Apr 03 2015

Race Marks

20150402_120641Yesterday a small number of volunteers met on the slipway at 08:30.  Their task was to lift and recover all 15 race marks, using the SS2 and SS3 that have been freshly serviced and maintained and painted by Toby Speller, John Casson, Paul Farrall and their team of helpers. We then had to unload the rescue boats and move all the marks, chain and concrete blocks to the top of the slipway.  After a quick well earned cup of tea and a hose down, the second job to remove all the chain from the buoys and blocks, end to end the chain, checking it as they went, then to re shackle it all up, replacing marks 2, 4, 7, 9, 12 and 14 with orange buoys (a response to discussions at last years Sailing AGM, course cards with orange buoys).  If that was not enough the buoys, chain and blocks were then loaded into SS2 and SS3 before being re-laid using 2 handheld GPS in a slightly condensed version of last years positions.

You may not notice the subtle change, but the west side of the mark grid is now closer to the Roslin Hotel rather than the Halfway house.  This huge, dirty and demanding task was completed in 6 hours by me and my team of Struan Wallace, John Casson, Alan Grant, Paul Beasley, Paul Morgan and Jack Morgan.  If you see these guys this weekend, give them a big thank you and buy them a drink.  Without them we would have not fixed buoys to start the season.

Enjoy the long Easter weekends racing and the start of the season.

Click on “continue reading” for pictures and GPS files to download.
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Apr 02 2015

New Cadet Racing – Training session on Friday

Published by under Cadets

New Cadet Sailing - long

Our first ‘New Cadet Racing’ season starts tomorrow Friday, with a training session that is aimed at sailors approximately 11 – 13 year old.
We will meet by the Dinghy Park gate at 10.00 am for a briefing.  We want to be started at 11.00 am.

We will aim the session at those can sail, and would benefit from a structured training session.  Picos, RS boats etc., helm and crew or single handed.

My first session will be:

Warm up reaches
Tacking on the whistle
Quick starts
Mini races (to familiarise the cadet with the new course)
Approx. 50 minutes

Just turn up, even if you were not one of the 24 youngsters and their parents that attended the meeting last week. All welcome!

A fun way to start the new season.

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Apr 02 2015

Final race of the winter series

Published by under Racing,Videos and Photos

Thanks to Lewis Brake for taking the footage

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Apr 01 2015

kitchen closed Good Friday

Published by under Catering

Dear all


Just to inform you the kitchen will not be open this Friday

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Mar 31 2015

Cruiser Lift in – Rescheduled – This Friday

Published by under Members,Racing

Due to poor weather and a very high low tide on Sunday the Cruiser Lift in has now been rescheduled after club racing this Friday.

Will all sailors and members (the Warm Up Race scheduled for 11:00 this Friday) try to ensure that they are clear of the Dinghy Park by 15:00 to allow this work to take place. Be aware that this work also affects the Slipway and Beach.

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Mar 29 2015

Sailing Supper – 4th April 2015

Published by under Bar,Catering,Social

Sailing Supper 2015 Continue Reading »

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Mar 28 2015

Please confirm your 2015 Duties in DutyMan

Published by under Duties

Duty roster listings and contact details are only published in Dutyman for 2015.


Dutyman emailed all duty-holders with their 2015 allocated duties and dates in February 2015. Thank you to those who have already confirmed their duties.


Please can all duty- holders access Dutyman and ‘confirm’ your duties under the ‘confirm your duties’ tab. A blue tick will appear against your duty.


Confirming your duties lets the duty managers know that:

  • You are able to access DutyMan;
  • DutyMan has your correct email address; and
  • You are aware of your 2015 duties.


You can still swap your duties at a later date even though you have confirmed them.


If you have duties but have not had an email from DutyMan recently then DutyMan has your wrong email address (or you may need to check your junk/spam box.)


Duty-holders are advised to set up a ‘favourite’ or ‘bookmark’ on their computer, tablet or phone, with their password embedded, for quick and easy access to Dutyman. It’s good for checking all  race dates and start times, not just duties.


Any problems or comments ? Please contact  [email protected]


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Mar 27 2015

sunday lunch

Published by under Catering

Sunday 29th March 2015


Spring vegetable minestrone soup

Duck and orange pate with brown toast and apricot chutney

Mussels ‘a la Mariniere’
Main courses
Roast leg of lamb, rosemary dumpling, redcurrant jelly and Shiraz gravy

Roast chicken breast, smoked bacon, sage and onion stuffing and Chardonnay gravy

Served with sea salted roast potatoes, a selection of winter vegetables, and
cauliflower cheese

Zucchini risotto with thyme and parmesan



Treacle tart and custard

Belgian apple pie with ice cream

£12.50 per person for 3 courses or £10 per person for 2 courses
Children’s (under 12) portions and alternative menu available

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Mar 25 2015

Cruiser Section Lift in Supper

Published by under Cruising

Cruiser Launch Supper 2015

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Mar 23 2015

Dinghy Instructor Course

We have arranged a Dinghy Instructor course and have 1 place available. Dates are 30th March to 3rd April.

To complete the course you will need to hold a PB2 and 1st Aid certificates. These can be done at a later stage.

Cost is £150. Please contact [email protected] if you would like to take the place.

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