Archive for the 'Racing' Category

Aug 03 2010

RS FEVA next step from Laser Pico

Published by under Cadets,Monohulls,Racing

Following the success of the Laser Pico as the TBYC Cadet/family boat of choice and numbers soon to exceed 70 in the boat park we are very aware of how much easier it is to train and develop sailing skills when all in the same boats.
As the kids grow in size and ability we would like to guide the next step up to be the RS FEVA, there are already a few in the club and in the race group of Cadet Week. Built in a similar material to the PICO they have good durability and the rig has the asymetric kite for excellent performance.

once we have got a good nucleus of Feva’s back in the club then it is proposed to offer training days to develop the boat handling skills and then Race Training.

If you are interested in the RS FEVA let me know as i am putting a deal together with RS at the moment and you maybe able to take advantage of a good price.


Peter [email protected]

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Aug 02 2010

Yantlet Race SSI’s – Please read

Published by under Racing




Eligibility – The Yantlet Race will be open to any boat owned by a member of Thorpe Bay Yacht Club and with a PY of 1200 or less. Boats with a PY of 1201 or over will race to the Leigh Buoy and back.

Safety – All competitors are reminded of the Collision Regulations and if any boat is asked to change course by the crew of a safety boat she shall comply immediately or be disqualified from the race.

Safety disclaimer – by signing the declaration sheet for the Yantlet Race owners are accepting responsibility for any fines they may cause the club to incur by their actions with regard to the PLA.

The Start  – there will be 2 starts from the committee boat.

Time Class Flag
10:00 PY < 1200 R
10:03 PY>=1201 Y


The Course. – Yantlet Trophy py < 1200.

 the course will consist of  an upwind leg, Leigh buoy to Port, the Yantlet Tower to Port, Leigh Buoy to Starboard then finish at the Shore Box line. The actual course will be displayed on the Black board to the west of the Bosun’s hut prior to the start.

Junior Yantlet Race py>= 1201

The course will consist of an upwind leg, Leigh buoy to port and finish at the Shore Box Line.

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Jul 13 2010

Cadet / Lark Open

Published by under Racing

Thorpe Bay Yacht Club succeeds again….. in holding another great open meeting. This time for a new fleet not seen at TBYC – the Larks and an old fleet resurrected with the Cadets.

21 Larks and 14 Cadets took part in the 6 race series open, superbly run by Alan Willis and his team: Sally, Linda, Lisa, Bev and Alix. We had superb weather and a great breeze which made for some fantastic close racing. I think all who saw them sailing, were very impressed with the Lark.

The Cadet event was won by Max and Francesca Ingall with an impressive (near) clean sweep! We wish them luck in Poland where they will be representing GBR in the World Team!

The Lark event was won by Steve Hall and Si Haigton from Northampton Sailing Club with 11 points.

I have to own up to forgetting to thank 2 other people who helped out at the weekend. Steve Hopper was out with his rib both days to help with rescue cover and was able to take some great photos of the sailing – thanks Steve. But also to Chris Boshier – who not only gave up his weekend’s sailing to sit on the beech as our “Beech-master” but worked with myself and Alan to prepare all the relevant paperwork for the event and entering the results – Thanks very much Chris!

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Jul 12 2010

Dan Henderson Musto Skiff Nationals Junior Champion 2010

Published by under Nationals,Racing

Dan Henderson has just completed a very impressive nationals campaign in the Musto Skiff fleet at Hayling Island, with 74 entrants Dan finished 6th and first junior under 21 in this very competitive and technically demanding class of high performance single handed asymetric trapeze boat.
if you think you can sail then try one of these, just to get one to turn a corner is a great achievement having done a little bit of swimming alongside one on the odd occasion!
well done Dan

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Jun 29 2010

Lark and Cadet Open 10/11 July

Published by under Cadets,Racing

Please find attached links to

Notice of Race larkcadet NORs

course appendix A

Sailing Instructions Larkcadet SIs

and a Parental Declaration LarkcadetParents_Declaration

Entry Form larkcadetentry form

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Jun 29 2010

A couple of racing things

Published by under Racing

hi All,

I hope you had a great weekends sailing, I just have a copule of favours to ask to make getting the results put in quicker and easier for all.

1. If you’re the race officer and the office isn’t open or the duty officer isn’t around to hand the results to, can you put them in the green folder behind the bar which will save us hunting around for them.

2. Can I also ask that if you’re suing a sail with a number other than the one for your boat that you identify this clearly on the sign on sheets as it’s quite tricky to guess otherwise so your result might get accredited to someone else and I’m sure you wouldn’t want that.


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Jun 22 2010

Hurricane Nationals and Sprint Open 25 June-27 June

Published by under Catamarans,Racing

please follow the links below for

Notice of race hurrisprint NORs

Sailing instructions hurrisprint SIs

and courses Appendix A

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Jun 16 2010

Nore Race competitors – course change

Published by under Racing

please follow the link below for details

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Jun 10 2010

Amendments to Sailing Instructions

Published by under Club Notices,Racing


Please make sure you read the attached SSI’s


Thank you

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Jun 03 2010

Lovely Weekend Weather Rolls on to Monday Evening Racing

Not before time we have a lovely weekends weather ahead, morning and evening tides with the Bar and Kitchen working all hours to keep us suitably fed and watered, this is also extended to monday evening where both Bar and Kitchen are opening to support the sailing programme, fantastic, enjoy and don’t forget to nip off early from work on Monday for a 7pm race start.

tip of the week, Suncream…..

nearly forgot for all those not turning the wheels of the economy today Clubhouse is open all day to support the School holidays with extended Bar and Catering thanks to our great team of staff.

keep smiling


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