Archive for the 'Racing' Category

Jul 21 2011

RNLI Pursuit Race – Sunday 31st July 2011

Supplementary Race Instruction –Pursuit race 2011

Class by class start times – pursuit race 2011

Thanks to Robin Foster-Taylor for being principle Race Officer for this event.

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Jul 21 2011

TBYC Shoreline Race – Rescheduled to Sat 30th July 2011 – 11am

Please note it is the Sailing Committee’s intention to run the Shoreline Tropy Race that was postponed last weekend due to unsuitable weather conditions on Saturday 30th July 2011 – Mass Start at 11:00am.

Thanks to Race Officers Alan & Sally Willis

2011 Shoreline Race NORs V2-0                          

2011 Shoreline Race SIs V2-0                                           

TBYC 2011 Shoreline Race Entry FormV2

It is planned if weather conditions permit to sail Summer Sat 6 that the rescheduled Shoreline race replaces immediately after Summer Sat 8 on Sat 13th August.

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Jul 19 2011

Helm Seasafe 3 Duty SWAP Saturday 20th August

Published by under Duties,Racing

I am suppose to be helm of SS3 on the 20th of August as I will be on holiday that weekend. If anyone can swap with me that would be great. Should be able to do any date from 28th of August onwards I do not mind helm or crew and willing to do winter as well. thanks in advance

Garry Mobile 07870258724

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Jul 19 2011

Duty Swap Required – Sunday 24th July 2011

Published by under Club Notices,Duties,Racing

Posted on behalf of Scott Weller.

Simon Steptoe and I have race officer duty this Sunday. I now have to go away this weekend & unfortunately I have been unsuccessful so far in swapping.
Please contact me if you can assist or reply to this post if you can swap or step in for me with Simon?
[email protected]

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Jul 14 2011

BBQ Sat 16th July

It has been decided due to Cadet members taking part in the AYC Matt Trophy & the uncertain forecast that the beach BBQ due to be held Sat 16th July will be postponed.

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Jul 13 2011


Published by under Club Notices,Racing

Not looking forwards to that DIY job planned for this saturday?

The ironing pile  is so tall, it keeps falling over?

Your wetsuit is still ripe from the weekend before?

You can’t close the lid on the linen basket, the kids have just emptied out the fridge within a day and the trip to the supermarket is looming?

Well do not dispair, we have the solution. SS3 needs a helm & crew for this saturday points 4, start time is 11:30. So leave that paint brush at home, prop the ironing pile in a corner, let wetsuit dry in bag for next weekend, close toilet door to hide linen basket, send your kids to their friends and order the food online. Simple.

Now all don’t rush at once, first come first served. Please click on link below and see you  saturday.



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Jul 13 2011

Shoreline Trophy – Sunday 17th July NOR & SI’s

A brief outline the Shoreline race, starting from the TBYC Committee Boat off the Halfway public house at 12:00, following the shore passing inflatable buoys along the shore adjacent to TBYC, the Halfway House, pier to starboard, Alex YC, TEYC, Essex & finishing off the LSC.
We then plan to sail along in the LSC centenary sail past of their club at approx 13:45.
And there’s more…… Once the sail past is completed, we plan to hold a Leigh Centenary Race back to the TBYC. Course to be displayed on the committee boat, now stationed off Leigh.
Entry forms for visitors only will be available behind the bar at the TBYC or in the bosuns hut on the seafront or TBYC 2011 Shoreline Race Entry Form.
2011 Shoreline Race NORs V1-0                                  2011 Shoreline Race SIs V1-0

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Jul 11 2011


Published by under Duties,Racing

Hello everybody.

On behalf of Jo Williams, she has advised that she wishes to swap her duty on 14th August in SS5.

Jo is available for a swap anytime outside of the whole of August.

We can’t have TC all on his own now can we.

Please contact Jo or click on link below, merci.

m 07923373350

e [email protected]

many thanks


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Jul 08 2011


Published by under Club Notices,Duties,Racing

We urgently need a race officer and assistant for this Sundays race 10 July, starting at 6.00pm. The current RO is unable to do it. Sorry for late notice.

Published on behalf of John Richards

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Jun 27 2011


Date for your diary everybody….NORE RACE 2011, Sat 9th July. So get entered and win some great prizes.

Some bullet points copied from the entry form if one is not available to you yet…..

Start times for Groups 1 & 2 Dinghies-Multihull  & Monohull….start signal; 10:40.

Start times for Groups 3 & 4 Cruisers-Multihull & Monohull…..start signal; 10:50.

Southend on Sea: HW 07:11 (5.3m) & 19:54 (5.2m) BST…..LW 13:10 BST.

Entry fee is a snip at £12.00 for all classes and this includes free entry for the prizegiving at 19:30 on friday 15 th July for all entrants, crew & family. Barbecue food is available to buy and ‘Plan C’ will be providing the music for the evening.

Entry forms are available to be downloaded off the Benfleet YC website and have to arrive by post Thur 7 July or in person by 21:00 on fri 8th July. Also a coloured chart of course, flags & signals to download:

Fast multihull cats with handicap below 720, expect to do 2 laps, (32 miles).

Myself & Sophie will be in SS7. If you wish to leave your munchies, stella artois etc for ‘safe keeping’  until after the race then give us a shout. Cost of the looking after said items will be half the ‘booty’.

Have a great day and see you on the water.

Simon & Sophie.

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