Aug 31 2024

Benfleet Shield Re-Run Sunday 1st September

Published by at 07:38 under Club Notices

We intend to Re-Run the Benfleet Shield Trophy Race this Sunday. The weather is looking ideal. Should this change at last minute we will revert to 2 points races. This will be at the Race Officer’s discretion.

The format will be similar to last year with a split start to allow for the faster boats to be in the same tidal conditions as the others and arriving in the creek nearer towards high tide.

WINDWARD /LEEWARD FLEET NOTE: If we revert to 2 races, the original start time for all fleets will revert to 10:30 and run in the usual sequence. The RO will not wait so please be ready.

The start times will be:

Fast Monohull, Monohull and Sandhoppers – (who usually start in the 2nd and 3rd starts) will start at 10:30. Signal will be code flag “R” – General Handicap mass start

Windward/Leeward fleet boats will start at 11:00. Signal will be Code Flag “D” (normal starting signal)

The course will be posted on the white board at the top of the slipway. Ultimately there will be a port hand turning mark in Benfleet Creek. It will be one of the club’s tall orange inflatable buoys.  It will be a committee boat start and a shore-box finish through the club line.

HW is at 12:35. There should be plenty of water to round the mark in the creek.

Starting sequence 3-2-1.

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