Nov 13 2016

TBYC Cadets – Team Racing Squad

Published by under Cadets

tbyc-website-team-racing-nov16-squadtbyc-website-team-racing-nov16_On Saturday 12th November, our Cadet Team Racing Squad travelled to Maidenhead Sailing Club to battle with Eton College with our youngest ever team.  With great enthusiasm the boys and girls spend two evenings in the Sail training room studying the rules and tactics of 3 boat Team Racing and during the tbyc-website-team-racing-nov16-foggymorning of the match, practising sailing in Eton’s boats. They effortlessly transformed their Pico sailing skills to the larger Fireflies and soon became proficient whilst practising starts and manoeuvres. The opposition arrived at 2.00pm and soon we were starting the first race.  Ben and Joe soared into the lead, with Luke our Captain, with his crew Sam, co-ordinating the Team Racing tactics to maintain the overall lead. Louise and Dora battled away, but eventually the much older Eton side edged their way to a 11/10 victory. With only one point in it, which was amazing considering it was our first ever Team race, and determination we started the second race. There was shouts of Protest from both sides, as each team put their tactics into practise, but eventually, as the wind dropped and the fog drew in, Eton managed to sneak in that one point again. Teas followed and the Captains of each team gave their speeches of thanks and enjoyment, and arranged a rematch. Well done Cadets!

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Nov 12 2016

Thank you on a wet, grey Saturday morning.

Published by under Club Notices

A huge thank you to the 20 or so people that came out this morning to get the boat park organised into a safer and more accessible space despite the heavy rain. I’m sure you all had better things to be doing this morning and a coffee in the bar afterwards is scant reward for your time and effort.

Unfortunately, this isn’t the end of the matter: –

  • There are still boats that need to be properly tied down. Please find some time this week to ensure your boat is secure. If it moves and damages other boats, we’ll end up with a lot of unhappy people.
  • There are still many owners who haven’t paid for winter storage. This is nearly a month overdue and it’s quite clearly unreasonable to put our secretary in a position where she needs to chase you for payment. Please contact Janet THIS WEEK and honour your commitments.
  • There is an increasing amount of bric-a-brac, broken trailers, windsurf boards etc accumulating in the boat park. We will shortly be taking measures to identify and where appropriate, dispose of these items. If you own any of this stuff, perhaps you’d be kind enough to identify it and advise your plans for it.

Once again, thank you to the people that came out to help this morning.

Rear Commodore Racing

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Nov 11 2016

Wanted………….. Three Laser Pico’s.

Published by under Monohulls

Dear TBYC members. Three more Laser Pico dinghy’s, in addition to the existing three , are required for sail training and club racing for new members , and I am interested to hear from anyone who would like to sell or donate their boat to the club. The price will be dependant on age and condition.

I would request that the Hull, Spars, Rudder assembly , Main Sail and Jib , and Trolley are in reasonable condition.
Please contact me at the email below or on 01702 747969.

Kind regards to you all

Nick Cotgrove
[email protected]

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Nov 10 2016

Boat Park Working Party – This Saturday 10:00am

Published by under Club Notices

It was agreed at the sailing AGM last night to have a working party this Saturday morning at 10am. The sole purpose of which is to get all boats in the correct spaces, as it’s a shambles down there at the moment.

To ensure space is available for paid up members, boats not on the attached list may well be moved into the adjacent field where they will be available for the owner to collect.

Winter Series Entries and Storage

Of particular importance is the number of Picos and Lasers not on the racks. If your the owner of one of these boats, do please attend on Saturday to assist and ensure that your boat is safely secured.

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Nov 04 2016

Annual Prize Giving Supper – Saturday 12th November 2016

The culmination of the main sailing season is the Annual Prize Giving which takes on Saturday 12th November 2016.

This prestigious event starts at 7.00pm and all members are welcome.

An optional supper is available and will be served during the prize giving ceremony. Full details of the menu, priced at £9 per person, are below. Tickets for the supper are available behind the bar & menu choices required by Wednesday 9th November.

Steak Ale & Mushroom Pudding
with Crushed Minted New Potatoes + Glazed Carrots & Minted Petite Pois
Vegetarian Puff Pastry Parcel
with Crushed Minted New Potatoes & Glazed Carrots

Followed by

Lemon Meringue Tart & Home Made Lemon Ice Cream

£9 per Head – Pre-booked Ticket Sales only

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Nov 04 2016

Is your boat still securely tied down after the lift out?

Published by under Club Notices

As I look at WindGuru 7:00 pm Friday evening, it looks like we can expect 48 hours of stormy conditions/gales over the weekend (mainly Northerlies) with a further 36 hours of windy conditions (a mixture of Northerlies & Southerlies) during the week.

Given the number of boats moved as part of the lift out process, I’m concerned that not everything is tied down as well as we might hope.

If your unsure, please take the opportunity to check your boat’s ties. Also please pass on this message to any of your friends at the club or do them a favour – check their boat as well and let them know.

Kind Regards
Rear Commodore ‘don’t come running to me if your boat blows over’ Racing

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Nov 04 2016

Dinghy AGM – Wednesday 9th November, 8pm TBYC

Published by under Club Notices

Although the 2016 main season is over, it is this time of year when your Class Captains and the Sailing Committee start to work hard behind the scenes putting next year’s programme together.

The Dinghy AGM is your chance to help by telling us what aspects of the 2016 programme you enjoyed this year and sharing any good ideas you think we could incorporate into next year’s Sailing Programme.

This year’s Dinghy AGM will be held on Wednesday 9th November 2016 at 20:00 in the Commodores Bar.

We hope to see you there.

Gary Burrows and the 2016 Sailing Committee.


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Nov 04 2016

TBYC 2016 -17 Winter & Icicle Series – Supplementary SI’s

Published by under Club Notices,Racing

The Supplementary Sailing Instructions for the TBYC 2016-17 Winter & Icicle Series are attached to the link below.

The most notable change is a requirement to use boards instead of flags for the start sequence.

You are also reminded that average points can be claimed by those doing duties.


Winter and Icicles 2016-17 Supplementary Sailing Instructions

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Nov 03 2016

Prize Giving Winners 2016

Published by under Cadets,Club Notices,Racing

All of the following people have won prizes this year during club racing, please come to the prizegiving on Saturday 12th November to collect (or send somebody else) your hard earned prizes, you deserve them.

Prizegiving starts at 7.00pm with the meal being served later in the evening, but is optional. This is a great night for all sailors to get together and celebrate the year, so please come along even if you aren’t listed.

Anybody that hasn’t returned prizes from last year, please can you do so as soon as possible.

Wes Absolom Sue Daly Ivan Holjar Andrew Noden F Scanes
Dave Ayre Will Daly David Hopper Graham Ollett Rupert Snow
Dan Bailey Graham Dare Kevin Iles Nick Ollett Peter Snow
John Barnes Duncan De Boltz Mark Jewell Tony Padbury Andrew Stickland
Ronnie Barnes Mark Donnelly Jim Johnson Paul Palmer Kyle Stoneham
Paul Beasley Nick Elmore Mike Jones Rick Paxman Gary Sverdloff
Chris Boshier Charlie Elmore Margaret Kennedy Jim Percy Gerald Sverdloff
Jim Bowie Teddy Elmore Alex Knight Keith Persin Peter Thompson
Simon Boygle Alex Farrall John Laliberte Mark Petty-Mayor David Tierney
Sophie Boygle Daren Fitchew Steve Le Grys Olivia Petty-Mayor Russell Tredgett
Harry Boygle Martin Gates Ian Little Gary Plant Nick Turner
Jorja Brittian Alan Grant Vicky Little Polly Plant Struan Wallace
Adrian Bunting Victoria Grant Millie Little Julian Reichert Howard Warrington
Sarah Bunting Richard Hamblin Michael Lloyd Colin Rigg Anna Williams
Allen Burrell Gary Haylett Robert Manging Nick Rivers Janet Willsmer
Gary Burrows Tracy Haylett George Mellon Jeremy Sandford Andrew Wood
Philip Crawford

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Nov 02 2016

Windfinder – Smartphone Weather App

Published by under Racing

windfinderscreenMany of us use different weather Apps for our Smartphones but I came across this the other day and thought you maybe interested. Windfinder supply weather station equipment which feeds readings into Windguru which is already popular with many of us.

So without surprise the forecasts on the Windfinder App are the same as Windguru. Initially however thewindfinder App shows a summary screen with different stations (that you select) either with the forecast or a report if a real weather station (this is the case with Thames Estuary Yacht Club which has and uses the Windfinder kit and can be added). Overall the main screens seem easy to read.

From the Screen image on the right you can see that it gives most of the usual information but also shows the state of the tides and the expected height and timing of the swell. I haven’t seen that before in a weather app.

For more information

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