Archive for the 'Racing' Category

Apr 23 2009

Racing Marks

Published by under Racing

The Racing Marks are now in Google Earth, additionally, here’s the lats and longs of them

N 51 31 14.9 E 00 46 16.9 1
N 51 30 59.4 E 00 46 03.6 2
N 51 30 42.7 E 00 45 46.4 3
N 51 30 46.1 E 00 45 19.1 4
N 51 30 55.2 E 00 44 49.1 5
N 51 31 14.0 E 00 44 54.3 6
N 51 31 33.9 E 00 45 06 7
N 51 31 29.8 E 00 45 27.4 8
N 51 31 19.9 E 00 46 04.2 9
N 51 31 04.6 E 00 45 41.7 10
N 51 31 10.5 E 00 45 17.5 11
N 51 30 54.8 E 00 44 18.9 x
N 51 31 13.2 E 00 44 26.4 y
N 51 31 28.3 E 00 44 33.5 z

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Apr 18 2009

RIB Launch and Recovery

Published by under Racing

Please note that now the slipway has gone, the RIBs have to be launched and recovered by hand. As we discovered today, this takes 12 people! If you are racing during the next few weeks please be prepared to lend a hand with this operation.

Many Thanks,


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Apr 06 2009

Calling all potential Laser 4.7 sailors

Do you sail a Laser Pico? Getting too big for it? Wonder where to go next?

A laser with a 4.7 rig could be ideal. The 4.7 is the smallest of the 3 rigs designed for use on a one design Laser. The sail is smaller than a Pico Race main but the boat is much faster – particularly off wind when it really flies.

We have several younger members sailing the Laser 4.7 already and it looks like 2009 will be the year when we really take off.

When you outgrow the 4.7 you can stay with a Laser by moving up to the Radial rig.

The Laser Centre are loaning us 6 boats for use at Thorpe Bay over the end of May bank holiday weekend – 23/24/25th. Please email me at [email protected] to add yourself or your child to my list of those interested.

Parents.  A secondhand Laser need not be expensive and if you are selling a Pico the difference could be a lot less than you think. Laser have sold over 190,000 Lasers since the early 1970’s so choice and availability is excellent. Provided that you buy sensibly you won’t lose money when it’s time to sell either.

Email me at [email protected] or call me on 07768 571768 for buying advice.


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Mar 19 2009

Anyone for Crewing

Published by under Racing

I have sailed a Hornet at Thorpe Bay for the last 7 years. I am looking for a new regular crew for week-end club racing, Saturdays and/or Sundays. If you would like to join me for a bit of trapeze and spinnaker work in this fast monohull racing boat please contact me on 07946 413923 or email grahamdare@

Alternatively – if there are no offers to crew with me I may be looking to crew for someone on a regular basis – any boat and any offers considered.

Graham Dare

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Mar 06 2009

Get the most from race days

Published by under Racing









If you answered “yes” to one (or, heaven forbid, all) the above, clear Friday March 20th in your diary and come to TBYC that evening.  Here will be assembled five of the club’s great and good, having given up their time (with the promise of a drink in Spratty’s case) to help you get the most from race days.


The evening starts at 19:00 when food is dished up – chicken, sausage or scampi with chips – then should go as follows:

20:00         Alan Willis and Phil Crawford run through the Race Officer’s duties

20:45         Paul Spratt will outline the safety boat routine

21:00         Chris Boshier explains the new racing rules

21:30         Ken Herve gives hints & tips about race starts and tactics


Wow!  How lucky are we to have these menagerie come along and share their experience with us?  This is not intended to be a formal night, questions will be encouraged (though hecklers will be given working party chores) and hopefully a relaxed yet educational time will be had by all.


Purchase your ticket in advance from Chris Maloney – £5.00 each, which includes the food.  Ring 07896 676148 now or miss the boat

One response so far

Feb 23 2009

Race Preparation Evening – Friday 20th March 2009

Published by under Club Notices,Racing

Ticket only event £5 pp

Choice of Chicken & Chips, Sausage & Chips or Scampi & Chips

Food 19.00-20.00 / Talk from 20.00 beer break in the middle

Alan Willis and Phil Crawford – Race Officer Overview,
Paul Spratt – Safety boat overview

Chris Boshier – Latest Racing Rule Changes

Peter Thompson – Race Tactics

Contact: Chris Maloney 07896 676148 to book in advance, please state food choice

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Jan 25 2009

Congratulations to Kevin Iles & Jane Wade.

Published by under Racing

I would like to congratulate Kevin and Jane on their 3rd place in the Bloody Mary last Saturday.  This is arguably THE premier winter open event and attracts some of the best sailors in the UK.

2 responses so far

Jan 02 2009

Frozen Sheets photos

Published by under Racing

A collection of photo’s taken of our Frozen Sheet’s race.

Wayne Miller

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Dec 29 2008

Icicle Series – dates and times

Published by under Racing

LOC_iceyachting.jpgSun 11 Jan @ 11:00, Icicle 1

Sun 25 Jan @ 11:00, Icicle 2

Sun 08 Feb @ 10:30, Icicle 3

Sun 22 Feb @ 10:00, Icicle 4 (half hour earlier than sailing instructions)

Sun 01 Mar @ 13.00, Icicle 5 (half hour earlier than 2009 programme)

Sun 15 Mar @ 13:00, Icicle 6

Sun 29 Mar @ 13:00, Icicle 7 (half hour earlier than 2009 programme)

Where there is a difference between the sailing instructions and the 2009 programme, the earlier time has been allocated.

3 responses so far

Dec 17 2008

Frozen Sheets and Prize Giving

Published by under Racing

Don’t forget the Frozen Sheets Trophy Race is on Sunday 28th December at 11:00.  Where else can you burn those excess calories off and freeze your bits off at the same time?  Peter Thompson of fame has kindly agreed to sponsor the Frozen Sheets so head up to the bar afterwards for the prize giving of this race and the Winter Series.

By the way, whoever won the Frozen Sheets last year – can we have our trophy back please?

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