Aug 22 2016

Sandhopper Nationals 2016 – Results, Photos and Videos

Well done to Allen and Paul for winning the Sandhopper Nationals again.

Videos are of 3 Starts and the winners crossing the finish line for the last time.

Photos are now available at Flickr Sandhopper Nationals

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Aug 19 2016

Change to Friday night catering

Published by under Catering

Unfortunately, due to staff shortage there will be no catering on Friday evenings until further notice.

We are working hard to put this right as soon as possible.


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Aug 12 2016

Missing Radios and keys

Published by under Club Notices

In preparing for this weekend’s races, we’ve been unable to locate the keys for SS7 and the handheld radios. It is vital that we recover this equipment soonest as it’s absence puts the weekend’s events into jeopardy. For example SS7 is blocking the other ribs and will prevent them being launched. If you have any of these items, please return them to the club asap.

With Thanks
Rear Commodore Racing.

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Aug 12 2016

Pico racing Sunday 14th of August, start at 9:20

Published by under Cadets,Monohulls

Dear Cadets and Parents,

Start at 09:20 on the water
Proposed meeting in the dinghy park: 8:30 – 9:00
please, change and rig your boats first
Briefing on the beach at 9:10
Triangular course little west off Piranha beach,
committee boat start (Polly and pencil marks)
2 laps, each race
Please, see our YouTube channel for tutorials:
starting signals, starting tutorial and triangular course

See you on the water:


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Aug 12 2016

Sandhopper Nationals 2016 – 19th, 20th & 21st August

The 2016 Sandhopper Nationals will be held at Thorpe Bay Yacht Club over 3 days on Friday 19th, Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st August. SI’s, NOR and entry form are available from the links below with copies also available at registration.

Sandhopper Nationals 2016 SIs V1

Sandhopper Nationals 2016 NOR V1

Sandhopper National 2016 Entry Form

Don’t forget, to compete in the National Championship the helm must be at least an associate member of the SCBA. If you have not joined this year, please contact Janet Willsmer via [email protected]



  1. Regarding crew substitutions, the Race Committee is aware that in some cases crew may not be available on all three days due to work commitments. At the same time we are conscious of the risk of suspicion that crew is varied to suit weather conditions.
  1. For these reasons we are giving notice that there will be a cut-off date for substitution requests due to non-availability of crew. Such requests must be received no later than noon on Friday 12th This date is chosen to give helms time to confirm their crewing arrangements, whilst being far enough ahead that the weather cannot be reliably predicted.
  1. Of course the default arrangement should be that the same crew is used throughout the meeting, but if you know you will have to substitute due to non-availability a request should be submitted to the Race Officer, [email protected] no later than noon on Friday 12th August. Please state the reason the substitution is needed and the names of crew.
  1. Substitutions requested after this cut-off will be dealt with in the normal way, taking due account of the reasons.


If you have any questions regarding the event please contact Mark Robinson on 07957 801 099 or [email protected]

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Aug 11 2016

Pico Racing dates 2016

Published by under Cadets,Monohulls

Update:You can add these directly to your electronic calendar by saving the linked file below and importing to your calendars (works with most)-  Pico_Calendar_for_2016.ics

14 August 9:20 Sun Summer 9 & 10
29 August 9:50 Mon Autumn 1 & 2
10 September 16:50 Sat Autumn 3 & 4
18 September 12:20 Sun Autumn 5 & 6
2 October 12:20 Sun Autumn 7 & 8

2 responses so far

Aug 11 2016

Peter Hayes Trophy – Sunday 14th August

Published by under Racing

A bright and early start for the

Peter Hayes Trophy

Mass start at 9:00am – code flag R

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Aug 10 2016

Nationals Results for last Weekend

Published by under Racing

TBYC Club Sailors attended several Nationals last weekend, some travelling further than others. Here is a quick round up of results.

Hurricane Nationals   – 8 TBYC Entries   – Top Place Paul and Robert Palmer 5th out of 21 boats.

Results at Hurricane Nationals Results

Finn Nationals           – 3 TBYC Entries   – Top Place Allen Burrell 8th out of 59 boats.

Results are at Finn National Results

Shearwater Nationals – 1 TBYC Entry    – Top Place Dion and Anna Allen 8th out of 16 boats.

Results are at Shearwater Nationals Results

Well done to all that entered National events (couldn’t help noticing a Paul Beasley in the Finn Results). It takes a lot of time and commitment in preparation and attending.

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Aug 05 2016

Pico racing Sunday 14th of August, start at 9:20

Published by under Cadets,Monohulls

Piranhas and Barracudas!

If you enjoy cadet week, the fun goes on.
Talk to your friends, come to Pico Racing.

Start at 09:20 on the water

Proposed meeting in the dinghy park: 8:30 – 9:00
please, change and rig your boats first

Briefing on the beach at 9:10
Triangular course little west off Piranha beach,
committee boat start (Polly and pencil marks)
2 laps, each race

Please, see our YouTube channel:

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Aug 01 2016

Hurricane National Championship 6th-9th August 2016

Published by under Catamarans

Hurricane LogoNotice of Race and Entry Form on the following links for 6th – 9th August 2016:

Hurricane Nationals 2016 Entry Form v2

Hurricane Nationals 2016 Notice of Race

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