Mar 29 2016

Work Party 2nd April

Published by under Club Notices

Further to the post below, Nick Cotgrove has requested volunteers arrive with gardening equipment i.e. hoes, spades, forks, strimmers, barrows etc. in order to clear the Pico bays.

Many thanks.

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Mar 29 2016

Work Party Saturday 2nd April 10:00 – Needs You

We need you to help us keep the club ship shape. Jobs need doing in:

  • Mens Changing Rooms
  • Club House Car Park
  • Dinghy Park
  • Bosuns/Race Hut
  • General Club House

On the day look for Gary Burrows or Nick Cotgrove who will help you find your job.
We would all appreciate a little of  your spare time from 10:00 so we can all enjoy the sailing without worrying about the jobs that need to be done.

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Mar 28 2016

Just for fun

Rupert at his best

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Mar 28 2016

Storm Katie

Footage from today

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Mar 28 2016

Jonny Snow’s ‘Skate for Surf’

Published by under Club Notices

YouTube Preview Image

Please watch and donate if you can,
Many thanks

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Mar 28 2016

Don’t forget

Published by under Catering

the kitchen will be open this lunchtime regardless of the wind!

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Mar 23 2016

Parent and Cadet 2016 Season Briefing, Friday 23rd March

Parent and Cadet 2016 Season Briefing

This Friday at 6-7pm we are going to hold a short briefing for Parents and Cadets.  We will go through opportunities for new members, Friday Cadet night, training, club boats, Pico racing and Cadet club racing. You will get a chance to put names to faces and meet those people who have volunteered to run this year’s events.  Cadets will get an introduction to cadet night from older Cadets, be taught what and where they can play, and most importantly get a chance to meet and socialise with the other cadets. I hope to see you there and aim to give you the confidence to get involved and help make this year an enjoyable and rewarding one for the TBYC Cadets.


Our caterer Dave will be providing burgers, hot dogs and chips so why not get a quick bite to eat this Friday.

CADET Racing

This weekend sees the start of the 2016 racing season for Adults and Cadets.  This year, every club series race will also be a cadet race.  All participating cadets will start from the Committee Boat on the second start and race a windward-leeward course, first beating to the Inflatable Cadet Buoy, then running down to the leeward mark (last course number on the back of the Committee Boat).  You will continue to lap until hooted by the race officer team.  Remember to sign on as a CADET in the Bosuns hut.

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Mar 23 2016

For Sale – Hobie 14 – £300

Published by under For Sale

I have a complete hobie 14 which I took on as a project last year thinking it was worth more than it is. It will never win any races but it is a great beginners boat/beach boat. I have spent £200 on repairs to the trampoline and mast. I have also filled and painted the hulls and still have enough paint for another coat. The only thing it needs is a new cross bar for the tillers.   At the moment it is dismantled in my garden. I am quite happy to put it back together for a prospective buyer. £300 is all I want for it. It is in Leigh. Steve Healy – 07821 085700.

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Mar 17 2016

RBS 6 Nations this weekend

Published by under Bar,Social

2.30pm Wales v Italy
5.00pm Ireland v Scotland

On the TV in the Main Bar

(Unfortunately the England ganes clashes with the Sandhopper Lift In Dinner)

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Mar 14 2016

Talk on Medical Detection Dogs – Tuesday at 8.30pm

Published by under Cruising


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