Archive for the 'Racing' Category

Jun 02 2010

Another Thank You

Published by under Racing

I would just like to say a big thank you to Richard and Tracey Metcalf for doing a great job on the rescue on Saturday, there I was drifting fast into the land of the dinosaurs well past the coast guard station no beach for landing big waves lots of wind and the mast broken in two places, all this in a boat that weighs 27kg has the foils fixed in from the underside will not stay up right on its own and is very delicate.

Also a thank you to all the people that helped on the beach when we got back everybody was first class and this is what makes this sailing club a great place it was nice to see so many people walk out and help get the Moth onto the beach with out any damage.

Thank you !

2 responses so far

Jun 01 2010

Contender Eastern Areas and Finn Open Meeting 12/13 June

Published by under Monohulls,Racing

attached are the NOr, SI’s and entry forms

Entry includes a meal (Chilli) Saturday evening, whilst you unwind and watch the world cup and have a beer.

(water and vegetarian option available at no extra charge)

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Jun 01 2010

TBYC Regatta

Published by under Racing

At the prize giving yesterday I forgot one of the clubs unsung hero’s Tony Padbury.
Whilst we were all having a beer and chewing the fat over a brilliant weekends water base entertainment Tony, Janet and Liz were upstairs sorting out all the results.
So Tony and team please forgive me,and all of you who sailed next time you see them give them a pat on the back.
Regards Spratty

3 responses so far

May 29 2010

Regatta – revised start times

Published by under Racing

Please note that Sundays race will start @ 12:30 and Mondays @ 13:00

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May 28 2010

World Finn Masters

Published by under Racing,World's

Quick update on the world Finn masters Allen Burrell has move up to 5th overall after 3 days of racing he has posted an 11th a 3rd and a 5th you can follow his results on the following web site.
Good luck Al

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May 21 2010

TBYC Regatta – Help!

Published by under Racing

I could do with a couple of extra heads on the Committee Boat for the Regatta.  Any kind offers to me on 07973 388553 please – even one day would be great.  Vast experience is not essential!  Thanks.

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May 14 2010

Thorpe Bay Regatta

Published by under Racing

All, please find links here to the NOR, Entry form and parental declaration if required

Thorpe Bay Regatta 2010 NOR SSI

TB regatta entry form


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Apr 15 2010

latest version of SI’s CB & RO instructions + racing marks

Published by under Racing

Latest versions now available below, please read




Permanent Marks

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Apr 08 2010

Sunday Race – 11th April 2010

Published by under Racing

We are looking for some volunteers please. We need an Assistant for the Race Officer and Safety Boat Crew for the 10.00 am race next Sunday.

If you are able to help out for a couple of hours please call or text me on 07881 501 675.

 Thank you

Shaun Christian

One response so far

Mar 31 2010

Icicle Prizegiving

Published by under Racing

Hi All,

thanks to everyone who waited around for us to sort out the final results and graciously accepted their prizes.
For anyone else who won a prize but didn’t attend the prizegiving (see results page to find who you are) then your prizes are behind the bar.

A big thanks to all the race officers and support crew and Tony Padbury for doing the results as well as all the sailors who braved the wintery elements to make the series so successful, let’s have the same again if not better next year!

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