Nov 30 2011

New Years Day Brunch 2012

A new event for TBYC for 2012 – join family and friends to enjoy a “recovery” brunch cooked and served by members of the new committee!

Between 11.30am and 1.30pm on 1st January, Martin Swindon will be joined by Mick Kilkelly and helpers in the kitchen for one day only (in fact two hours only!) serving the following menu at only £5 per person:-

Scrambled Egg, Creme Fraiche & Smoked Salmon


Eggs Benedict with Wiltshire Ham


Sausages, bacon, mushrooms, fried egg, grilled tomato and baked beans with toast

The bar will be open and will also be serving Bucks Fizz, Traditional Virgin Mary’s and Bloody Mary’s.


By pre-order (and payment) by 23rd December latest please!

Order forms available from the bar, TBYC secretary, download from the link below or by email request from [email protected] or [email protected].

Look forward to seeing you!

New Years Day Brunch 2012 POSTER ,

New Years Day Brunch 2012 PREORDER

2 responses so far

Nov 30 2011

Cadet Prize Giving Evening

Hi All, Due to other sailing commitments for a large number of our cadets it was not possible for them to be at the official TBYC prize giving this year. So following our Cadet committee meeting last night it was decided to hold a Cadet Prize Giving Thursday Evening 8th December at 19.30 at TBYC We all look forward to seeing you at this celebration of our young cadets

Steve Hopper

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Nov 29 2011

Cadets’ Christmas Party

Sunday 18th December – 4pm to 6pm
Disco and Party Games by Groovy Tunes
Drinks, Nibbles and a Gift from Santa
Tickets only £5. Available now from behind the bar.
Please bring your ticket with you to give to Santa’s helpers.
The Commodore Bar will be open for parents.

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Nov 25 2011


Published by under Sandhoppers

Hi all
Just a quick couple of Items for your diary’s
Sunday 27th November 10.30am Sandhopper class association AGM please come along and have your say, remember this is our class and we need to drive it forward.

Wednesday 14th December 20.00hrs Sandhopper Christmas drinks.
Hope to see you all at these 2 event.
Regards Spratty and Rupert

One response so far

Nov 24 2011

Vehicle req to launch & recover ribs for Sun 27th race please.

Published by under Club Notices,Racing


WHEN….Sun 27th November, 09.46 hrs GMT.

FOR….Sunday winter points 3, start time 11:00 hrs.


A volunteer with suitable vehicle is kindly required to tow the support ribs to the jetty for launching, then bring back to the club after racing has finished please.

No ribs equals No race.


Please assist with the recovery of the ribs after the racing please.

Thank you, Simon.

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Nov 24 2011

New Year’s Eve Party

Published by under Club Notices,Social

See in the New Year with your family and friends at TBYC.

Groovy Tunes will be playing great music from 8 pm til January.

Tickets are selling fast – only £5. Available from the bar or from TBYC Secretary – call 01702 587563 or e-mail [email protected].

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Nov 23 2011

Christmas Party 10th December – menu choices

Published by under Social

Hi Everyone,

With just over two weeks until our Christmas Party, a reminder that both your payment and menu selection must be received by the Club Secretary no later than 3rd December to secure your place.

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].

Thank you.


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Nov 23 2011

Pre Sailing Breakfast Menu

Published by under Catering

This weekend the kitchen will be open from 9.00 am on Saturday and 9.30am on Sunday and will be serving a simple breakfast menu as follows:-

Bacon Bap – £2.00

Sausage Bap – £2.00

Egg Bap £2.00

Take away Tea or Coffee 50p

We are trialling this new opening time and menu, and would appreciate your full support and feedback.

So before you embark onto the water why not treat yourself to a low cholesterol start to the day!!

One response so far

Nov 22 2011

New Years Eve 2011 Party at TBYC

Published by under Social

Celebrate New Years Eve this year with family and friends at TBYC.

Groovy Tunes DJ will be playing fantastic music from 8pm through til

1am New Years Day 2012….

Tickets are selling fast at only £5!  Available from the bar or TBYC Secretary –

call 01702 587586 or email [email protected].

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Nov 16 2011

Christmas Party 10th December 2011 Pre-order your wine and get 10% discount

Published by under Bar,Social

Christmas Party

10th December 2011


 Pre-order your wine and get 10% discount


Due to the size of our current wine list we do not stock a large amount of each wine, but re-order on a regular basis.


Therefore, to avoid disappointment on the evening of the

Christmas Party, and to get 10% discount, we have introduced a wine pre order system, that allows you to select the wines of your choice from our wine list prior to the event.


The pre order forms are available from the bar, these must be completed and paid for no later than Monday 5th December 2011, to ensure that you get the 10% discount


If you do not complete the pre order form, wines will still be available to purchase on the evening of the Ball, at full price, but the selection may be limited, due to overwhelming demand on the night.

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