Archive for the 'Social' Category

May 31 2015

Summer Ball – Last Few Tickets Left!

Published by under Bar,Catering,Social

Due to enormous demand, the Summer Ball is now almost sold out!  Just a few tickets remain, and as we have now reached the point at which non-member friends may be invited to come along please do let me know if you would like to add any guests to your tables.  All ticket orders must be received by Saturday 6th June at the very latest.


Tickets will be sent out very shortly along with wine pre-order forms for those who wish to take advantage of our special discounted offers in advance!

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May 24 2015

Book Now-Wine Tasting Evening – Next Saturday 30th May

Published by under Bar,Catering,Social

Don’t miss the opportunity to try 23 wines with details of their origin, quizzes and prizes. Not that keen on wine, well we will also have some craft beers to taste. Phone Steve now to get booked for next Saturday on 07947 741946. 

I am delighted to announce that we are holding a wine tasting evening in conjunction with our new suppliers on Saturday 30th May at 7.30pm to select new wines for the Club.

If you would like to attend, please contact Steve at the Galley Kitchen.  Places are priced at a fantastic £8.95 per person or even better £17.00 for two!  This includes an antipasti platter and wine tasting.  Tickets must be booked and paid for in advance, no reservations can be made, and last ticket sales will be taken on Tuesday 26th May.  Please note that no further ticket sales can be taken after this time as both food and wine supplies need to be pre-ordered.  In addition, unfortunately we cannot accommodate anyone on the night who hasn’t pre-booked and numbers are limited so book early!

This should be a very enjoyable night with plenty of lovely wines to sample and raffle prizes courtesy of our new suppliers!

I look forward to seeing you there.

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May 11 2015

Summer Ball – 13th June 2015

Published by under Bar,Catering,Social

Summer Ball 2015

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May 03 2015

Another Successful Evening!

Published by under Bar,Catering,Social

Many thanks indeed to Steve, Karen and their team for fantastic food and service at Saturday’s Thorpe Bay Regatta Party.  They worked very hard all evening, serving an astonishing number of diners in a short space of time and were very accommodating to a large number of tables who had not booked in advance.


Also thanks to Lorraine and her bar team on the evening for efficient and friendly service as always!


Jason West, our entertainer, gave us another brilliant evening of music which was very much enjoyed by all.  I am delighted to say Jason has been so impressed with the Club that he and his family have joined us as members!  A big welcome to him, Ioana and their boys.   We also look forward to the next time you keep our toes tapping and hands clapping!


Finally, a big thanks must go to the members, visitors and guests who came along to make it such an enjoyable and successful evening – it was wonderful to see the Club so full of life and laughter!


Don’t forget to keep your eyes peeled for the next free night advert in a month or so – I’ll look forward to seeing you there!


Sara X


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Apr 28 2015

Thorpe Bay Regatta Party – Saturday 2nd May 2015

Published by under Bar,Catering,Social

I am delighted to announce that this year’s party on the Saturday night will be totally FREE OF CHARGE to all members, visiting sailors and guests!


We are thrilled to welcome back Jason West playing saxophone and singing to keep us entertained for the evening – if you missed him on Saturday night, do come along as you will be in for a real treat!


Food will be available from Steve at the Galley Kitchen from 6.30pm til 8.30pm in the form of Tapas.  It is not essential to book, but if you know you will be coming along it would be helpful to Steve to let him know so that he has a rough idea of numbers to make sure there’s plenty available.  Prices will range from a fantastic £3.50 to £5.00 per portion and you can order as many or as few as you wish on the evening, depending on your appetite after a busy day of sailing!


Hopefully it will be a nice sunny evening and we can enjoy each other’s company with the doors open, music wafting around, good food and one or two drinks to relax us.


See you there!

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Apr 15 2015

Free Entertainment This Evening!

Published by under Bar,Catering,Social

Jason West

This evening’s menu will be a choice of Fish Pie or Chilli and will be available from the carvery area from 7.00pm.  No need to book, just turn up and enjoy!

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Apr 07 2015

Free Saturday Night Entertainment at TBYC!

Published by under Bar,Catering,Social

I am delighted to announce that the first of our FREE entertainment nights for members will take place on Saturday 18th April, starting at 7.30pm.


The fantastic Jason West will be playing saxophone and treating us to some brilliant classic and modern jazz, blues and soul.  The Galley Kitchen will be open on that evening if you fancy some of Steve’s fantastic food to make the evening complete.


Some come down and enjoy an evening on us in great surroundings with your friends!

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Mar 29 2015

Sailing Supper – 4th April 2015

Published by under Bar,Catering,Social

Sailing Supper 2015 Continue Reading »

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Mar 20 2015

Rules Night

Thank you to Rupert for a fantastic Rules night on Wednesday.

It was great to see so many people there, from past National Champions and experienced club racers to those new to racing at TBYC, all joined in.  Rupert’s knowledge and engaging delivery or each different scenario made for great discussion with some surprising results and answers.

Everyone engaged in the evening and took away something to progress their boat positioning and awareness around the course.  If you weren’t there, watch out on Sunday, you could find yourself being called!

The evening was a great success and we will be looking to run another later in the season.

Comments and Questions for next time always welcome. Jeremy


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Mar 20 2015

Winter Series and Icicle Prize Giving Sunday,3pm

Winter prize giving will be held in the bar after racing Sunday. Come and gather in the bar around 3pm to support and celebrate this years winners.

If you have completed any of the winter race series and are scoring finishes in your results (you can discard one DNC) then you to could be winning a prize in the new prize draw.

Enjoy todays racing (12:00 start), see you in the bar for prizes at 15:00.

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