Apr 01 2023

Sandhoppers For Sale

Published by under For Sale,Sandhoppers

If you are interested in purchasing a Sandhopper please contact us at [email protected] – These are the boats that are currently available along with some recent sales.
For Sale
£1000 Sea Jay – Contact David Johnson
Sold in 2023
£999 – S30 – Sandune (MBSC)
£1499 – S10 – True Blue – The first Sandhopper made! (TBYC)
£undisclosed -S45 – Sandfly (TBYC)
£7000- S157 – Obsession – (TBYC)
£undisclosed – S32 – Pearl – Aldburgh, East Suffolk
Sold in 2022
£750 – S43 – Spider (TBYC)
£1650 – S38 – Spindrifter (TBYC)
£2995 – S150 – Little Wing – Gravesend
£Undisclosed – Disco – S162 (TBYC)
£Undisclosed – Aeolus – S161 (TBYC)

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Apr 01 2023

Cadet Racing in the Main Races

Published by under Club Notices

Cadets Courses in the Main Club Races this season are:

SATURDAYS – Triangle
A1 (A small orange Inflatable Buoy)
C Buoy
D Buoy

SUNDAYS – Windward/Leeward
A1 (A small orange Inflatable Buoy)
D Buoy

See Sailing Instructions (Link below)

I have also put a guide here: Main-Race-Key-Points 2023

Good Luck!

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Mar 29 2023

Cadet Working Party – This Sunday 2nd April starting at 3.00pm for 60 minutes

Published by under Club Notices

Please could we have Cadet and Parent volunteers to get the Cadet boats ready for the season. Even if you don’t sail Picos or Optimists, you probably did in the past and we really need your help.

It usually takes 60 minutes!

See you there! Nick

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Mar 28 2023

URGENT: Double/Triple stacking trailers in the Dinghy Park

If you have paid for you 2023 storage and plan to keep your dinghies on double or triple stacker road trailers, then you need to inform me as soon as possible which boats these are.

Smaller dinghy storage spaces such as those for Teras, Picos and Lasers don’t really have the width to accommodate larger road trailers.

With this in mind, Mark and I have put together a provisional plan to move the storage of smaller boats on larger road trailers from their usual rows at the North of the Dinghy Park to wider spaces.

This can only happen if numbers are low and provided at the start of the season. Trailers that we are not aware of or introduced later in the season may not be allocated spaces depending upon the capacity of the Dinghy Park at the time.

That you in advance for providing us with your details as soon as you can. I need to publish the plan before next Sunday when the majority of boats will be expected to return following the delayed cruiser lift in on Saturday.

If you plan to return your dinghy before then, plan leave it on the west of the Dinghy Park and then move once the cruisers are launched.

Thank you
[email protected]

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Mar 26 2023

Advanced Race training Sunday

Published by under Cadets

Advanced Race training
(Sharks) with Andras
Sunday 2 April 2023
Sailing off the beach at 9:30
Please, book a place for your sailor on this Google sheet:
by 21:00 Thursday 30 March:

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Mar 24 2023

House Rep Change – One Scott to another.

Published by under Club Notices

I would like to thank everyone that supported me while I was House Rep. I made the tough decision in January to step down due increased work commitments. I would like to wish Scott Weller as the new House Rep all the best with the pivotal role within the club.
I was very pleased to have been able to have brought some small improvements to the club with the support of the overall committee during my time. I would like to mention a few of these achievements in recognition of those that supported me and the club: There were a number of very successful working parties that led to the completion of the front fence, the repainting of the kerbs and the front of the club, cleaning of support boats, the construction of the height restriction for the car park. As well as some other projects that were well supported by our fantastic members, new mast rack, new hoses in the dinghy park, restoration the support boats SS6, SS2 & SS3, two new trailers for SS5 and SS8, re-worked showers, the new balcony awnings, the new pillars & walls at the front of the club & the design and full planning permission of the Rib Store.
The support I received from so many was fantastic, and again I would like to thank you all for all you have done and will do in the future for the club that we all enjoy.
Thanks again,
Scott James.

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Mar 22 2023

TBYC Sailing Instructions 2023

Published by under Club Notices

Please see sailing instructions for 2023 – TBYC SI 2023

Cadets! Please note the course changes.

Race Officers – please take time to read and print out. There will be laminated copies on board SS4.

Have a great season!



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Mar 21 2023

Please do not leave your car in Barrowsands next to the Club House Night of 24th / 25th March 2023

Published by under Club Notices

Please do not leave your car in Barrowsands next to the Club House on Friday Night or park there early on Saturday morning as we will be carrying the support boats down the road between 07:00 – 08:00 on Saturday morning.

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Mar 19 2023

Sandhopper and Cruiser Lift in 25 / 26 March 2023 –

Published by under Club Notices

It’s that time of year and the Support boats , Sandhoppers and Cruisers and being launched next weekend (25th and 26th March) We would ask if you can move your own dingy into a row during this week as to ease the burden of moving them to allow us to get to the Sandhoppers and Cruisers it would be appreciated. We also ask that you avoid being in the dinghy park from 07:00 to midday on both Saturday and Sunday next weekend as we will have heavy machinery operating and the small team of people helping with the lift should be the only people in the dingy park at this time. Thank you and I hope you all have a fabulous season.

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Mar 16 2023

Reminder – Put Club Racing Dates in your Electronic Diary

Published by under Racing

This year the programme has been supplied electronically and therefore this will help integrate with your calendars.

As DutyMan has just been populated for the year (Race and Tide details), I thought this would be a good reminder. You can automatically include the DutyMan/Racing dates in your diary (Outlook, Gmail, Smartphones, etc).

The following link downloads a file in a format that is recognised by most packages (.ICS). To put into Outlook you can use the Import Option once the file is saved, and within Gmail Google Calendar you can just add the URL directly as anothers calendar. https://dutyman.biz/eventfeed/T0001839/h11rCbtm . When any changes are made they reflected in this link, so if you are using a dynamic calendar like Gmail it should automatically update.

If you are more adventurous all this information is available in the Smartphone tab once logged into DutyMan, including links specifically for your duties. Remember however the file format isn’t just restricted to Smartphones.

Never miss a race !

When any changes are made they reflected in this link, so if you are using a dynamic calendar like Gmail it should automatically update.

Any Problems have a chat with me.

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