Archive for the 'Racing' Category

Dec 29 2012

Frozen Sheets Open Meeting Postponed

The Frozen Sheets Open Meeting has been postponed to Saturday 12th January 2013.

Start time will be 11.00 am.

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Dec 24 2012

Frozen Sheets Open Meeting – Saturday 29th December

The Frozen Sheets race starts at 11.00 am on Saturday 29th December.

The kitchen will be open for pre-race breakfast.

Prize giving will be held in the main bar as soon as possible after the race.

Frozen sheets 2012 SI’s

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Dec 22 2012

Lunching of the New Club Rib

Published by under Club Notices,Racing

We will be naming and launching the new club Rib on Saturday 29th December at 9.30 immediatly preceeding the Frozen Sheets Trophy Race.

We look forward to seeing many members take part in the launch with a small drink prior to setting off on the annual Frozen Sheets race.

The Brass Monkey Race is being run on the Sunday 30th December at Leigh Sailing Club with many boats going from TBYC and rescue cover from our new ribs.

Nick Elmore

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Nov 13 2012

Prize-giving Fish & Chip Supper – Saturday, 17 November 2012

Published by under Racing

Forgotten to buy a ticket for the fish and chip prize-giving supper?

Around 90 have paid for fish and chips and an order placed with the fish & chip shop.

However we can fit in a few more  but you must now let us know by Wednesday evening (14 November 2012)

Tickets available at the club bar or from the secretary ( [email protected] – 01702 587563). £5 or £4 for a small/child portion

There are around 100 prize-winners – come and get your prize. Prize-winners lists are in the links below.

Fish and Chips arrive at 7.00pm and the prize-giving starts after.

Even if you don’t have Fish and Chips come up later for the prize-giving.

TBYC 2012 Prize winners – GD – 1 Nov 12 -2                        TBYC 2012 TOPs & Cadet prizes – GD 1 Nov 12

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Nov 01 2012

Prize-Giving Fish & Chip Supper – 7.00 pm Saturday 17 November 2012

Published by under Racing

Come and  celebrate a good year’s racing at the prize-giving fish and chip supper on 17 November 2012.

Fish and chips arrive at 7.00 pm and the prize-giving will take place later. But you need to buy a ticket by 11 November 2012 so that we know how many fish and chip orders to place.

There’s a prize for all helms/crews who were in first, second or third place in any series or Trophy Race in the 2012 main season, including the TOPS series – that’s around 100 people to pick up a prize acknowledging their racing successes.

Prize-winner’s lists  are attached as links below. If you are on this list  – well done to you. Come and receive your prize up at the supper on the  17 November


Tickets available from the bar or contact the club secretary on [email protected] – 01702 587563 .

Fish & Chips £5 ( or £4 for a small/child portion).

TBYC 2012 Prize winners – GD – 1 Nov 12             TBYC 2012 TOPs & Cadet prizes – GD 1 Nov 12



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Oct 31 2012

TBYC Sailing AGM – 8.00pm Wednesday 7th November 2012

Published by under Racing

Calling all TBYC racing fleet members

Come along to the Sailing Annual General Meeting at 8.00pm on Wednesday 7th November 2012 at the clubhouse.

Agenda and associated Rear Commodore (Racing) annual report is attached in the links below.

TBYC 2012 Sailing AMG Agenda

Rear Comm ( Racing) – annual report 2012 – Sailing agm final


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Oct 29 2012

TBYC third place in the ‘Champion of Champions’ Trophy

Published by under Racing

Congratulations to Graham Sexton for his overall third place crew in the recent Endeavour ‘Champion of Champions’ trophy races.

The RCYC Endeavour is a unique event in the UK dinghy sailing world, recognised by the RYA as the pinnacle of that year’s dinghy sailing achievements which will hail a “Champion of Champions”. Held on the tidal rivers Crouch and Roach in October each year  it’s an invitation only event, with the guest-list hand-picked from National Champions of selected fleets.

Graham represented the Laser 2000 fleet following his 2011 nationals win. The Topper Xenon was this year’s  selected boat sailed by all 25 helms/crews. The event was held on 6& 7 October 2012.


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Oct 26 2012

Racing this Sunday – 28 October 2012

Published by under Racing

Sunday 28 October 2012

‘Winter Warm-Up’ races

For all 4 winter fleets

10.00 am start – W/L Monos, W/L Cats, Slow Cats – course(s) on the front of the boat
10.03 am start – fast and slow monos – course on the rear of the boat

‘Sandhopper Final Fling’  Race

10.06 am  start – windward/leeward course – 1st and last mark on the rear of the boat.

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Oct 18 2012

TBYC 2012 -13 Winter & Icicle Series

Published by under Racing

The Supplementary Sailing Instructions for the TBYC 2012-13 Winter & Icicle Series are attached to the link below.

TBYC 2012-13 Winter & Icicle Series Supp SI’s

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Oct 18 2012

Race Programme Changes – Oct, Nov & Dec 2012

Published by under Racing

TBYC RACE NOTICE   – Changes to Race Programme


Sunday 28 October 2012

The Fun Race is deleted and replaced by:

A ‘Winter Warm Up Race’ for all 4 winter series fleets – start 10.00am


The Sandhopper Final Fling – start 10.06 am

Winter Series Races


The Winter Series Races will be split into separate Saturday and Sunday series

Winter Saturday races are on 3& 17 November and 1& 15 December 2012 ( a 4 race series)

Winter Sunday races are on 4, 18 & 25 November and 2 &16 December 2012 ( a 5 race series)

Race Committee 18 October 2012

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