Archive for the 'Racing' Category

Jul 20 2020

Back to racing 2020

Published by under Racing,Videos and Photos

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Jul 20 2020

Racing 19th July 20

Published by under Racing,Videos and Photos

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Jul 14 2020

Return to Racing

Published by under Club Notices,Racing

Commencing this Saturday TBYC is returning to racing initially at weekends only.Start times will be as previously published i.e 1000hrs on Sat 18 July. To commence each race day will consist of 2 points races per day normal sequence of starts for all classes. It is a requirement for all those wishing to race that they have read and understood  the updated General rules and guidance and Return to racing risk assessment which will be posted on this site and at the club over the next few days.For those free sailing on race days I  would ask that you also read as above and in particular avoid launching from the beach and slipway for the 30 minutes prior to scheduled start time to assist with TBYC social distancing measures. Please continue to keep an eye on the club website/ notice boards over the coming weeks /months as we may need to amend the racing guidelines and format of races as we move forward.



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Jun 04 2020

Volunteers needed for SS2 / SS3 helms this weekend 6th & 7th June

Published by under Cruising,Duties,Racing

We need Helms for SS2 & SS3 this weekend please. This is for trot boat duties only – ferrying sailors to cruisers and Sandhoppers.


Saturday 6th June 10:30 – SS2 Helm – Covered thanks Adrian Bunting

Saturday 6th June 10:30 – SS3 Helm – Covered thanks Paul Farrall

Sunday 7th June 11:00 – SS2 Helm – Covered by me

Sunday 7th June 11:00 – SS3 Helm – Volunteer needed please


Please note: One helm will need to row out to SS2 as RIBs are not in use.

If you can help please volunteer via dutyman in the usual way or contact me via [email protected]

Thanks for your support

Mark Robinson – [email protected]

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Jun 01 2020

Club Lasers

I’ve done some work on the club lasers and they are all serviced and ready for use, please see the rigging guide attached

laser rigging guide

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Apr 13 2020

Virtually the Weekend continues

Published by under Racing

Further reports by Horatio Cuthbert. The weekend continues…What was learnt in the Bar?

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Apr 13 2020

Virtual Racing Hits the Yachts & Yachting Posts….

Published by under Racing

First Virtual Race report from Wes Absolom.

Typical TBYC banter – keep ’em coming!

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Apr 03 2020

Dinghy Park Boat Checks

Published by under Club Notices,Racing

The General Committee have appointed Peter Thompson to carry out weekly checks on the Dinghy Park and report. Also to check on windy days to ensure no harm comes to your boats and tie down if required.

Steve Hopper Commodore

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Mar 23 2020

Dinghy Park Closure

Following tonight’s message from our Prime Minister. The General Committee have now decided that the time has come to sadly, close the dinghy park.  We are sure you will all understand the reasoning behind this. Other than going to work, shopping, walk or a run, we are to remain at home.

We ask all members to respect this decision and not enter the dinghy park or attempt to go for a sail. The reflection back on the club that we all love would not be favourable. This includes boat maintenance.

We will of course, review the situation constantly and look forward to being back on the water when the situation allows.

Thank you for your co-operation and please stay safe and well.  Keep watching the website and Facebook for updates and info.

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Mar 15 2020

Amendment to Winter Series Schedule

Amendment to Race Schedule – Winter Series 2020

The final race on Sunday 22nd March will now consist of 2 races, sailed back to back. Start time remains the same at 10:00.

Race length will be at the RO’s discretion but likely to be shorter than normal.

As we have only had 1 race this winter series, the Sailing Committee decided to make this amendment.

All races will count for the series with no discards as per the Sailing Instructions.

Adrian Bunting                                    Howard Warrington
Rear Commodore Racing                      Sailing Secretary

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