Oct 13 2022

Disco Party – This Saturday

Published by under Club Notices

All Members and their Guest Welcome

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Oct 08 2022

Final Fling 2022

Published by under Racing,Sandhoppers

That’s it, the Final Fling at TBYC has been held for 2022 and the results are in….

1st – Squiffy – Howard & David
2nd – Nemesis – Chris & Ken
3rd – Disco – Paul & Rob
4th – Zeus – Harry & James
5th – Seaphantom – Harry & Clara
6th – The Dogs … 5 – Mark & Alex
7th – Little Wing – Scott & Penny
8th – Katy – Tolga & Has
9th – Spindrifter – Gary and Carol

Thank you to the volunteers on the support boats, the ARO and Wes our Race Officer.

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Oct 06 2022


We need volunteers to help with the following Club Racing duties this weekend please

Please do volunteer if you can help.

Sat 08 Oct 2022 10:00 Autumn Sat – SS3 Crew – COVERED Thanks Etienne

Sat 08 Oct 2022 10:00 Autumn Sat – RIB Crew – COVERED thanks Maurice

Sun 09 Oct 2022 11:00 End of Season trophy – SS2 crew – VOLUNTEER PLEASE

Sun 09 Oct 2022 11:00 End of Season trophy – SS3 crew – VOLUNTEER PLEASE

Sun 09 Oct 2022 11:00 End of Season trophy – RIB crew – VOLUNTEER PLEASE


The club tow car (BMW X3) is available to launch RIBs (any club member with a clean license over 25 is insured to drive it)

If you have a duty coming up and want a refresher on what to do please come along to any race and let the Duty Officer know if you would like to join a displacement or the committee boat to help / observe.

Don’t forget you can swap a duty with a VOLUNTEER PLEASE duty by emailing [email protected]

If you can help please volunteer / swap in the usual way via Dutyman or email [email protected]

Many thanks

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Oct 05 2022

Support boats have been cleaned and antifouled ahead of lift out!

Published by under Club Notices

Thank you to Howard Warrington, Duncan Clarke, Tolga Kulahcigil and Gary Levy who spent all day yesterday cleaning and then antifouling SS2 and SS3. They also cleaned and prepared Polly and the Committee Boat ready for winter.  A great job well done, thank you for your time from all of us that rely on these boats every weekend.

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Oct 05 2022

Sandhopper Final Fling – Saturday – 8th October – Start 10:00

Published by under Club Notices

Don’t forget the final fling is this Saturday. Race start is 10:00. The weather forecast is W, 10 – 16kts, 12 Degrees, No rain! Looks like it could be a good day for it. If you would like to sail, please let me know as I need crew/helm and maybe others will go out if there is availability of crew


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Oct 03 2022

Cadet Events: Matt Dear and Interclub Cadet Team Race

Published by under Cadets

To avoid confusion here are all the documents I have regarding the TWO SEPARATE Cadet external races this coming weekend.

Matt Dear Race, TEYC, Start time 11.45. An entry form needs to completed (below) and sent directly to [email protected]. If you could copy me in, that would be useful.

Matt Dear Sailing Instructions 22     Matt Dear NOTICE OF RACE 22       Matt Dear Entry Form 22

Last day for completed forms is Wednessday directly.

Interclub Cadet Team Race, Leigh Sailing Club, Start time 12.00. A team of 3 or 4 boats need to be formed and entered using their Entry form. I would suggest you let me have the names and I will submit.

INTERCLUB TEAM RACE INSTRUCTIONS 2022 Version B (including Entry form)

Last day for completed forms is Thursday directly or to me by Wednesday.


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Oct 03 2022

End of Season

Published by under Club Notices

End of Season
Sadly, next weekend is the end of our main sailing season. We hope you have had a successful year on the water!
For those signed up for the Winter Series the fun continues….. (signing up means having entered the event by filling in the google form).
Please can we ask all those who have not filled in the sailing/storage form, that your dinghy is removed from the dinghy park as soon after the weekend as possible. We need to make space for the Cruiser & Sandhopper Lift Out the following weekend.
If you need assistance with trailers etc please contact your class captain who I’m sure can put the word out among the class to help.
Please do make this happen. It’s often left to a handful of people to move boats around that shouldn’t be there.
Thank you

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Sep 28 2022

Moules and Frites

Published by under Bar,Catering

The usual menu will not be available, although James will cater for special dietary requirements, with prior notice.
Phone the club, 01702 587563, to book your table.

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Sep 28 2022

Cadet Race Training this Sunday and more…..

Published by under Club Notices

This Sunday 2nd October

Briefing at 15.15 (changed and rigged, meet on the sea wall). Leaving the beach at 15.30.

This activity is aimed at Cadet Sailors to develop their Racing skills. Sessions include exercises to improve boat handling, sailing a set course, starting and finishes with a series of short races.

CADETS ARE TO COMPLETE THE FULL SESSION, coming back during a session is not an option due to safety reasons.

Parents are encouraged to help with preparation, recovery and on-the-water.

Please complete the short form to register your child for this session. Click here 

(This allows me to prepare the Race sheet and saves so much time on the day)

Coach: Nick

07815 113459

[email protected]


SATURDAY 1st OCTOBER 9.00am – 10.30am: HELP PLEASE – We need Cadets and Parents to help with some end of season tasks; storing our cadet club boats for the winter and to reorganise the Cadet Container.

SATURDAY 8th OCTOBER – MATT DEAR TROPHY at Thames Estuary Yacht Club. This is a cadet event that we have supported for several years. The race starts at 11.45, so boats will have to arrive at TEYC by 10.15.  This year the transportation of boats is down to parents as both Andras and I are committed to Cadet activities elsewhere.  Entries will need to be made by Monday 3rd October. Please E-mail me your Name, Boat, Rig (where appropriate) and sail number.  [email protected]    There will be a meeting on Thursday 6th October at 7.30 in the Sail Training room to complete registartion forms and brief the cadets.

SUNDAY 9th OCTOBER Interclub Cadet Team Race at Essex Yacht Club.  Reserve the date!  Again parents will have get their boats to Essex Yacht Club. DETAILS TO FOLLOW. We have competed in this competition for several years. We need teams of 4. It must be noted that once registered the rigs cannot be changed. Please do not enter if you do not agree with this.

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Sep 25 2022

Save The Date…!

Published by under Club Notices


Prize Giving
The 2022 Prize Giving will be held on Saturday 19th November.
Food will be available – more details nearer the time.
If you think you’re in the top 3 for a series, please try to be there to receive you prize.
Sailing AGM
The sailing AGM will be held on the evening of Wednesday 9th November. Agenda to follow.
If you have anything you would like to discuss please let me know.
Have your say!

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