Archive for the 'Racing' Category

Jan 20 2014

Sunday Icicle 2

Published by under Racing,Videos and Photos

Video and edit thanks to Kerryn

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Jan 18 2014

Icicle1 Racing Saturday 18th January 2014 Racing Footage

Published by under Racing,Videos and Photos

Video Footage from this Saturdays Icicle 1 Racing

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Jan 05 2014

Early 2014 Honours

Published by under Racing

Congratulations to Chris Boshier and Struan Wallace who won this weekends racing.

Chris battled testing conditions, capsizing twice before winning the Leigh SC Brass Monkey after 30 years of competition.  Well done to Peter Thompson and Chris Clarke who were the only boat to sail round from TBYC, a challenge in itself.

Struan came out on top today after a competitive 2014 Frozen Sheets Trophy race.  Struan won by 6 seconds, with a total of 45 boats enjoying the start of TBYC racing in 2014.

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Jan 05 2014

Frozen Sheets Open Meeting – Sunday 5th January 2014 – Start 13:00

Published by under Racing

The Frozen Sheets race will start at 13.00 on Sunday 5th January 2014.

The kitchen will be open for pre race breakfast/brunch and prize giving will be held in the main bar as soon as possible after the race finishes. Refreshments of Rum Punch and Mince Pies will be served in the Bosuns Hut.

Frozen Sheets Sailing Instructions for 2014

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Jan 04 2014

Leigh Brass Monkey Trophy – Saturday 4th January – Start 13:00 (HW 14:34)

Published by under Racing

This years Leigh on Sea Sailing Clubs Brass Monkey Trophy is scheduled for this Saturday. Full details can be found at Leigh on Sea Brass Monkeys .

Often a few boats will sail around from TBYC including a safety boat.If you plan on going it might be worth commenting on this post.

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Dec 12 2013

Boat Damage during Winds

Published by under Club Notices,Racing

A reminder that it is important that everything in the Dinghy Park is tied or padlocked down. Unfortunately this shows how easy others boats can be damaged. Please watch the video in full screen and you will see other boats lifting on their ties. Please respond to John if it is your sailboard.

YouTube Preview Image Flying Board Video

Unfortunately the Board landed on my grandchildren’s Pico, the fin on the board putting a hole in the deck.The board is an old 2.86 metre Tiga286 serial number XS0091.

If it has an owner could they contact me on 586854 or at [email protected]

John Casson

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Dec 06 2013

Interesting Links For Tidal Surge and Sea Wall

Found these sites very interesting for the Tidal Surge this morning. the Surge has been quoted as the largest since records began, eclipsing 1953 so it was pleasing to see a 3 foot gap between the top of the current Sea wall and the crest of the waves at 2am this morning. 2 beach huts were dislodged from their supports with one being destroyed. Amazing how many club members and rest of the public were up at 2am!

Also for those interested in the Proposed Sea Wall Build there is an exhibition at Uncle Toms Cabin this weekend Saturday and Sunday where the BBC will be interviewing and Broadcasting 11 am Sunday. I know there are alot of members who would like to know more and see for themselves so they can make informed decisions.
The quoted metric of 1 in 200 year risk happened in the early hours of this morning with Shoebury common and Thorpe Bay Sea Wall passing the test with flying colours.

hope the above is of interest,



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Dec 05 2013

Winter racing needs you

Published by under Racing

Winter racing at 1300 today.  We are short of a safety crew for ss8. If you can stand in this afternoon please contact graham, Steve Healey or myself asap. Thank you.

Thank you Anthony Blower for standing in and taking the Duty.

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Nov 18 2013

Club Laser

Published by under Monohulls,Racing

A great big thanks to Doug Rivers who has donated a very good condition standard sail for the Club Laser. If anyone wants to use the boat to race then please contact me on 07702 366053 a few days before the weekend.

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Nov 10 2013

Sailing AGM

course diagram 4 marks 2012Sailing AGM – Wed 13th November – 8pm – Commodore’s Bar

If you race and sail at TBYC, then you should come along to this years AGM on Wednesday evening to contribute and help shape next year’s racing at the club.

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