There are always lots of jobs cropping up that need doing to keep the club house in order. I believe we can undertake some of these without needing to call in contractors. Instead of leaving all these jobs until a working party it would be nice to get them done as they arise. So if anyone out there from a trades background or DIY expert feels that they may be able to help in any way it would be great to hear from you.
I only have small jobs in mind, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Please drop me an email [email protected].
Many thanks.

We need you to help us keep the club ship shape. Jobs need doing in:
- Mens Changing Rooms
- Club House Car Park
- Dinghy Park
- Bosuns/Race Hut
- General Club House
On the day look for Gary Burrows or Nick Cotgrove who will help you find your job.
We would all appreciate a little of your spare time from 10:00 so we can all enjoy the sailing without worrying about the jobs that need to be done.
We’re at a position where we could do with a few hours additional labour on the Seasafe displacements & Polly to get them anti fouled ready for the new season.
We have the paint already and we’ve booked the weather for both days. Now we just need some bodies to help put it on.
Sessions have been arranged for Friday @ 10:00 and Saturday at 9:00 (ish) for hopefully no more than 3 hours. It would be great if we could get 5 or 6 willing volunteers to assist each day. Please can you let Gary know if you can attend on Friday [[email protected]] or Toby for Saturday [[email protected]]
Don’t forget we have a work party planned for Sunday 4th at 10am, please bring along your gardening tools as we are clearing the Dinghy Park . Thank you for your support.
Rob Bailey
There is a work party planned for Sunday 4th October starting at 10am. All wecome, please bring along any spades,hoes etc as we will be concentrating on clearing and weeding the dinghy park. Refreshments will be served as usual. See you all on Sunday.
Rob Bailey
A huge thank you to Rob Bailey, Chris Maloney, Mick Duce, Barry Duce, Janet Wilsmer, Paul Farrall, Mark Robinson, Gordon Sanders, John Casson, Chas Gibson, Jeremy Sandford, Tony Padbury, Peter Thompson & Toby Speller who today with great enthusiasm thoroughly cleaned the interior, hull topsides and underneath of the TBYC Committee boat in preparation for re-antifouling, fitted a new VHF radio with remote speaker / microphone and fully serviced the inboard engine.
A great demonstration of teamwork to achieve many jobs in just a few hours. Thank you also to Hannah Padbury for sending along the delicious homemade cake & sausage rolls to keep everyone going!
Planned working parties will be advertised over the coming months to continue to prepare the Committee boat and our displacement support boats for next season, but please speak with the Rear Commodore Racing if you would like to be involved….
It’s that time again ! We have a work pary planned for Saturday week. There are plenty of jobs organised but it depends on how many people turn up. So if you have a couple of hours spare please come down and give us a hand anytime from 9am .Remember it’s your club too.
Rob Bailey
Hi All
At tomorrow’s work party as the weather is looking good we will be antifouling the displacement boats as well as usual tidying Dinghy park, Car Park maintenance, tidying Race box and Bosuns hut, painting changing rooms hallway, preparing ladies changing rooms for painting and anything else we get time for . I will leave a list of jobs in the foyer, please allocate yourself a job if I’m not around. See you Sunday 10am !
Rob Bailey
If you own a Laser Pico at the club or are a new member and not realy sure how you can help this Sunday, please meet me at the top of the metal stairs at 10.00 am. We will be weeding and clearing the Pico bays .You will need strong bin liners, hoe and spade etc. See you then. Regards Nick Cotgrove
Hello , It’s that time again
We are having a work party on Sunday 9th March at 10am .
There is plenty to do, usual cleaning , clearing and painting etc.
More people turn up , quicker we get finished.
Look forward seeing everyone there.
Rob Bailey