected] or my mobile is 07899811454 I’m pretty much free most weekends except Sunday 21st September.
Cheers Jess
Jul 12 2008
Jun 23 2008
Duty swap required for Saturday 5th july. I am planning on going to Stone Hurricane open meeting on this particular weekend followed by the east coast piers race on the next and would be available for dates from 26th July.
Regards Chris Hull
Jun 13 2008
I regret that I am unable to carry out my Race Officer Duty on Saturday 9th August (1645hrs) and would be very grateful to swap with someone on one of the following dates:
28th June, 5/6th, 26/27th July, 20th, 27/28th September
Many thanks
Wes (mob 07891 544972)
Jun 10 2008
May 15 2008
Two people required to swap our Race Officer AND Assistant Race Officer duties on Saturday 23rd August as we shall be away at our nationals.
Kevin & Lesley Iles
May 13 2008
Can anyone help please?
I need to swap my guard boat duty on SS3 on Monday May 26th as we are taking the Sandhopper’s round to Burnham for the ‘Nationals’.
This involves both myself and Tony Byrne.