Archive for the 'Racing' Category

Sep 22 2013

Sandhopper Nationals day 2 pics

pics Thanks to Linzi

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Sep 22 2013

Sandhopper Nationals

Pics from day 1 thanks to Linzi

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Sep 17 2013

Sandhopper Nationals

Published by under Racing,Sandhoppers,World's

The Sandhopper Nationals will be held at Thorpe Bay Yacht Club on Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd September. NOR, SIs and entry form are attached. Please note that the briefing on Saturday has been put back from 10.00 to 10.30am.

Don’t forget, to compete in the National Championship the helm must be at least an associate member of the SCBA. If you have not joined this year, contact Janet Willsmer 07969 598309.


Sandhopper Nationals 2013 SIs

Sandhoppper Nationals 2013 NOR

Sandhopper Nationals 2013 Entry Form

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Sep 12 2013

Supper Race 17:30 This Saturday

Published by under Racing

This Saturday, due to the tide times, the race is scheduled as a Supper Race starting at 17:30. Following on in similar prizes for the successful Breakfast Races, the winner of this Supper Race will be awarded with a voucher covering Supper for 2 at the club.

After racing the Commodores Bar will be serving drinks as the Main Bar is being used for Private event.

The Club kitchen will be open until 7.30 pm for after sailing meals. If you’d like Scott to keep something for you call him on 07717 027372.

There is no racing scheduled for Sunday.

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Aug 26 2013

Sunday Regatta Racing

Footage from Sunday Regatta Sailing

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Aug 24 2013

Regatta Weather hits TBYC

Published by under Club Notices,Racing

TBYC Regatta and TOP’S Cup

Races 1-3 postponed due to lack of visibility, no wind, 6″ of rain….

Thank you to Alan and his Race team for all their efforts in trying to make today happen, but at 14:00 after postponement, coffee and teas we finished the decision was made to postpone racing till Sunday.  We convene again tomorrow for 13:30 Committee Boat start.  Thank you to Tony and his Safety Team for launching and recovering the Ribs today.

TOP’s will also be running from the race box tomorrow, with 3-6 short races starting at 14:20 under the Race management of Scott Weller.

I hope to see you all at 18:00 for the BBQ, Disco… and foam?!


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Aug 19 2013

TBYC Regatta, 24th, 25th and 26th August 2013

Published by under Club Notices,Racing

TBYC Regatta, 24th, 25th and 26th August 2013 (now including NOR Link)

8 races over 3 days.  Prizes for the top 3 boats in each class.  Fast Cat Chris Hull Memorial Trophy on Monday.

Free entry to members and visitors, camping available.  BBQ and music on Saturday Evening (tickets available from the bar now).

Saturday registration from 10:30, briefing in clubhouse 11:30.

First race Saturday 13:00, Race 4 Sunday 13:30, Race 7 Monday 14:30, prize giving as soon as possible after racing

Click the link below for the NOR & Supplementary Sailing Instructions.

TBYC Regatta 2013 NOR V3-1

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Aug 19 2013

Duty Swop Req

Published by under Racing

Looking for a duty swop or somebody to cover for me on Monday the 26th August Seasafe 7 helm

Please e-mail dclar124@btinternet .com or call me 07983  382 335


Danny Clark


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Aug 17 2013

Breakfast Race – Sunday 18 August – 9.00am start

Published by under Racing

Get up and come for a sail tomorrow morning

Breakfast Race – Mass Start, average lap racing – Start at 9.00am.

Winning crew get a free breakfast!!!  – YUM YUM

But that’s not why you’ll come – its because its going to be warm with a nice sailing breeze to start the day off.

See you there.






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Aug 12 2013

RS 800 Nationals

Published by under Cadets,Racing

Last week Seb Baucutt and Alex Farrall took part in the RS 800 National Championships at Eastbourne Sovereign Sailing Club.

With a consistently high set of results in three days of racing they posted 18th overall from 48 entries – winning the Silver Fleet Trophy.

Well done lads – this is an inspiration to all our cadets.

Nick Elmore

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