Dec 11 2017

Brian Whistler

Published by under Club Notices

I have now had the final account for donations to the RNLI in memory of Brian and they amount to £981.75. My family and I would like to extend our grateful thanks to all for their generosity. It is very heartening to know that Brian was held in such high regard.

Glen Whistler

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Dec 11 2017

LSC Brass Monkey 17/12/2017

Published by under Racing

2017 Brass Monkey SI Entry Form Brass Monkey RaceLeigh Brass monkey, 17th December
which is next Sunday, £5 entry on the day at the club
TBYC will be sending a rib or two around for the guys who like to sail around.
Briefing 9:15
Mass Start 10:45
entry form and SI’s attached

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Dec 02 2017

TBYC Christmas Carols with “Rayleigh Brass” 2017

Published by under Club Notices

Tuesday 5th December @ 8.30pm

This is always a fun evening so don’t miss out.

Hope to see and hear many TBYC members there.

John Williams
Cruiser Captain

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Nov 29 2017

Kitchen is open – book now for Sunday Lunch

Published by under Catering

I’m delighted to say, after a few days hard work in the kitchen, Howard will be ready to commence regular service as from lunchtime on Friday 1st December.

The menu for Sunday Lunch this week is:

Slow roasted leg of pork
Sliced roasted chicken breast
accompanied by a selection of vegetables, roasted potatoes and a rich tasting gravy. £8
Mediterranean vegetable lasagne. £7

Dessert £4

Cadet Roast £5, dessert £2.50

All prices included VAT where applicable.

We think Sunday could be busy – if you’d like a table can you please send an email to: [email protected]
with your desired time and number in your party and we will try to accomodate your request.

We are still assembling the new kitchen team and will not be ready to start Friday evening service just yet – we will update everyone once this gets underway.

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Nov 29 2017


We need volunteers to help with the following Club Racing this weekend please


Sat 2 Dec 2017 10:00 Winter Sat 4  – SS5 Helm – Volunteer needed please

Sat 2 Dec 2017 10:00 Winter Sat 4  – SS5 Crew – Volunteer needed please


Sat 2 Dec 2017 10:00 Winter Sat 4 – RIB Launch – Volunteer needed please

Sunday 3 Dec 2017 10:30 Winter Sun 4 – RIB Launch – Volunteer needed please


Don’t forget you can swap a future duty with a VOLUNTEER PLEASE duty

If you can help please volunteer / swap in the usual way via Dutyman or email [email protected]
Many thanks

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Nov 28 2017

News from the kitchen

Published by under Catering

Hi, just wanted to give everyone a quick update on progress. The kitchen is now clean!
Food stuffs and produce are being ordered and delivered from Wednesday which will allow me to start cooking preparations for a limited lunchtime menu on Thursday. There is still a lot of work ahead over the next few days and weeks, but I’m very encouraged by the progress made so far, support from the committee and the very kind messages I have received from fellow members.
More updates will follow


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Nov 28 2017

Winter storage – have you paid for it?

Published by under Club Notices

If you boat is in the dinghy park, and you haven’t paid for winter storage, NOW is the time to do it.

You can pay by cheque or by card at the bar.

If you prefer to pay by bank transfer, please contact [email protected]

Hurricane £83.83; Laser £51.49; Musto Skiff £55.65; Pico £42.59

For other classes please contact [email protected].

Please ensure that your boat is marked with its sail number, and, if relevant, that halyards are secured away from the mast.



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Nov 27 2017

I am please to announce we have a new member of staff in the kitchen

Published by under Bar,Catering,Social

I am delighted to welcome Howard Fruin, a long time member of the club, to the role of Kitchen Manager. Howard joins us from the kitchen at Billy Hundred’s along the seafront and is employed directly by the club. Howard starts work today cleaning and organising the kitchen. The kitchen will remain closed until at least Thursday lunchtime – more details to follow, watch this space.

Working with Howard, we have big plans as to how we can transform the kitchen and the catering experience delivered by the club but please remember Rome wasn’t built in a day.

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Nov 24 2017

The kitchen will be closed on Sunday 26th Nov and therefore lunch will not be served.

Published by under Catering

The kitchen will be closed on Sunday 26th Nov and therefore lunch will not be served.

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Nov 24 2017

Main Bar closes early 9th December

Published by under Bar

In preparation for the Christmas Ball the Main Bar will close at 2pm on Saturday 9th December. The Commodore Bar will be open until 4.00pm

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