
Bart’s Bash at TBYC will go ahead on Saturday 10th Sept as scheduled as part of the Saturday points race.
Please register directly with the website if you wish to donate directly.
Donations will also be accepted at the bar and club race results will be submitted to

Good morning,
Not long now until the Sandhopper Nationals at TBYC and great to see some of those entries coming through and some surprise entries expected as well! We could have 17+ boats on the start line this year which would be fantastic.
Janet will not be able to join us this year as she is on holiday. Therefore, could I ask that you complete the paperwork promptly (By Wednesday) and make payment so this can be dealt with ahead of time.
Also, as a reminder to compete in the National Championships you must be an (Sandhopper Class British Association) SCBA Member, this is still only £10 to be a full member or £5 as an associate. If you are already a member, just a payment is required to the SCBA account (details below) with your name as a reference. If you are not a member, can you please complete the attached form, return this as per the instructions and make the payment with you name as a reference.
The BBQ is booked for Saturday night this is £12+ per head, it will include a choice of meats and salad. The SCBA will be providing complementary nibbles and a Pimms and Lemonade as well. Please let Mark Robinson ([email protected]) and I know if you are intending to join us for the BBQ, so we can let the chef know the expected numbers. All are welcome. Start time will be circa 18:00, Mark will confirm the full details and menu shortly.
Links to forms are below:
Sandhopper 2022 Entry Form docx
Sandhopper 2022 SI & NoR
SCBA Membership Form
Endeavour Trophy results 2022. Congratulations to Allen & Paul and well done to everyone else for a great day’s racing.
Wes Absolom (Race Officer)

Congratulations to the TBYC Endeavour 2022 winners, Allen Burrell & Paul Beasley in Bluejacket. Thank you to Wes Absolom and Harrison Floyd for officiating the race and dealing with the challenging light conditions. Special thanks to all of the Sandhopper owners that gave their boats so readily for the race and then supported today and the fantastic volunteers as ever. There was some great close racing in some challenging conditions and multiple winners in the races today, proving how close the competition was!
Can sailors and the owners of the Sandhoppers please be at the slipway for 10:30 this Saturday morning for the briefing.
The sailing instructions are can be found in this link: Endeavour-Sailing-Instructions-2022
This years competitors are:
Sandhopper – Primo Chris Clarke & Ken Clarke
Cruiser – The Dogs Paul Farrall & Alex Farrall
Finn – Bluejacket Allen Burrell & Paul Beasley
Sprint – Remedy Gary Sverdloff & Andrew Hannah
Windward/Leeward – Nemesis Nick Elmore & Andrew Wood
Hurricane – Zeus Harry Boygle & George Warrington
Cadet – Squiffy Cadet Week Winner & Alex Warrington
Laser – Disco Chris Boshier & Dominic Speller
Good luck and thank you to all of the Sandhopper owners that have let your boats be used for the race of champions at TBYC again.
The Sandhopper National Championships are here again on the 13th and 14th of August 2022 and with all that has been going on and with a drive for us to get back to Burnham week for the first time in many years, I may not have been shouting enough about how fantastic this event is for our wonderful class of boat.
This year we are also celebrating 50 years of Sandhoppers at TBYC, although a little over 50 yrs, but we can blame Covid for that. So, everyone is welcome to join us to celebrate the class on the Saturday night (13th August) for a BBQ at TBYC. I will issue details as to the cost of this shortly and a reply from you would be very helpful to know If you are joining as this has an impact as to that cost!
Now onto the racing. Everyone with a Sandhopper is obviously welcome to join in, we have Primo available for those that don’t have a boat, it is not currently booked for the nationals. Therefore, if you would like it, please let me know before next Friday and I will put the names in a hat and then let you know if you have been the lucky one!
Also, if you have a Sandhopper and you cannot or don’t want to compete but would be happy for an experienced sailor to compete in your boat, please let me know. Conversely if you would like to race in a Sandhopper at the Nationals and don’t have a boat let me know, I may be able to arrange a boat for you, or a crewing opportunity. Maybe a Win Win.
The NoR & SI along with the Application form are attached. The NoR and SI are in Draft form and will be finalised in a week, if you spot any omissions, please let me know.
If you intend to compete, if you could let me know it would be useful as I will be ordering trophies etc. very shortly.
As ever if there is anything I can do to help you get sailing please let me know
Sandhopper 2022 Entry Form docx
Kind regards
Scott James
TBYC Sandhopper Class Capt & SCBA Chair
Julian and I are Race officer and Assistant RO this Saturday, however can’t be here to run the racing and need so ask someone to step in please.
Sat 16th @ 13.30 Shorebox start.
Update: Thank you Phil Crawford for volunteering as RO – WE DO STILL NEED AN ASSISTANT PLEASE… No experience necessary, just write sail numbers and times..!
We need volunteers to help with the following Club Racing duties this weekend please
Please do volunteer if you can help as without these racing can’t go ahead.
Sat 18 Jun 2022 14:30 Summer Sat – Race Officer – VOLUNTEER PLEASE
Sat 18 Jun 2022 14:30 Summer Sat – Assistant Race Officer – VOLUNTEER PLEASE
Sat 18 Jun 2022 14:30 Summer Sat – RIB Launch – VOLUNTEER PLEASE
Sat 18 Jun 2022 14:30 Summer Sat – RIB crew – Swap with Ben Hole or VOLUNTEER PLEASE
Sun 19 Jun 2022 15:00 Summer Sun – SS2 Crew – Swap with Jim Johnson or VOLUNTEER PLEASE
Sun 19 Jun 2022 15:00 Summer Sun – SS2 Crew – Swap with Richard Smith or VOLUNTEER PLEASE
Sun 19 Jun 2022 15:00 Summer Sun – RIB Crew – Swap with Louise Woodley or VOLUNTEER PLEASE
The club tow car (BMW X3) is available to launch RIBs (any club member with a clean license over 25 is insured to drive it)
If you have a duty coming up and want a refresher on what to do please come along to any race and let the Duty Officer know if you would like to join a displacement or the committee boat to help / observe.
Don’t forget you can swap a duty with a VOLUNTEER PLEASE duty by emailing [email protected]
If you can help please volunteer / swap in the usual way via Dutyman or email [email protected]
Many thanks