Archive for the 'Racing' Category

Jan 03 2015

Frozen Sheets Open 2015 Sailing Instructions – Sunday 4th Jan

Published by under Racing

The Frozen Sheets race will start at 10.30 on Sunday 4th January 2015.

Sailing Instructions are available at: Frozen Sheets SI 2015

Amendments to the Sailing Instruction available at: Amendment to Frozen Sheets SI 2015

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Dec 29 2014


Published by under Duties,Racing

I hope your all having a great Christmas.
I am hoping to sail my Hurricane at this years Frozen Sheets to work the turkey and mince pies off, but Sophie and I are down for SS7 instead.
Does anybody wish to take SS7 out? (you will need a crew) or can swap a duty.
Many thanks.

4 responses so far

Dec 22 2014

Well Done to TBYC at the Brass Monkey

Published by under Racing

Sunday was 25 mph Gusting 35 mph but was the challenge for Chris Boshier in his Contender and four Sprints to head off to Leigh on Sea.

A big well done to Chris for defending the trophy and taking it for the second year and to Daren Fitchew who took second place. We understand that a few other club sailors were also in contention but had been disqualified due to mark errors.

Full results are available here: Brass Monkey 2014 Results

Thanks also goes to Toby and our safety crews that escorted our sailors for the day.

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Dec 12 2014

Leigh on Sea – Brass Monkey Trophy – 21st December 2014

Published by under Racing

Full details and entry forms are on the Leigh on Sea Website at

Summary Extract:
The start will be at 10:30. HW 11:40. Briefing at 09:15 in the club house. Entry is £10 per boat – in advance if possible or at least send your completed entry form to [email protected]. The race will be run as an average lap race so that everyone gets roughly the same time on the water be you in a fast or slow boat. Prize giving to be at about 14:30.

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Dec 07 2014

Sunday racing

Published by under Racing,Videos and Photos

Thanks to Toby &  Miles for todays filming.

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Dec 06 2014

Saturday winter series 06/12/2014

Published by under Racing,Videos and Photos

todays video thanks to Mike and Alex Thomason for filming in the sunny but very cold day.

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Nov 09 2014

Dinghy AGM – Wednesday 8pm

Although the 2014 main season is over, it is this time of year when your Class Captains and the Sailing Committee start to work hard behind the scenes putting next years programme together.  The Dinghy AGM is your chance to help by telling us what aspects of the 2014 programme you enjoyed this year and sharing any good ideas you think we could incorporate into next years Sailing Programme.

Have you got some ideas, do you want to help? Then we have a vacancy on the Sailing Committee for Sailing Secretary, let me know if you are interested.

This years Dinghy AGM will be held on Wednesday 12th November 2014 at 20:00 in the Commodores Bar.

We hope to see you there.

Jeremy Sandford and the 2014 Sailing Committee.

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Nov 08 2014

Winter racing Saturday

Published by under Racing,Videos and Photos

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Nov 03 2014

Sandhopper final fling

many thanks to Alex Thomason for taking the video and Kerryn Cyfka for the editing.


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Oct 24 2014

Sailing Instructions – Winter and Icicles 2014-2015

Published by under Racing

Important information for the Winter Series which starts this weekend. Have a read and make sure you know what the format is before you get to the start line.

Winter Icicle 2014 SIs

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