Archive for the 'For Sale' Category

Jul 20 2021

Dart 16 jib wanted

Published by under For Sale

If you have one call 07721 654044.

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Jul 09 2021

Mirror Dinghy

Published by under For Sale

Rob Manging would be happy to give his Mirror dinghy to anyone who would like to give it a little tlc.  Phone 07771 348687

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Jul 04 2021

Wanted – RS Tera

Published by under Cadets,For Sale

There is growing interest in the cadet section to expand the Tera Fleet. Are there any boats not in use / grown out available for sale? Thanks: Andras

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Jun 02 2021

Oars, Rowlocks & More

** update: The ideal oars are circa 7ft (2.1m) long and wooden if anyone has any they would like to donate **
Have you been in the back of the shed or garage at the weekend and have found rowlocks or oars that you no longer have a use for?
The club tenders seem to be lose these quite easily and we are asking for any (singes or pairs) that anyone has that they would like to donate to the club. If you could pop them just inside the front door of the club on the left as you get into reception that would be fantastic or down by the club tenders on the racks.
Please note any Oars and Rowlocks left on the racks by the weekend will be painted a wonderful colour or two so we can easily identify them in the future and hopefully prevent them from walking quite so easily.
Also, if you happen to have a dinghy trolley or wheels that you no longer need then we could use those also, I can collect if local!
Thank you

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Mar 04 2021

Hurricane 5.9 SX 338

Published by under Catamarans,For Sale

Professionally refurbished boat by AW Sailboats (Andy Web) Generally regarded as the guru of all Hurricane 5.9’s

The hulls are in excellent condition imported from Holland where they spent most of there time in a warehouse so little use and dry. Then refurbished with new slot gaskets.

The boat has been completely re-stringed and many parts replaced with new. It also has the desirable soft mast and all the go faster bits added to race and win in a Hurricane 5.9 SX

It also comes with big wheel beach launching trolley and road trailer, setup to take all the sails and parts neatly when travelling.

The boat has never been sailed since its refurbishment and is ready to race and win. My specification to Andy was to provide a boat capable of winning the Nationals and that is exactly what this boat is.

There are many cheap boats available but this is not to be confused with them. This is as close to a new boat you will get.

The only item I have added is a new Hyde cover

For sale at £4,600 Completely at cost

Contact Steve 07770890660

or email [email protected]

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Mar 04 2021

Sandhopper S161 Aeolus

Published by under For Sale

Now up for resale as my son has little time with his new house to sail and it seems a crying shame to have this boat not racing and stuck on the mooring

It comes also with its mooring paid for the year and all racing fees

This 2008 Sandhopper in undoubtedly one of the fastest in the fleet.

Aeolus (God of all Wind) was fully over seen by Paul Manning who built the winning boat for the British girls to Gold in the 2008 Olympics.

She was built in 2008 and is the second youngest in the fleet, complete with 3 full sets of sails and a spare mast with rigging.

All Harken.


Contact Steve on 07770890660

or email [email protected]

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Sep 03 2020

For Sale – Topper Topaz

Published by under For Sale

Offers to Stephen Smith      [email protected]

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Aug 12 2020

Sandhopper Scruffy 11 For Sale

Published by under For Sale

Sandhopper Scruffy 11 For Sale

Due to young family commitments, hasn’t been sailed in two + years.

Fast boat with proven racing history – Two sets of sails

Fresh anti-fouling ready to go.  All relevant paperwork

Spring loaded outboard bracket, for ease of use on windless days.

£ 999 no offers please            [email protected]

One response so far

Jul 10 2020

SOLD Sandhopper Aeolus S161

Published by under For Sale,Sandhoppers

This 2008 Sandhopper in undoubtedly one of the fastest in the fleet.

Aeolus (God of all Wind) was fully over seen by Paul Manning who built the winning boat for the British girls to Gold in the 2008 Olympics.

She was built in 2008 and is the second youngest in the fleet, complete with 3 full sets of sails and a spare mast with rigging.

All Harken and fitted with tack tick.

£6000 or £6500 if you need to haggle.

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Jul 09 2020

Sandhopper Obsession S157 For Sale

Published by under For Sale,Sandhoppers

We have decided to put Obsession 157 up for sale, the asking price is £7000. She is fully sorted, and has all the whistles and bells, and comes with loads of kit, three suits of sails all in first class condition, spare Rudder, road trailer.

Paul Beasley 07989 654842

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