May 06 2016

Cadet & Family Night Menu – Friday 6th May 2016

Published by under Bar,Cadets,Catering

From Jeremy Sandford:
Cadets, parents, family and Friday diners, Dave will be serving food from 17:30 till 20:00 again this Friday.
Dave’s menu for this week:
Sweet & Sour Chicken with Rice £6 (£3)
£6Scampi + Fries+Salad (£6 or £3 )
Chicken Nuggetts+Fries+ Salad(£6 or £3)
Home made soup+bread £2.95p
Bacon Baguette… £3.50p.(£2)
Sausage Baguette £3.50p(£2)
Chips…£1.50p…Cheesy Chips £2.25p
Service from 5.30 to 8.00
No other menu items will be available on Friday evening.

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May 03 2016

New TBYC DutyMan Administrator

Published by under Duties

Mark Robinson has taken over as TBYC DutyMan Administrator.


The Email stays as [email protected] which is the main form of contact with Mark.


Please email Mark with any TBYC DutyMan queries or comments as necessary.


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May 03 2016

Video Footage from Racing Saturday

Published by under Videos and Photos

Thanks to Struan for some good drone footage of the race Saturday.

One response so far

May 02 2016

Winter Series & Icicle Prize giving

Published by under Club Notices,Racing

Congratulations to Alan Burrell, Duncan De Boltz, Chris Boshier, Jim Bowie, Daren Fitchew, Michael Marriot and Mike and Alex Thomason in winning their class in the Winter or Icicle series of races.
Prizes will be awarded by the Commodore in the main bar after the Ladies/Crews/Singlehanded race today.
Apologies that prizegiving was missed last weekend due to sailing overrunning.

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May 02 2016

A Mid-Summer Night’s Dream Ball

Published by under Bar,Catering,Social


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May 02 2016

Next Pico race, de-brief of this weekend

Published by under Cadets,Monohulls

Dear Cadets and Parents,

Next Pico race 8th of May, Sunday, start at 13:20
Proposed meeting time is 12:00 in the dinghy park.
Similar structure, as previously.
Demonstration of close hauled sailing by the jib on the grass, if enough wind.
Demonstration of lying to (standing still).
Otherwise dry practice.
I am thinking about a trapezoid course (modified triangular course).
If the weather is trying, we may stick to our gate course.

De-brief this weekend:

De-brief Pico Race 30/04/2016 at 17:20 Saturday

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Apr 30 2016

Pico race this Saturday and Sunday

Published by under Cadets,Monohulls

Dear Cadets and Parents,

Please see our YouTube channel: TBYCPicofleet

Proposed meeting in dinghy park:
at 16:00 on Sunday
at 17:00 on Saturday

Short dry practice – optional
Rigging, changing

Briefing on the beach:
at 17:00 Saturday
at 18:00 Sunday

Race start:
at 17:20 on Saturday
at 18:20 on Sunday

Two races (about 10 minutes each)
Free sailing

De-brief and prize giving in the dinghy park after washing the boats.

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Apr 29 2016

Ladies/Crews/Singlehanded trophy race

Published by under Racing


Monday 2nd May 2016 Ladies/Crews/Singlehanded trophy race.

Three fleets/sets of results – mass start – one course – average lap racing.

Sign on/off for the fleet you intend to be in:

• Ladies’ fleet – any lady helming any boat.

• Crews’ fleet – Anyone who is usually a crew, helming any 2 or 3 person boat.

• Single handed fleet – Anyone helming any single-handed boat of any class

Some ladies could be in any one of the above fleets – you choose before the start, as appropriate – but you can only sign on/off, and be, in one fleet.

Race Committee

29th April 2016

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Apr 28 2016

Clubhouse Maintenance.

Published by under Working Parties

There are always lots of jobs cropping up that need doing to keep the club house in order. I believe we can undertake some of these without needing to call in contractors. Instead of leaving all these jobs until a working party it would be nice to get them done as they arise. So if anyone out there from a trades background or DIY expert feels that they may be able to help in any way it would be great to hear from you.

I only have small jobs in mind, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Please drop me an email  [email protected].

Many thanks.


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Apr 27 2016

Cadet and Family Night, Friday 27th

Published by under Cadets,Club Notices

Cadets, parents, family and Friday diners, Dave will be serving food from 17:30 till 20:00 again this friday.

Dave’s menu for this week:

  • Home made lasagne+ salad £6 (£3)
  • Four Cheese plough mans supper £6
  • Scampi + Fries+Salad (£6 or £3 )
  • Chicken Nuggetts+Fries+ Salad(£6 or £3)
  • Home made soup+bread £2.95p
  • Baked Jacket Potato £3.50p..Add fillings…cheese 75p….beans…75p…Tuna mayo £1…Coleslaw…75p
  • Bacon Baguette… £3.50p.(£2)
  • sausage Baguette £3.50p(£2)
  • Chips…£1.50p…Cheesy Chips £2.25p
    Service from 5.30 to 8.00

No other menu items will be available on Friday evening.

If you are on the May Stage 1 Sail Training course which starts next week, then after dinner I will be going through the knots and parts of the boat that you need to know.

Remember, Cadet Week forms are now available to down load and need returning by Monday 2nd May.  Why not bring it down with the cadets on Friday.  You can post it through the letter box or pass it to me directly. 

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