Archive for the 'Racing' Category

Sep 24 2014

Yantlet Trophy Race – 2:00pm 28 September 2014

Published by under Racing

The Re-sail Race on 28 September is the Yantlet Trophy Race.


The Supplementary Sailing Instructions are attached:


Yantlet 2014 (Resail)

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Sep 22 2014

Bart’s Bash 2014 TBYC Results Only

Published by under Racing

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Sep 20 2014

Barts Bash, Sunday 21st, 10am Start

Published by under Racing

17,148 sailors!!

760 clubs!!
Across 67 countries!!
So far raising an amazing £138,714.87… #sailonbart

Well done team TBYC, we are currently 51st in the world top clubs list with 61 entries.  Thanks must go to Nic Barnes who is our top fundraiser with £50 and all those members who have already donated.

Not entered, not donated yet? Wan to be part of the biggest race in the world and get in the Guinness Book of world records?

Its not too late, you can simply turn up at the club and race as normal, 10am start.  We can enter you when we enter the results (I say we, I mean Graham! Thank him if you see him tomorrow).  If you would like to donate there will be collections in the Bosuns Hut and on the Bar.

Thank you to all those volunteers who have already given up their time to make this happen, and to those like our Race officer Steve Hopper and his team with all the hard work to do.  If you take any video or photos tomorrow, please send them(or a link) to myself, Paul Morgan or Graham to be included in our upload of the days events.

TBYC…be part of it.

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Sep 19 2014

Bart’s Bash Supplementary Sailing Instructions

Published by under Racing

Click Link below for Bart’s Bash Supplementary Sailing Instructions
Barts Bash Supp SIs

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Sep 18 2014

Help needed for sundays Barts Bash (21st Sept 10am)

Barts Bash, Sunday 21st, 10am start 

In order to comply with the Guinness world record attempt, we need your help.

We are short of one or two people to take photos and video the start and finish from the Committee Boat.  There role is outlines below.

  • Video of the event. We need to ensure that the start and finish of the race is recorded by video. You do not need to record the whole race.
  • Take photos of the event, preferably of the start line where the boats are massed. If possible for publicity, a group shot (or shots) on land would be fantastic with your club flag in front of the group etc.

We need two independent witnesses (must be non members and not family members of anyone racing) They will need to be on the rib while it measures the course using GPS, then witness the race start, recording of results and the finish from the Committee boat.  Do you know anyone?

  • All clubs wishing to enter the Guinness world record attempt MUST have 2 independent witnesses. We will provide statements for them to sign. These signed statements will be required following the event.
  • Independent witnesses cannot be members of the club and cannot be linked to the race in any way. i.e. family taking part in the race.

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Sep 15 2014

Barts Bash, Sunday 21 September 2014, 10am Start

The Andrew Simpson Sailing Foundation is delighted to announce the launch of the new Bart’s Bash website and the opening of the individual sailor sign-up process
Organised by the Andrew Simpson Sailing Foundation, Bart’s Bash is a global sailing race and fundraising event which will take place on Sunday 21 September 2014. Bart’s Bash will inspire and unite thousands of worldwide sailors in a race at their local sailing club to set a new Guinness World Record and to raise money for charity.
Our club is delighted and excited to be taking part in Bart’s Bash. If you would like to sail TBYC on September 21st then begin your event registration by following the link below and clicking the “Sign Up to Sail Here”.
If you have any questions about the race, please try the FAQ’s page as a starting point, or ask for more details from your Sailing Committee at the club, or email me [email protected].


1. Visit the new Bart’s Bash website
2. Click on the yellow ‘Sign me up’ button
3. Log-in via facebook or create an account by entering your email address
4. Search clubs to find and select your local Bart’s Bash registered club
5. Fill in your contact details
6. Select whether you are a skipper or crew and fill in the details of your boat
7. Tick the box to setup a Just Giving fundraising page or click finish to complete your registration
8. Share your Bart’s Bash profile page and start fundraising!

Every sailing club that registers will has its own microsite created where the fundraising totals, number of participants and much more will be displayed. Join the just giving TBYC team and lets see what TBYC can do.
Thank you for your support.

3 responses so far

Sep 08 2014

Autumn Access Trophy Results

Published by under Racing

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Aug 25 2014

August Bank Holiday Saturday races

Published by under Racing,Videos and Photos


Some footage of races on Saturday from the committee boat. Thanks to Rupert, Linda and Debbie

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Aug 22 2014

Bank Holiday Racing

Racing this weekend at TBYC:

Sat 23rd

10:00 Bank Holiday Mini series 1&2/Summer Sat points, Usual 3 starts, all classes 2 races.

Pico B/H Mini series 10:20

Sun 24th

11:00 Benfleet Shield, Committee Boat mass start Trophy race.  Course on the Blackboard.

Pico B/H Mini series 11:20

Mon 25th

12:00 Bank Holiday Mini series3&4, Usual 3 starts, all classes 2 races. (Sandhopper long distance is cancelled)

Pico B/H Mini series 12:20

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Aug 07 2014

Yantlet Trophy Race – Sunday 10 August

Published by under Racing


The Supplementary Sailing Instructions for the Yantlet Trophy Race 2014 are attached


Yantlet 2014



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