Oct 10 2016

End of Season Trophy & Veteran’s Cup

Published by under Racing

For those of you vacating the dinghy park this weekend for your annual restoration/hibernation/barnacle scrape or insufficiently foolhardy to sail through the winter, this is your last chance for some pot hunting this season.

Racing on Saturday is for the End of Season Trophy starting at 11:00am.

This is a mass start, avg lap race.

The Veterans Cup is being held in conjunction with the EoS trophy and is open to all TBYC members sailing as a helm and crew with a combined age of at least 90, or to an individual crew member aged 55 or over. To enter, please use the declaration sheet inside the Bosun’s Hut headed ‘Veterans Cup’.

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Oct 08 2016

Crew/Helm Wanted

Published by under Racing

Email: [email protected]
Hi I am available to crew in race today at 3pm I am 7&half stone and crewed for the dart open at whitstable n mumbles

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Oct 07 2016

Club Race Tracking by Raceqs

Published by under Racing


We want to be like the professional sailing races that we see on Television with the animated analytics and graphics. Well it is now very simple to have that information and be shown with the rest of the fleet.

Thanks to Daren Fitchew the Sprints have already been using it and you can review races on the Race Tracking link on the left sidebar. Sunday 2nd had everybody racing with a tracker app. Have a look, full tutorials are on the RaceQs Website

The process is reasonably automated all you require is a smartphone (and many people now have old ones) with the RaceQS app installed which is then uploaded once you have completed. Once you review your race, you will see every other boat that was around. Using your main phone isn’t a problem, you just have to make sure it is in a waterproof (or two) containers (we have been buying cases in bulk for £2). In future we could have live tracking by people putting a data sim card in the phones, Daren has already identified how this can be done cheaply.

Come and join us or plan to use it next year, we will send you a reminder. Click on the Raceqs Logos to go to the official site. Press continue reading for greater detail  on how to use it.

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Oct 06 2016

No catering this Friday evening due to a private function in the Main Bar

No catering this Friday evening due to a private function in the Main Bar.

The Commodore Bar will be open to members.

Friday Night Bistro starts next Friday, 14th October

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Oct 03 2016

Work Party 9th October – 10.00am

Published by under Club Notices

We have a list of minor jobs and cleaning tasks to undertake this Sunday around the club house and dinghy park. Please see list below.

If you, or a group of you would like to take on a particular area please let me know.

Please bring any gardening tools, brushes, scrubbers, hand tools that you think may be useful.

There are also a few jobs that, for health and safety reasons should only be undertaken by competent tradespeople. please contact me if you feel you can help.

My number is 07795 097438.

Thanks in advance.

Inside club house.

Polish silverware.

De – chewing gum tables and chairs, clean and polish.

Wash any marks from walls / surfaces.

Tidy out cleaners cupboard and boiler cupboard.

Repair lock on cleaners cupboard.

Changing rooms.

Remove and jet wash non-slip matting in men’s and clean floor beneath.

Clear out sand traps in showers/toilets.

Remove and dispose of rotten skirting board in ladies where wall is damp.

Outside club house.

Clean off cobwebs etc from boiler grills.

Brush off lower part of walls where dirt splashed up by rain.

De-cobweb front porch area.

Move old sink around side.

Fill car park pot holes.

General sweep and tidy around car parks.

Race box/Bosun’s Hut.

General sweep and tidy up inside and out.

Boat park.

General tidy up, weed and litter pick.

Scrub slipway.

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Oct 03 2016

TBYC Cadets – The Matt Trophy – 15th October

Published by under Cadets,Monohulls,Racing


The event is open to all Cadets, all abilities and class of boat. There are trophies for all competitors and overall winners.  The prize giving will be immediately after the race at Thames Estuary Yacht Club.

We will co-ordinate the entry requirements and escort Cadets around the Pier to the start of the Race.  Smaller dinghies will need to make their own arrangements to TEYC by road.

At the end of the race, those sailing back will be escorted to TBYC.  Sailors will need to keep together irrespective of speed of boat etc.

Timings – Race start 1200 (Mass Start, 5, 4, 1 minute GO –  Trapezoid course)

Leave TBYC beach at 10.45 am (weather dependent) updated nearer to the time, Pico’s etc. will meet on the water at Thames Estuary Yacht Club at 11.30, sail to TBYC Support boat for advice etc.

Please confirm your or your son’s/daughter’s interest or attendance (a confirmation will presume parental permission):

Older Cadets: [email protected] or phone/text 07815 113459

Younger Cadets:  [email protected]  or phone/text 07875 204343

Let’s have a great turn out

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Oct 03 2016

Yuletide Ball – Saturday 10th December – tickets go on sale soon…

Published by under Bilge

Yuletide Ball – Saturday 10th December – tickets go on sale NEXT WEEK.

The Essex Undercovers (the band who performed at the Midsummer Night’s Dream Ball) are back by popular demand.

More details to follow…

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Oct 01 2016

Road Closure at seafront tomorrow, Sunday the 2nd of October

There is the 10k running race, there is road closure at the seafront 9:30 – 12:00. This affects our racing.



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Oct 01 2016

Seafront closed for Southend 10K on Sunday

Published by under Bilge

Ness Road/Shoebury Common Road & Thorpe Esplanade/Eastern Esplanade (From Church Road to Victoria Road) will be closed tomorrow morning from 09:45hrs until 12:00hrs

Ribs will be moved to the slipway area ahead of the road closure.


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Sep 30 2016

Sprint 15 For Sale

Published by under Catamarans,For Sale


Sprint 15    

Sail No: 1857


2 piece mast

2 mains, one jib

All fittings for jib, furler and trapezes.

Full Cover

Large wheel launching trolley.

Located at Thorpe Bay Yacht Club

Contact:   Graham Dare 07946 413923

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