Jan 05 2016

Training at TBYC

Published by under Club Notices,Racing

The 2016 Sail Training dates have now been published on the “Sail Training” page available from the Sidebar or http://www.tbyc.org/sail-training/ . Full details of the requirements and dates are listed. Stage 1 starts in May and Stage 2 in April but please get you applications in early.

Unfortunately Southend Marine Activity Centre has closed therefore for the foreseeable future it is assumed that our and other Yacht Clubs will be the main locations to complete courses. So it is a good opportunity for us to remind you we do hold other courses that may also be of interest, many tutored by volunteers to keep the cost down.

We usually hold two RYA Power Boat Level 2 courses a year. These courses are always oversubscribed so just requesting a place does not guarantee entry. Priority is usually then given to those members that will be actively operating the club RIBS. If you are interested please email Ken at [email protected] .

First Aid courses are also organised at the club with an external organisation and these are advertised when they happen (although there is one happening on the 20th February). For more information email [email protected] .

3 responses so far

Dec 28 2015

New Year’s Eve Party @ TBYC

Published by under Bar,Social

Why not have dinner with family & friends and then head down to join everyone at TBYC to see in the New Year. The champagne is on ice and there will be dancing to DJ from 8pm onwards.

No tickets – no charge – look forward to seeing you there.

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Dec 27 2015

Daren Fitchew – Double Winner – Frozen Sheet & LOS Brass Monkey

Published by under Racing



A double achievement for Daren Fitchew who followed up his Brass Monkey win, by  today also winning the TBYC Frozen Sheets, whilst sailing his Sprint 15.

Again another windy day, as Daren suggested had been in his advantage, it’s what he had been training for.

Chris Boshier who also raced both races, had an unfortunate capsize during a gybe which left Daren with a 18 second corrected lead. We should not forget that Chris also sailed the double in his Contender last year.

Gary Sverdloff sailing his Sprint 15 took 3rd place.

Prize Giving took place after the race with Commodore, Beverly Warrington presenting the coveted prize.

All other entrants were very happy that it was not the normal low winter temperatures but those more like Autumn, although the Rum Punch served by the Commodore and helpers was enjoyed by all.


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Dec 27 2015

TBYC Retain the Brass Monkey Trophy

Published by under Racing

Saturday was a now common 5-6 (gusts even more) , so perfect weather for Daren Fitchew (and other members) to go off to Leigh for the day, sailing a Sprint 15. Having came second to Chris Boshier last year, he was keen to get the top spot.

Well done to Daren for winning this years Leigh on Sea Brass Monkey Trophy. We understand he had a very good distance on all boats. Well done to the other sailors from TBYC that also sailed around in the exciting conditions.

This does mean that we have now held the trophy for 3 years following two years of wins by Chris Boshier.

Full results are available at http://www.leighsailingclub.org/media/results/Brass%20Monkey%202015.htm

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Dec 23 2015

Merry Christmas 2015 from the Commodore

Published by under Club Notices

Bev Merry Christmas

2 responses so far

Dec 22 2015

Frozen Sheets Open Meeting – Sunday 27th Dec 2015 – Start 11:30

Published by under Racing

The Frozen Sheets race will start at 11.30 on Sunday 27th December 2015. 

Frozen Sheets is an Open Meeting and we welcome all visiting sailors.

Prize giving will be held in the main bar as soon as possible after the race finishes. Refreshments of Rum Punch and Mince Pies will be served in the Bosuns Hut.

Sailing Instructions are available by the link below

Frozen Sheets SI Dec 2015

2 responses so far

Dec 22 2015

Volunteer Safety Boats for RNLI Sponsored Dip

Published by under Club Notices

The RNLI are looking for a volunteer safety boat (fuel will be paid for) for approximately 1 hour to help out at the RNLI Sponsored Dip on Boxing Day at about 11.30am at Jubilee Beach.

If anyone can help out please e-mail [email protected]

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Dec 21 2015

LOS Brass Monkey – Boxing Day 26th December

Published by under Racing

Brass Monkey Race 2015

The 2015 Brass Monkey Race

The Brass Monkey race will take place at Leigh on Sea SC on Boxing Day, open to all mono hull and catamaran classes. The course will start from the Leigh club start line near Chalkwell and will be around laid inflatable marks as described in the sailing instructions.

The race starts at 11:30 with a briefing at 10:15

The entry fee is £10 per boat.

High Water 12:50, Height 5.9m

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Dec 13 2015

Cadet Christmas Party – Today!

Published by under Bar,Cadets,Social

Please note that tickets are now sold out.

We are unfortunately now unable to accommodate anyone who hasn’t already bought their ticket.  For any non-member friends of members who requested places, if you haven’t received a phone call from me then I am sorry but afraid we were unable to accommodate you on this occasion.

The main bar is being set up for the party at 2.30pm, so members are requested to utilise the Commodore Bar after this time – the bar will be open.

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Dec 10 2015

Club Racing this Saturday – Two races planned

Published by under Racing

The Sailing Committee met today and discussed the poor weather we have had during the Saturday and Sunday Winter Series and that the without three races, according to the Sailing Instructions each Series will not be valid.

It is therefore planned, at the discretion of the Race Officer, to include an extra race on Saturday to complete the series. The weather has been reasonably mild, except for the wind and therefore we feel that this should be acceptable to all.

We still plan to run a single race on Sunday.

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