Archive for the 'Racing' Category

Jul 05 2012

Allen does it again

Published by under Racing

Congratulations to Allen Burrell who came 2nd out of an entry of 133 boats at this year’s Finn World Masters Championship 2012 in Pwllheli last month.

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Jun 25 2012

Sailing This Week

Published by under Racing

After sailing was blown off over the week-end how about joining  the Midweek Series racing on Wednesday (28th) and Thursday ( 29th) this week. Mass start at 7.00pm on both days.


Next Saturday (30th) is Benfleet Yacht Club’s Nore Race, starting off the end of the pier at 13:30 hours  for dinghies and 13:40  hours for cruisers. You need to get your registration forms and £15 payment to Benfleet Yacht club by post by Thursday .


Next Sunday (1st July) is club series racing at 10.00am – the first  races ( 2 races back to back) of the summer season ( hopefully summer will have started by then!!!)


Happy Sailing



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Jun 17 2012

Saturday 23 June – Ladies/crews/singlehanded trophy race.

Published by under Racing

Next Saturday, 23 June 2012,  is the Ladies, crews and single handed trophy race.


  • Three fleets/sets of results – mass start – one course – average lap racing.


Sign on/off for the fleet you intend to be in:


  • Ladies’ fleet – any lady helming any boat.


  • Crew’s fleet – Anyone who is usually a crew, helming any 2 or 3 person boat.


  • Single handed fleet – Anyone helming any single-handed boat of any class



Some ladies could be in any one of the above fleets – you chose before the start, as appropriate – but you can only sign on/off, and be, in one fleet.


See you there


Graham Dare


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Jun 17 2012

Another Windy Regatta

Published by under Racing

The regatta was blown off yesterday but 3 races were sailed today.

Well done to all those who raced today and thank you to  Alan and his race officer team for fitting in the 3 races.

And a big thank you to all the crew of the 5 support boats who went out today for the best part of 5 hours on the water.

Graham Dare

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Jun 14 2012

Thorpe Bay Yacht Club Regatta – 16 & 17 June 2012 – Free Entry

Published by under Racing


(incorporating the Chris Hull Memorial Trophy)

Come along and join in the club’s annual Regatta.

Visiting boats are welcome and have free race entry.


  • 3 races on Saturday  and 2 races on Sunday.
  • 10.00am start on both days.
  • 5 handicap fleets plus the Sandhopper fleet in 3 starts (as usual club series racing).
  • 6 boats or more in any one class can have separate results within their fleet.
  • Chris Hull Memorial Trophy awarded to the first placed fast Catamaran over the whole 2 days racing.
  • Free on site camping is possible for visitors
  • Visitors – please email [email protected] if possible beforehand so that we can assess likely turnout. But come along anyway.
  • Visitors have free race entry – but entry registration is required.
  • Buffet BBQ from lunchtimes through to the evening on both days
  • Notice of Race, Sailing Instructions and Visitors registration form below

Super Sailing on the Sea in Sunny Southend

TBYC 2012 Regatta NOR 14-06-2012

TBYC 2012 Regatta SIs 14-06-2012

TBYC 2012 Regatta Visitors Entry Form


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Jun 08 2012

Midweek Series Races

Published by under Racing

Don’t forget that the Midweek Series races have started.

Come on down in the evenings and sail away those daytime work stresses.

Midweek Races 4 & 5 are on Tuesday and Wednesday next week (12th & 13th June).

Starts are at 7 pm

See you there.

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Jun 03 2012

T.O.P’s Spring Series 2012

Published by under Cadets,Monohulls,Racing

Dear all,

Following a review of the first few races of the Spring series, which resulted in races 1,2,3 & 4 being rerun on Sunday 27 May after the racing was postponed on the Saturday. The committee feel that some competitors may not have received sufficient notice of the changes.

We have therefore taken the decision that the Spring series will only count as being races 5&6 to be run on Saturday 9th June as indicated in the racing programme.

Some great racing took place on Sunday so this is therefore being treated as a miniseries and prizes are to be given to the top three boats which sailed in all four races. 

Fun was had by all with plenty of practice starts in glorious sunshine. The top three boats of that miniseries were;

1.    Sophie Boygle and Genevieve Bailey
2.    Harry Boygle and Olivia Petty-Mayor
3.    Amy Chapman 

Well done to all who took part.

In future if a days racing has to be postponed then we will take the decision at the time whether to rerun the races on another day. Any decision made will be clearly given and notified on the club notice board, website and via e-mail.

Let’s hope this weather stays with us and continues for the Summer series.


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May 30 2012

Jubilee Bank Holiday Week-end Racing – 2nd to 5th June

Published by under Racing

Lots of Racing this long Jubilee week-end 


Saturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd and Monday 4th June – Bank Holiday mini series

• Usual 6 club fleets and 3 starts
• Saturday – 2 races back to back – first start at 10.00am
• Sunday – 2 races back to back – first race at 10.00am
• Monday – 1 race – start at 10.30. – Sandhoppers do a windward/leeward course.
• 5 race series – one discard if all 5 races sailed. Otherwise all races count.

Tuesday 5th June – Diamond Jubilee Event

Average Lap General Handicap Race – Mass start at 11.30am



Be there this Jubilee Week-end !!!!!! And don’t forget the 1950′s style Street Party on Bank Holiday Monday 4th June 2012.

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May 27 2012

Saturday racing

Published by under Racing,Videos and Photos

YouTube Preview Image

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May 22 2012

K6 2012 Magic Marine Eurocup. Bruinesse, The Netherlands

Published by under Racing

Teams from The Netherlands were joined by boats from Germany, Belgium and a large contingent from the UK. Racing was on the Grevelingen inland sea sailing from the new Marina next to the village of Bruinesse. The racing took place over the 3 day early May bank holiday with 3 races starting late on Saturday followed by a 4 race day on Sunday finishing up early on Monday with 3 races. The race team headed up by Richard Dobson from the UK did an excellent job getting the fleet away on time and turning the races around in good time.
With a forecast that was not exactly inspiring the fleet rigged and set off for the first days racing, in the end it was a dry afternoon with a NE breeze varying between 8 and 12 knots. The team of Dave Hall, Paul & Ben Constable showed their hand early on by winning the first race, Peter Kirkby & Pete Clarke won the second with team Hall taking the gun on the final race of the day.
Day 2 and the breeze was in, a solid if a little cold 20 knot breeze from the North greeted the fleet. Jonathan Calascione, crewed by Myles Mence & Pyers Tucker revelled in the stronger winds to lead at the first mark, however they were overhauled downwind by team Hall who held the lead to the finish. Race 2 saw once again Team Kirby take the gun followed in by Ian Robson & Sandy Johnson and Team Calascione. The last 2 races of the day were taken by team Hall with the teams of Robson, Kirkby and Calascione all taking a share of the runner up spot. While team Hall was now leading the regatta the battle for 2nd was really on with any one of 4 boats in with a chance.
The 3rd and last day dawned with a complete change of weather and wind direction, a shifty patchy light wind from the south along with a rise in temperature was a welcome change for many. Dave Hall and his team stamped their name on the trophy by winning all 3 races after close fought battles with team Robson and team Kirkby. Neil Davidson & Andrew Younge enjoyed the lighter conditions to put in some strong results threatening the teams in 2nd and 3rd. With team Hall now unbeatable the fight for second was down to the wire and in the end it was Peter Kirkby and Pete Clark who got it by 2 points.
The event went off without a hitch with great on the water organisation and off the water social evenings. Thanks to Windfever for the planning and to Magic Marine for the goodies and prizes.

For a full set of results –

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