
If you fancy having a walk round the club, dinghy park, beach or surrounding area and want to pick some litter at the same time, but don’t want to touch it.
We now have litter pickers and rubbish bags for you to use. They will be stored with the oars in the little cupboard in the side of the club. Please ask at the bar or the secretaries for the code for the door if you are members.
** Please do return them when you have finished so someone else can use them in the future **
Happy picking …
We have now concluded the Adult Sailing Support Sessions for the Winter as we now have changed seasons and will be out on the water. All of the sessions were recorded and the packs are now available to download. We will be continuing our support of Beginner Adults, but will be taking a break for a couple of weeks to gather our thoughts and plans.
Please note: these sessions are not formal training. They are sharing of experiences from the Sandhopper Fleet as well as many other sailors from the Club, we are not qualified coaches. For formal training we suggest that you approach the RYA or other qualified coaches.
Below you will see the details of what subjects were covered in Q1 2022, these were recorded on Zoom (now on You tube) and the slide packs have been made available with the original links to reference material and videos used. The sound quality varies, but the packs and links in the slides should help.
Session 1
Club Induction, different boats at TBYC, Basics – Parts of a boat, Port/Starboard
Slide Pack
Session 2
Points of Sailing, launching a Laser, returning to shore, boat control – tacking & stopping
Slide Pack
Session 3
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This is the club in it’s full VE Day Regalia, even though we are still in Lockdown.
It is being enjoyed by many walkers.
Hi all I have set up a drop box to collect pictures and video during the cadet week. So the media team of Barry Duce, Lyndon, Paul Morgan and Struan can post pictures and articles dally on the TV monitors around the club, the club website and on facebook for all participants to enjoy along with articles of interest during the week.
Also Southend council are going to post about the week on the towns website and social media sites
As you can imagine there will be lots of coverage with parents and helpers. So please only upload your favourite 10 photos of each day.
If you have video clips they are welcome to but I would suggest short clips are best not zoomed in
Anyone who wishes to upload photos to the drop box account please send me an email requesting access and I will send you an invite to the drop box.
We will try to use as many pictures as we can for all to enjoy and then setup a cadet week 2019 folder with all the pictures on the club website
Kind Regards Steve Hopper Commodore
Email [email protected]