Archive for the 'Monohulls' Category

Nov 16 2016

2016 Prizewinners

Congratulations to all Pico, Cadet & Senior prizewinners. It was great to see so many of you at the event on Saturday evening.

Unfortunately, not everyone could be there on the evening, so if you missed out, please come and collect your prize which is being held behind the bar. Senior prizes remaining are for: –

Dave Ayre

Ronnie Barns

Paul Beasley

Adrian Bunting

Allen Burrell

Duncan De Boltz

Tracy & Gary Haylett

John Laliberte

Mark Petty Mayor

Stefan Smith

Andrew Stickland

There are also prizes for Pico and Cadet sailors waiting to be collected.

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Nov 11 2016

Wanted………….. Three Laser Pico’s.

Published by under Monohulls

Dear TBYC members. Three more Laser Pico dinghy’s, in addition to the existing three , are required for sail training and club racing for new members , and I am interested to hear from anyone who would like to sell or donate their boat to the club. The price will be dependant on age and condition.

I would request that the Hull, Spars, Rudder assembly , Main Sail and Jib , and Trolley are in reasonable condition.
Please contact me at the email below or on 01702 747969.

Kind regards to you all

Nick Cotgrove
[email protected]

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Oct 20 2016

Our Cadets represent TBYC at the Matt Trophy and WIN!

Published by under Cadets,Monohulls

We are proud to announce that Peter S. won the Matt Trophy at the Thames Estuary Yacht Club in his Laser, last Saturday. Moreover, our younger Cadets; Adam, Sam, Luke, Tom, Dominic and Daniel, aged between 10 and 14 years, also performed very well in a large fleet of dinghies from local clubs. 

matt-trophymatt-trophy-2It was so good that our club was represented at this event, organised by The Matthew Dear Foundation, which was set up to help educate and inform others about the dangers of A.P.E.D’s (Appearance & Performance Enhancing Drugs). More information can be found here:

Our thanks go to Andras for organising the Picos, Lewis and his crew for the Safety boat cover and parents for supporting this event. Also a big thank you to the organisers at TEYC.

Well done Cadets!



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Oct 11 2016

Cadets: Last opportunity to be escorted to the Matt Trophy at Thames Estuary Yacht Club

matt-trophyTBYC Cadets – The Matt Trophy – Saturday 15th October at Thames Estuary Yacht Club

URGENT: We need to know who is attending this race by tomorrow (Friday) at the latest to arrange a support Rib to safely escort Cadets to and from the event.

Please confirm your or your son’s/daughter’s attendance (a confirmation will presume parental permission):

Older Cadets: [email protected] or phone/text 07815 113459

Younger Cadets:  [email protected]  or phone/text 07875 204343

The event is open to all Cadets, all abilities and class of boat. There are trophies for all competitors and overall winners.  The prize giving will be immediately after the race at Thames Estuary Yacht Club.

We will co-ordinate the entry requirements and escort Cadets around the Pier to the start of the Race.  Smaller dinghies will need to make their own arrangements to TEYC , phone Andras for more details.

At the end of the race, those sailing back will be escorted to TBYC.  Sailors will need to keep together irrespective of speed of boat etc.

Timings – Race start 1200 (Mass Start, 5, 4, 1 minute GO –  Trapezoid course) Committee Boat start – No entry fee

Leave TBYC beach at 10.45 am (weather dependent) updated nearer to the time, Pico’s etc. will meet on the water at Thames Estuary Yacht Club at 11.30, sail to TBYC Support boat for advice etc.

Original post –


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Oct 03 2016

TBYC Cadets – The Matt Trophy – 15th October

Published by under Cadets,Monohulls,Racing


The event is open to all Cadets, all abilities and class of boat. There are trophies for all competitors and overall winners.  The prize giving will be immediately after the race at Thames Estuary Yacht Club.

We will co-ordinate the entry requirements and escort Cadets around the Pier to the start of the Race.  Smaller dinghies will need to make their own arrangements to TEYC by road.

At the end of the race, those sailing back will be escorted to TBYC.  Sailors will need to keep together irrespective of speed of boat etc.

Timings – Race start 1200 (Mass Start, 5, 4, 1 minute GO –  Trapezoid course)

Leave TBYC beach at 10.45 am (weather dependent) updated nearer to the time, Pico’s etc. will meet on the water at Thames Estuary Yacht Club at 11.30, sail to TBYC Support boat for advice etc.

Please confirm your or your son’s/daughter’s interest or attendance (a confirmation will presume parental permission):

Older Cadets: [email protected] or phone/text 07815 113459

Younger Cadets:  [email protected]  or phone/text 07875 204343

Let’s have a great turn out

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Oct 01 2016

Road Closure at seafront tomorrow, Sunday the 2nd of October

There is the 10k running race, there is road closure at the seafront 9:30 – 12:00. This affects our racing.



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Sep 29 2016

Pico Training&Race this Sunday 2nd October, start on the water:12:00

Published by under Cadets,Monohulls

Dear Cadets and Parents,
Further to my message last Saturday, unfortunately the weather was not kind to us, and we could not do the training on the Sunday either. We had a short classroom session to look at a Feva training video and talked about right of way a little.

Nick kindly agreed to join us again and we are planning the Training for this Sunday. Forecast is promising, with moderate to decent wind up to 14 miles/hour.

We plan to do the training – and have short races at the end.

I suggest you plan to arrive at the club at about 11:00, go and change straight away and rig the boats.

There is the running event going on on the seafront, road is going to be closed, however I could not find specific information about the details. I recommend you expect delays and park near the clubhouse. We plan to meet at about 11:00 just to change and rig and get going. Launch the boats at 12:00.

See you on the water:

– Change, and rig the boats straight away
– We will set a triangular course on the water near club mark 3.
– Cadets leave beach at 12:00
– Sailors sail straight to the start line.
– Warm up: figure of 8 around the start line
– Tacking on the whistle towards the windward mark
– One lap of the course, concentrating on sail position/trim (include 5 essentials as appropriate).  RIB is going to support sailors with advice.
– Two 2 lap races, small triangular course.
– De-briefing once off the water at the   Sail Training Room

Please, see our YouTube channel: TBYCPicofleet relevant videos:
– start signals      
– figure of 8 course
– triangular course
– start practice     

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Sep 29 2016

Laser 195202 for sale

Published by under For Sale,Monohulls

Laser in great condition, fully race rigged with all GXD controls, 1 standard sail in good condition for club racing, 2 top section masts, carbon tiller and extension, Australian foils with padded storage bag, under and over covers, launching trolley and road trailer; £2800.00
Matt Rivers 07709 731062

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Sep 25 2016

Pico Race Training Saturday

Published by under Cadets,Monohulls

This is a taster of the session, a lot more has been covered. I plan to post more on YouTube step by step.

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Sep 24 2016

Open Junior Race 15 October 2016 Saturday, start at 12:00 – Thames Estuary Yacht Club

Published by under Cadets,Monohulls

Dear Cadets and Parents,

Thames Estuary Yacht Club is organising their regular Open Junior Race.

Our Cadet Committee is strongly supporting the event, we believe that this would be a great opportunity to do something exciting, especially in the view of the great progress of our cadets regularly participating in Pico Racing.

This is rather a short notice, and at present we do not have much details. I approached the Club and will provide more information as soon as I can.

This event needs considerable planning and logistical effort . It would be very helpful to know, how many of you are keen to participate, so that we could make every possible effort to make this a great success. We will need to transport the boats there.

Cadets, this is going to be great fun, big event, meeting other cadets, showing what you learnt and seeing what you can learn from others. Do not be shy, you will love every minute of it. Talk to your friends, go for it.

Parents, we all need your support, more than ever.

I hope to hear from keen sailors and parents soon:


Andras Gal
Pico class captain

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