Archive for the 'Racing' Category

May 05 2019

Racing May 5th

Start Videos for Race 1 left and Race 2 Right
Hurricanes nailing it downwind
and Feva Racing
Sandhopper the Ultimate Racing Machine
and Hornet Racing

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May 04 2019

May the 4th be with you

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May 02 2019

May 3rd Friday Club Night 7pm Knots and splicing

The first Friday of each of the summer months is TBYC Club night. This month we start the bank holiday looking at knots and splicing.
Fridays Club night Knots and splicing programme.

  • 19:00 starting with basic knots for beginners and intermediate cadets or adults who need a reminder.
  • 20:00 Chris Boshier from Essex rigging will be here with all his tools and knowledge to teach us how to splice dyneema rope, covering anything from eyes, continuous sheets, to tapers, just ask Chris. Tony Clarke will then be going through splicing an eye in 3 strand rope .
  • The whole hour will be informal, with a short explanation, demonstration, then time for you to have a go with the experts on hand to help you out if you are knot doing it right or teach you tricks and tips to ensure success.
  • Chris is now our regional Marlow rope stockist and will also be able to offer advise on suitable ropes for that all important start of season refit as well as taking orders.

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Apr 30 2019

Cadets on the water this weekend Sunday 5th and Monday 6th May

Published by under Cadets,Monohulls,Racing

A two day Sail Training with 3 Races each day for Cadets, led by Nick. (Results from all races are displayed on the Cadet Notice board).

Sunday – Sail Training and Racing, Part One – Briefing; changed and rigged in the Sail Training Room at 11.00, on the water at 11.30.

Monday – Sail Training and Racing, Part Two – Briefing; changed and rigged in Sail Training Room at 11.30, on the water at 12.00.

Saturday – More experienced Cadets – Why not join in with the Club Racing?

Sail Training and Racing – these sessions will be aimed at all abilities (must be able to beat, reach and run, and be able to sail to and from the training area), and be a great way to start the season.

Weather forecast (taken on Tuesday) is Sunny, 10 mph winds – Perfect!

Coach: Nick       [email protected]     07815113459

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Apr 27 2019

A different view of bank holiday sailing

Published by under Racing,Videos and Photos

YouTube Preview Image YouTube Preview Image

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Apr 25 2019

Sailing Instructions Amendments

Published by under Racing

Amendments to 2019 Sailing Instructions have been published and details are in SSI amendments 2019

These have also been integrated into the published 2019 Sailing Instructions in Club Racing Information

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Apr 23 2019

Keelboat Endeavour 2019 – Re-Run…

Published by under Racing,Sandhoppers


Just found out the Re-run of this event will be next weekend – April 27th, 28th – more entries have been added so it will be 20 minute racing rotating around the classes. Fingers crossed for good weather this time! – Good Luck!

Many of you may be aware of the Endeavour Trophy. Named after the 1934 British Entry to the America’s Cup. The Endeavour is the annual “Champion of Champions” race held at the Royal Corinthian YC in Burnham.

The much coveted (and extremely valuable) trophy can only be entered if you have won a National Class Championship within that year. All classes sail the same dinghy – currently RS200’s over a weekend’s fleet racing in a series of very short upwind/downwind courses.
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Apr 18 2019


Published by under Duties,Racing

We need volunteers to help with the following Club Racing duties this Easter weekend please


Sat 20 Apr 2019 11:30 Spring Sat – ARO – thanks Gary Borrows

Sun 21 Apr 2019 12:30 Spring Sun – SS2 Crew – volunteer please

Sun 21 Apr 2019 12:30 Spring Sun – SS7 Crew– volunteer please


The club tow car (RAV4) is available to launch RIBs with any club member over 25 insured to drive it.

If you have a duty coming up and want a refresher on what to do please come along to any race and let the Duty Officer know if you would like to join a displacement or the committee boat to help / observe.

Don’t forget you can swap a duty with a VOLUNTEER PLEASE duty
If you can help please volunteer / swap in the usual way via Dutyman or email [email protected]

Many thanks

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Apr 11 2019

6 Club Picos

Over the winter season Chris Boshier and I have been refitting the club picos. They have new ropes, tillers and sails.
We are just waiting on a couple of parts and new trolley wheels. They should be good to go by the Easter weekend.
If you are planning to use one and I have not posted here that they are ready, please email me and I will confirm which one to use.
Thank you Chris for all your help.

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Apr 02 2019

Reminder – Put Club Racing Dates in your Electronic Diary

Published by under Racing

As DutyMan has just been populated for the year (Race and Tide details), I thought this would be a good reminder. You can automatically include the DutyMan/Racing dates in your diary (Outlook, Gmail, Smartphones, etc).

The following link downloads a file in a format that is recognised by most packages (.ICS). To put into Outlook you can use the Import Option once the file is saved, and within Gmail Google Calendar you can just add the URL directly as anothers calendar. . When any changes are made they reflected in this link, so if you are using a dynamic calendar like Gmail it should automatically update.

If you are more adventurous all this information is available in the Smartphone tab once logged into DutyMan, including links specifically for your duties. Remember however the file format isn’t just restricted to Smartphones.

Never miss a race !

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