Archive for the 'Monohulls' Category

Oct 01 2015

Tollesbury Laser Open

Published by under Monohulls

3 Thorpe Bay Lasers travelled to the lovely Tollesbury Sailing Club on Sunday 27th September, as usual we were greeted on our arrival with bacon butties and tea and coffee to start the day. There was a lovely 12mph breeze and clear blue skies. 15 Lasers entered which was 7 visitors and 8 home boats, the racing was very close and all 3 races were back to back of 2 longish laps with good beats, reaches and runs making for exciting racing in a steadily building breeze.

The end results were;

Rick Paxman 1st, 1st, 2nd for overall 1st place
Nick Turner 6th, 6th, 4th for overall 5th place
Michael Airey 11th, 7th, 6th for overall 7th place

This is a must again for next year.

Rick Paxman

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Sep 17 2015

TBYC Junior Bart’s Bash

Published by under Cadets,Monohulls,Racing

As part of the ‘New Cadet Racing’ events this year, we have decided to have a shorter ‘TBYC Junior Bart’s Bash’ to allow our younger sailors a chance to race on Sunday.

This event is open to all Cadets.
We welcome those who have been racing in the Pico Series and of course, all Cadets that may feel more confident with picothe extra support, and not forgetting our more experienced sailors.
The course with be shorter than the adults’ course, sailing for approximately 50 minutes.
Prizes according to numbers.

There will be a briefing at 1400, when the course will be explained. Instructions are below, but don’t worryRS Feva all will be made clear before the race.
Starts at 1500 (Mass Start).
There will be a briefing at 14.00 (1 hour before start) with Nick Elmore and Nick Alston.
The race will use the Cadet buoy as the windward mark with the rest of the course being decided on the day.
The start will be at the committee boat. It will be a Mass Start with the rest of the fleets.
The number of laps will be on the blackboard at the top of the slipway and / or check with Support Rib on the water. Your race can be shortened by the Support Rib.
On the starting signal, you will cross the line and beat to the CADET BUOY, which is a special buoy marked with a C. This will be your windward mark.
Check whether a Red or Green flag is displayed on the Committee boat; Red means leave marks to port, Green means leave marks to sterratarboard.
As you cross the finish line the committee boat will record your time. They will not give you a signal. The Support Rib will blow a whistle unless is needed elsewhere.
Let have a massive turn out on Sunday as this is the last race in this year’s New Cadet Racing programme.

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Sep 15 2015

Laser Open Meeting

Published by under Monohulls

Three Lasers travelled to Harlow Blackwater Sailing Club on 12th September, when we arrived the breeze was light with a few gusts, but by the time we had rigged and launched it was blowing 25mph, we had a long run to the start line which was hairy to say the least and i was upside down within 2 minutes !! The course was set straight up and down the river towards Osea Island which meant it was a windward leaward course, and the run which was about 2 miles long was an out of control sleigh ride from start to finish with boats doing death rolls everywhere and people swimming to catch up with their boats !

Michael Airey gave up after having his boat blown away from under him, Chris Tillyer was in the mix up the front as usual, and i had more capsizes in these 3 races than the whole of the year. This is a lovely club to sail at and they had 21 entries from 5 clubs.


Chris Tillyer ended up 2nd overall, well done.

Rick Paxman was 5th overall


One for next years calendar

Rick Paxman

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Sep 05 2015

Autumn Sunday 1, 16:30 start. Veterans Trophy Re scheduled.

As published the Sunday Autumn series starts this weekend at 16:30.  The Veterans Trophy is also scheduled for Sunday but will not be sailed this weekend.

This year the Veterans Trophy will be awarded for the highest placed veteran in the Barts Bash on Sunday 20th September, 15:00 Start – more details to follow.

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Aug 30 2015

Pico Sailing Monday – Abandoned

Published by under Cadets,Monohulls

I am glad to say that the Picos have had a good 2 days of sailing, completing 4 races. Unfortunately I have had nobody come forward as race officer for Monday and therefore it has been abandoned.

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Aug 29 2015

Pico Sailing this weekend

Published by under Monohulls

Today saw the start of a weekends Pico sailing (20 minutes after main sailing). Scott Weller and helpers did RO duty today and Paul Chapman and Sam Petty-Mayor will do tomorrow. If anybody can offer there services to complete it Monday then it will enable a whole Bank Holiday Weekend of Pico sailing. Please let me know if you can on 07741 201052, otherwise I will let everybody know if Monday is abandoned. Thanks.

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Aug 28 2015

New Cadet Racing – Sunday 30th August

Published by under Cadets,Monohulls,Racing

On Sunday there is the Pico Mini Series and the Benfleet Shield / TBYC Bank Holiday Mini Series. As most of our Cadet will want to compete in one of these, we will not run the New Cadet Racing.



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Aug 20 2015

Contender, Finn and Hornet Open Meeting

Published by under Monohulls,Racing

Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th September 2015

Entry Form, NOR and supplementary SIs are attached

Contender Finn Hornet Entry Form V1

Contender Finn Hornet NOR V2

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Aug 10 2015

Safety Boat Cover

On Saturday we had no volunteers to run the second rib.  We could not lower the engine on the one rib we had launched and the breeze was up.  Once again in the absence of volunteers a huge thank you to Peter, Rupert, Struan, Kerryn for not racing and jumping straight onto safety boats to ensure your safety during racing, Toby for launching 2 more ribs at short notice  and Paul Farrall for manning SS2 before the start during a pre race rescue of the RS which involved helm and crew separated form the boat and Chris Boshier who was helming SS2 sailing it in.  When thing go wrong, they go wrong quickly.  Without the swift and selfless actions of such active members of TBYC we would struggle to safely run our current busy racing programme.

Keep an eye on Paul Morgan’s Weekly sailing posts, if it says VOLUNTEER PLEASE, we need your help to keep others safe.  If you are around, inexperienced or not racing, keep some kit in the car and step up, your help is always welcome.

Thank you in anticipation.

Jeremy Sandford

Rear Commodore Racing

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Aug 03 2015

Waldringfield Laser Open Meeting

Published by under Monohulls

3 of our cadet/youth sailors went to the lovely club at Waldringfield on the River Deben on Sunday for their annual Laser Open.

The fleet was split into full rig and radials. 24 boats all in all. A lovely breeze and blazing sunshine along with some great sailing.

In the Radials Alex Warrington won the day with Matthew Lloyd in 2nd. In the Full Rigs Peter Snow, in his first Open, was a very credible 14th.

Overall combined results were: Alex Warrington 6th, Peter Snow 15th and Matt Lloyd 17th.

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