Archive for the 'Racing' Category

Mar 29 2014

Available at the Bar: TBYC Racing Calendar 2014-2015

Published by under Club Notices,Racing

TBYC Calendar-14-15

Don’t miss the start of the Racing Calendar which covers 12 months from Apr14-Mar15. The Calendar is available for purchase at the club bar with an excellent price reduction for this year.

The 2014 price is £8 (previously £12).

We have ordered a similar amount to last year, however if we run out please pay and we will submit a further order at the end of the month. All the racing dates in a popular format, with familiar scenes and saving you loads of time writing the programme up somewhere else.

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Mar 25 2014

Sailing Supper 29th March – CANCELLED

It is with regret that, due to circumstances beyond our control, we have had to unfortunately cancel this Saturday’s Sailing Supper.

Anyone who has already paid for their tickets will be contacted and reimbursed by the Club Secretary as soon as possible.

Please accept our apologies for the late notice and any inconvenience caused.


Jeremy Sandford (Rear Commodore, Racing) & Sara Speller (Social Secretary)

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Mar 22 2014

Sailing Supper 29th March 2014

The annual Sailing Supper is taking place on Saturday 29th March, 7.00 p.m.  Tickets are now on sale, priced £12.00 each, and older cadets are welcome.  We will be dancing til late to JB Entertainments disco.

Please use the attached form to order your tickets and indicate menu choices.  There are also hard copies of this form on the bar.  Sailing Supper Ticket Order Form 2014


The menu is:

Fish Supper

Lasagne & Chips

Sausage & Mash

Spotted Dick & Custard

Fruit Salad & Ice Cream


Please enclose either cash or a cheque with your form and put it into the Club postbox marked “Attention Sara Speller – Sailing Supper”.  If  you prefer to pay by card, please do so as usual at the bar, ask a member of staff to mark your form “paid” and pop it into the Club postbox, again marked “Attention Sara Speller – Sailing Supper”.

Any queries, please contact Sara Speller on 07799 892732.

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Mar 18 2014

Sunday Racing, A View From Above – 16th March 2014

Published by under Racing,Videos and Photos

Video Footage and Pictures from Sundays Racing.


Many Thanks to Ian Homan for this new view of racing from his quadcopter.

The video is best seen in 1080HD by going into youtube and changing the settings.


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Mar 15 2014

Winter and Icicle Series Prize giving, Sunday 16th March

After more challenging and exciting conditions today, tomorrow morning sees the conclusion of the Icicle Series and Winter sailing at TBYC.  This year for the first time sailors have been racing in a General Handicap fleet for an overall series trophy, with four individual classes running in Tandem.

The Winter and Icicle Series have been well supported this year, with 63 boats racing before Christmas and 52 in this year’s Icicle Series. The one course and mass start have been popular with sailors and have made for an exciting series between all classes in a wide range of testing conditions.

The Winter and Icicle Series Prize giving will be held in the main bar at around 14.30 tomorrow, Sunday.  So come down, enjoy the carvery and support all TBYC and visiting sailors who have raced this winter.

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Mar 11 2014

TBYC Racing Calendar 2014-2015 is on its way

Published by under Club Notices,Racing,Social

TBYC Calendar-14-15

As your old Racing Calendar comes to an end, you was just wondering where the next 12 months is going to come from. The Calendar is currently with the printers for this coming year (Apr14-Mar15) and is expected to be behind the Bar for purchase this weekend. We have sourced a new supplier and therefore there has been an excellent price reduction for this year.

The 2014 price is £8.

We have ordered a similar amount to last year, however if we run out please pay and we will submit a further order at the end of the month. All the racing dates in a popular format, with familiar scenes and saving you loads of time writing the programme up somewhere else.

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Mar 06 2014

Stage 1 Sail Training April 2015

Published by under Cadets,Monohulls,Racing

Happy Christmas to all .

Sail training dates for 2015 will be published early in the new year, and the club website will be updated accordingly. Applications can then be made  via the  form  on the website, found under Sail Training .

Please note all cadet members wishing to take Stage 1/2 will need to be a minimum age of 8 in April 2015.

Kind regards.      Nick Cotgrove


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Feb 14 2014

Reminder – Put Club Racing Dates in your Electronic Diary

Published by under Racing

As DutyMan has just been populated for the year, I thought this would be a good reminder. Many people always ask can I automatically put the DutyMan/Racing dates in my diary (Outlook, Gmail, Smartphones, etc).

The following link downloads a file in a format that is recognised by most packages (.ICS). To put into Outlook you can use the Import Option once the file is saved, and within Gmail Google Calendar you can just add the URL directly as anothers calendar. . When any changes are made they reflected in this link, so if you are using a dynamic calendar like Gmail it should automatically update.

If you are more adventurous all this information is available in the Smartphone tab once logged into DutyMan, including links specifically for your duties. Remember however the file format isn’t just restricted to Smartphones.

2 responses so far

Feb 08 2014

Working Party Saturday 8th Feb

I would just like to extend my sincere thanks to John Casson, Graham Slack and Tony Clarke for their efforts in persevering in such extraordinary weather conditions this morning to work on the Club displacement boats.

Our next planned working party is on Sunday 9th March. All volunteers gratefully accepted!

Toby Speller

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Feb 07 2014

Icicle series 02/02/2014

Published by under Racing,Videos and Photos

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