Archive for the 'Racing' Category

May 27 2011

May Bank Holiday Mini Series

Published by under Club Notices,Racing

Hi All,

    This weekend we have a mini series of races.

Saturday 28th May
 start 9:00 ,1 race
Sunday 29th May
start 9:30 ,1 race
Monday 30th May
start 10:00 ,1 race
Hopefully the weather will be kind!

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May 23 2011

Pico racing at TBYC

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May 22 2011

Volunteer needed.

Published by under Racing

We need a kind volunteer to cover a support boat duty on Sunday 29th May please.

please post here or call me- numbers in the book.

many thanks

Sam Husk.

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May 15 2011

Burrage Boys 1st Hobday Anniversary Trophy

Published by under Club Notices,Racing

Huge congratulations to Miles and Mason Burrage sailing their 49er Big Bear to victory today in the Hobday Anniversary Trophy.
these two guys have impressed us all with the dedication to diet and fitness that has enabled them to master the skills at the highest technical & team sailing level which is the Olympic 49er.
I think it is now time to take your father Terry for a spin round the bay!
great sailing guys,


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May 13 2011

Midweek Racing Photos Wednesday 11 May

Published by under Racing

Michael Airey kindly took his camera out on Wednesday’s guard boat duty and took some cracking shots. here is the link

You need to  create a log in to view them but it’s definitely worth it! I know which are my favourite 🙂

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May 08 2011

29er on youtube


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May 06 2011

Thorpe Bay Yacht Club 2011 Regatta

18th & 19th June 2011                                                                                                       

To be held at:        Thorpe Bay Yacht Club, 115 Thorpe Bay Gardens, Southend-on-Sea, Essex, SS1 3NW

Telephone (01702) 587563 

Eligibility and Entry: Open to boats of all the classes. Non Members of Thorpe Bay Yacht Club may enter by completing an entry form available from the website and handed in at the clubhouse main bar area prior to racing. 

Entry is free.       TBYC 2011 Regatta Entry Form

Schedule of Races: 3 on Saturday & 2 on Sunday, first start time on Saturday 12.30 

Registration & Briefing in the Clubhouse from 10:30am on Saturday.

Boat Parking: Boats should be left in the TBYC boat park fronting on to Thorpe Esplanade or as directed by a member of the event organising team. 

Car Parking: Cars should be parked in the Southend Corporation Car Park adjacent to the boat park – TBYC car parking stickers will be made available or an area will be roped off, access will be via the dinghy park. 

Accommodation: Camping will also be available in the corporation car park. No cars in the boat park please. 

Social: BBQ on the balcony & Disco on the Saturday evening. BBQ tickets available from Kylie Jenkins TBYC Social Representative.

Food and Bar Service: Food and drink will be available in the clubhouse throughout the weekend: check with Gary from Purple Chilli Catering 07854 229939 for times. 

Prize-giving: In the clubhouse as soon as possible after completion of racing on Sunday. 


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May 06 2011

TBYC Midweek Sailing Series – starts Weds 11th May

Just a reminder that the TBYC midweek evening series of racing kicks off next week. With races on Wednesday & Thursday evening.

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Apr 29 2011

TBYC Weather & Webcam

Published by under Racing

You can now view the Club’s Weather Station from your iphone or Android compatable mobile phones.



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Apr 13 2011

TBYC RS Feva Easter Mini Series

Published by under Monohulls,Racing

Hi all Just a quick note regarding the up and coming RS Feva Easter Holiday mini series. Racing will start on Monday 18th to Wednesday 20th we intend to run 3 races per day for 3 days weather permitting.

There will be a briefing in the main bar at TBYC 10.00hrs on Monday detailing the format.

Please find attached Notice of Race, Sailing Instructions & Course Diagram complete with poster.

A copy of all documents will be posted on the official notice board in the club entrance cadet board.

Look forward to seeing you all on Monday Steve

NOR Feva

feva si

rs feva course


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