Nov 11 2015

Prize Giving Winners 2015 – Prizes this Saturday

Published by under Cadets,Racing,Social

All of the following people have won prizes this year, please come to the prizegiving on Saturday 14th November to collect (or send somebody else) your hard earned prizes, you deserve them.

Prizegiving event starts at 7 pm. If you haven’t ordered food then it is unfortunately now not possible.
Anybody that hasn’t returned prizes from last year, please can you do so as soon as possible.

Aimee McBain
Alan Grant
Alex Farrall
Alex Knight
Alex Paxman
Alex Thomason
Alex Warrington
Allen Burrell
Amanda Goodman
Andras Gal
Andrea Metcalfe
Andrew Stickland
Andrew Wood
Andy Noden
Barry Duce
Brian Whistler
Bruce Spratt
Charlie Elmore
Chas Boygle
Chris Boshier
Colin Goodman
Colin Rigg
Darren Fitchew
Dave Ayre
Dave King
David Hopper
David White
Ed Hayden
Gary Burrows
Gary Haylett
Gary Plant
Gary Sverdloff
George Mellon
George Warrington
Graham Dare
Graham Ollett
Greg Watson
Harry Boygle
Harry Hughs
Henry Petty-Major
Henry Tierney
Howard Warrington
Ian Little
Janet Willsmer
Jeremy Sandford
Jim Bowie
Jim Johnson
Jim Percy
John Barnes
John Webster
Jourdan Swindon
Julian Reichert
Kyle Stoneham
Lara Noden
Luke Chapman
Mac Ritchie
Margaret Kennedy
Mark Dell
Mark Donnelly
Mark Jewell
Mark Perry
Mark Petty-Mayor
Mark Robinson
Martin Gates
Matthew Lloyd
Michael Airey
Michael Lloyd
Mike Jones
Mike Thomason
Millie Little
Nathan Sands
Nic Barnes
Nick Elmore
Nick Ollett
Nick Rivers
Nick Turner
Olivia Petty-Mayor
Paul Beasley
Paul Dell
Paul Farrall
Peter Snow
Phil Crawford
Polly Plant
Richard Barnes
Rick Paxman
Rob Bailey
Robert Manging
Rod Watson
Ronnie Barnes
Rupert Snow
Russell Tredlett
Sally Ellingford
Savva Tretyakov
Scott Weller
Simon Boygle
Simon Steptoe
Sophie Boygle
Stephan Smith
Steve Healy
Sue Daly
Teddy Elmore
Tim Reichert
Tony Padbury
Tracey Haylett
Vicky Little
Wes Absolom
Will Daly
William Webster

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Nov 11 2015

Sunday lunch 15th November

Published by under Catering

Mushroom pasty with plum and tomato chutney
Ardennes pate with toast and crab apple jelly
Welsh rarebit

Main courses

Roast lamb with herb dumplings and redcurrant gravy

Roast turkey, sage & onion stuffing, cranberry sauce and Chardonnay gravy
both served with sea salted roast potatoes and seasonal vegetables

Butlers’ smoked salmon fillet, honey roasted, served on mash with lemon and caper butter

Roast pepper, mushroom and courgette lasagne


Iced lemon cake with whipped Mascarpone

Belgian apple pie with custard


£12.50 per person for 3 courses when pre booked before Saturday. £13.50 thereafter £10 per person for 2 courses pre booked, £11 thereafter
Children’s (under 12) portions and alternative menu available


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Nov 09 2015

Ticket Purchase for Prizegiving Evening Supper

Published by under Catering,Social

Tickets for prizegiving food need to be purchased before noon on Tuesday 10th November to ensure supplies can be ordered. Although the Tickets are available behind the bar we know some members it may not be possible to get to the club before the event.

Tickets can therefore also be purchased by contacting our secretary on 01702 587563 or [email protected] using debit/credit card or bank money transfer. Priced at £8.50 for two courses,  £7.00 for main only. Details of supper at Supper Menu for Prizegiving.

Don’t miss out, join your class table. One of the few times in the year you may socially all get together.

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Nov 08 2015

Dinghy AGM – Wednesday 11th November at 20:00

Published by under Racing

Although the 2015 main season is over, it is this time of year when your Class Captains and the Sailing Committee start to work hard behind the scenes putting next year’s programme together.

The Dinghy AGM is your chance to help by telling us what aspects of the 2015 programme you enjoyed this year and sharing any good ideas you think we could incorporate into next year’s Sailing Programme.

This year’s Dinghy AGM will be held on Wednesday 11th November 2015 at 20:00 in the Commodores Bar.

We hope to see you there.

Jeremy Sandford and the 2015 Sailing Committee.

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Nov 07 2015

Sunday lunch 8th November

Published by under Catering

Sunday 8th November

Mushroom soup with cream and croutons
Ardennes pate with toast and crab apple jelly
Welsh rarebit

Main courses

Roast beef with Yorkshire pudding and Shiraz gravy

Roast loin of pork with sage and onion stuffing, apple sauce

Fried chicken escalope in breadcrumbs
all served with sea salted roast potatoes and seasonal vegetables

Salmon and smoked haddock fish pie with potato and herb crust

Deep fried Haloumi cheese, marinated olives and garlic bread

Double chocolate gateau
Sticky toffee pudding with custard or ice cream
Plum, apple and blackcurrant pie with custard

£12.50 per person for 3 courses when pre booked before Saturday. £13.50 thereafter £10 per person for 2 courses pre booked, £11 thereafter
Children’s (under 12) portions and alternative menu available


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Nov 06 2015

Beach Clean up

Published by under Club Notices

All members are welcome to join in the Surfers Against Sewage beach clean on Saturday. We are meeting at 1pm at the top of the slipway. Gloves and bags will be provided, hope to see you there.

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Nov 06 2015

Remembrance Day Club Service @ 10.55am Sunday

Published by under Club Notices


The club will be having a short service in the front car park to honour those that have given their lives in service of our country.

Everybody is welcome and we hope members will spend a few minutes of their time to join us.

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Nov 05 2015

Prize Giving Supper 2015 – Saturday 14th November @ 7pm

Published by under Cadets,Racing,Social

Come along and celebrate achievements on the water

end of season

Supper Menu

  • Classic Beef lasagne with garlic bread and salad
  • Vegetable lasagne (v) with garlic bread and salad
  • Belgium apple pie and vanilla ice cream

Please let the kitchen know if you have any special dietary requirements.

£8.50 for two courses,  £7.00 for main only.

Tickets are on sale from behind the bar.

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Nov 01 2015

This Thursday – Fireworks and Food

Published by under Bar,Cadets,Catering,Social


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Oct 31 2015

Winter and Icicle Sailing Instructions 2015

Published by under Racing

Sailing Instructions now available. Link below.

Winter Icicle 201516 SIs


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