Archive for the 'Racing' Category

May 28 2013

RS Feva Nationals 2013 Results Update

Published by under Cadets,Nationals,Racing


Feva Results are posted here:

RS Feva 2013 – GOLD fleet final

Rs Feva 2013 – SILVER fleet results – Final

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May 27 2013

RS Feva Nationals photographs

I’ve uploaded some photos to Google+ that can be found here:

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May 20 2013

Shoreline Race

Shoreline race at TBYC that ended with no wind and most of us being taken backwards to the pier by the tide.

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May 15 2013

Recent close Sprint 15 sailing at Thorpe Bay

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May 10 2013

Duty Volunteer Please – Sunday 12 May 2012

Published by under Duties,Racing

We are looking for a volunteer to take on the SS3 Helm Duty on Sunday 12 May 2012 – Race Start at 12.30.


UPDATE :  Now filled – Thanks Janet

If you are able to help out this Sunday please volunteer through DutyMan or contact Graham Dare ( text/phone:  07946 413923 or email: [email protected])

Thanks in anticipation of your help.

Best Wishes

Graham Dare

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May 08 2013

The Non-Slip way

A big thank you to Peter Thompson and Mike, Will and Alex Thomason who spent their time this week Jet Washing and Anti fouling the slipway over the last few days.

As those of you who have done this know, it is not a quick or easy job and requires hard work, and they have done this in the recent new found summer heat.

If it wasn’t for the relentless dedication of members like Peter, Mike and Will to maintaining the facilities and high standards at TBYC we would not have such a great facilities.  So next time you see them, show your appreciation of their hard and hot work, and refresh their drinks.

Thanks Guys


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May 07 2013

Feva National Volunteers Update Meeting – this Sunday at 5.30pm

Published by under Members,Monohulls,Racing

RS Feva Logo

Thank you to everybody who has volunteered so far to help at the TBYC Feva Nationals 2013 , 25th to 28th May.

We are holding an update meeting this Sunday in the club at 5.30pm which we would like all volunteers to attend. The meeting should not last any longer that 45 minutes.

This invitation is also extended to those who plan to help, but haven’t let us know yet. If you are still undecided, remember that you are are likely to find joining in the event a rewarding experience. The success of the event depends on Club members.

Hope to see you there

Martin Swindon

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May 02 2013

Midweek Racing

Published by under Club Notices,Racing

The sun is out, the sky is blue and Midweek racing starts this week.  All midweek racing starts at 19:00, so turn off the PC, slip out of the office and come down for an evening sail.

Midweek 1 : Thursday 2nd May 7pm start

Midweek 2 : Friday 3rd May 7pm start

The Midweek series is our only General Handicap Series, with a mass start from the shore box, supported by SS2 and SS3.

After racing why now enjoy a beer on the balcony and watch the sun go down.

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Apr 23 2013

Shoreline Trophy – This Sunday 13:00

Can you find your way to Chalkwell and then back around the right race marks? Can you be the fastest? race starts 13:00 on this Sunny Sunday. Standard General Handicap, Mass start.

Shoreline SI CO

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Mar 31 2013

Easter Saturday Racing

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