Archive for the 'Racing' Category

Apr 10 2012

Watch found at the club.

We found a watch in the yacht park yesterday morning (Bank Holiday Monday).

Please let me know if it is yours.




[email protected] or mobile: 07906 279212

2 responses so far

Apr 08 2012

Easter Sunday race starts

easter sunday sailing starts

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Apr 08 2012

RS Feva Easter Mini Series

NOR Feva easter 2012 feva si easter 2012

Hi All Sorry for late posting but please find attached Notice of Race & Sailing Instructions.

In brief racing starts Tuesday at 13.00hrs and we plan to have 3 races per day for 3 days

A briefing will be held in the Main bar at 11.00 on Tuesday

Happy sailing Steve

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Apr 07 2012

Crew for Easter

Published by under Cadets,Racing

I know that this is a bit on the late side to post for Easter, but my crew has gone to sunnier climes for Easter. This little point makes sailing my National 12 on my own a wee bit tricky. So would any of our cadets care to help me out over Easter with a bit of rope pulling in the front end? I may even go as far a buying an Easter Egg as an incentive!!

If interested please call 01702 205297/07860 737544

Steve Le Grys
National 12 3432

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Apr 07 2012

Race Officer training and Committee Boat familiarisation.

Published by under Racing

Race Officer training and Committee Boat familiarisation.

Sunday 15th April 2012

The tide is out so there is no racing – it’s time to learn or renew your Race Officer skills and look over the new Committee Boat.


The Committee boat will be moored at the slipway. We will be running sessions at 10 00am, 11.00am and 12 midday.


Apart from familiarising yourself with the new Committee Boat you will be able to learn and discuss Race Officer skills hands-on on the boat.


If you have been allocated a Race Officer or Assistant Race Officer duty and feel the need to brush up on your understanding and to see the new Committee Boat – or you just consider that you need some hands-on Race Officer training for future use – these sessions are for you. All are welcome at all levels.


If you would like to attend one of these sessions please email [email protected] as soon as possible so that we can assess the level of turn out and allocate times. If you have a time preference then please let us know.


Graham Dare



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Mar 26 2012

Cadet night coaching – thank you!

Throughout the winter we have run organised coaching on Cadet nights, this would not have been possible without the expert guidance of our coaches all of whom provided sessions which were all extremely useful, interesting, educational and above all fun.

I would like to thank Rupert, Mike Thomason, Ken Herve, Mark Petty-Mayor, Johnno Gillies and Alex Farrell for delivering such excellent sessions.

We are finalising plans for the next few months – which we hope will now include outdoor and water based activities.

The final winter session is this Thursday, Mike will be outlining how to rig a Pico and no doubt explaining how to tune it to ensure you stand the best chance of winning TOPS races this year.

We look forward to seeing you then.



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Mar 22 2012

Work Party

yes its that time of year for ALL members to come along to a free party and enjoy a day with your friends making our club look fresh for the year ahead.

Sunday the 1st April from 9am

Its not an April fools, it is real.

so please come along and help, plenty to do.

many thanks

Barry house rep.

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Mar 11 2012

Race Officer duty – Saturday 10 March

Published by under Racing


A big thank you from the Race Committee ( and all who raced that day)  goes to Peter Thompson who stood in at the last minute as Race Officer for the Icicle 5 race when the rostered Race Officer did not show up.



4 responses so far

Feb 25 2012

2012 Icicle Series Prize-Giving

Published by under Racing

Race Notice

The 2012 Icicle Series

and the Olympic Year Wetsuit Outlet Open Trophy


 will be held on

 Sunday 25 March 2012

 in the bar area as soon after racing as possible

Please note:  This changes the date stated in the 2012 Handbook & Programme of Events.

Race Committee

25 February 2012

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Feb 07 2012

TBYC Racing Calendar 2012-2013

Do you write all the racing dates from the programme onto a Calendar ?  Why not just buy the TBYC Racing Calendar 2012-2013 and save the trouble. The Calendar contains all the racing and many other dates pre printed, with load of great photos from last seasons by Linzi.

The Calendar doesn’t start until April so you can preorder and pick it up after the middle of March.

If you would like to order one then you can do so by posting a cheque to TBYC for £12 before the 4th March. Otherwise you can order directly from and search for TBYC, however unfortunately this option with P&P is over £15.

The Calendar was produced at no cost to the club and we hope that a small amount from each will go to the Cadets Fund Raising. If popular we will also hope to produce one for next year. If you want to see before ordering there is a couple already in the club.

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