Aug 23 2011

Duty Officer Swap

Published by under Duties

I would like to request a duty swap for ‘Duty Officer’ on Sunday 18th of September.

I will be away at the K6 Nationals in Falmouth.

many thanks


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Aug 23 2011

Sunday race starts

Published by under Racing,Videos and Photos

Cats Monos and sandhopper starts from sundayYouTube Preview Image

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Aug 22 2011

Cadets on Tour

Published by under Cadets

9029 “Freestyle”- George and Ben Warrington
8401 “Spook”- Matthew Lloyd and Savva Tretyakov
8451 “Stress” – Alex Warrington and Laura Lloyd

Last week saw six TBYC cadets take to the water for the Cadet National Championships at Stone Sailing Club. After difficult year with wind conditions ruining most of the Indicator Series, Stone SC managed to do their usual magic and put on a fabulous event.

The Cadet being the only true junior racing dinghy with an upper age limit of 17, meant that this would be George’s last event.  Some of the usual faces had decided to end their Cadet sailing at the previous Worlds in Germany so 67 boats were entered in total.

With George & Ben’s and Alex & Laura’s previous results saw them boosted up to the Gold Fleet. Matthew with our new member, Savva, who has recently joined TBYC from Russia where he had been crewing at National level were in the Silver fleet.

The Stone tides and different wind directions, gave all the competitors something to think about! It was like being at a different venue each day! George & Ben had a good event and finished overall in 22nd, a black flag and a broken rudder stock lost them 2 races but managed a 9th place in race 7. Alex & Laura started well and were in the teens overall half way through, but a bad last 2 days saw them drop back to 31st overall – with some massive lessons learnt about the effects of the tide! Matthew & Savva were 49th but had an interesting race 2 which saw the leaders stuck in the tide trying to fetch the windward mark when the breeze dropped. The boys put in a long tack inshore and out of the tide, found a puff of wind and managed to make the mark in 2nd place. Only to find the race abandoned when they were feet from the line! The Committee had decided it was an unfair race. The boys protested the committee but it was not upheld. Good effort none the less!

Another great event finishes and we move on to the final Open meetings and RYA Squad qualifiers. We would love more of you to join us and if your child would like to learn their race craft in this superb racing dinghy, please contact me. Many members stop and look at the Cadets in the dinghy park and remember their days in the Cadet fleet with fondness…..!

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Aug 19 2011

Committee Boat Replacement

YouTube Preview ImageToday i am very pleased to say TBYC has purchased a replacement for our Committee Boat. After an extensive research programme undertaken kindly by Simon Boygle we have opted for a dual purpose second hand Prout Event 34 Sailing Catamaran. With a few minor modifications she is ready to go as Race Control with the added benefit to TBYC of being able to offer Sail Training outside of Race times.
We have had two extensive viewings with the good and great of TBYC coming together to execute this purchase in a timely and professional manor.
Toby Speller Rear Com Racing sourced the new boat for which i thank him once again for his outstanding dedication to Sailing at TBYC and continuing to build the solid foundations for the future.
Today Toby took along an impossing group of skills from TBYC with Gordon Sanders extensive knowledge of all things marine and mechanical, David Johnson to keep us laughing and of course his neverending knowledge of boats their construction and glue! Barry Duce to ask all the right questions, Paul Clarke our Treasurer at the end of the phone with the balls to say ok to £50k leaving the bank, Colin our independant Marine Surveyor and French Marine for supplying Steve to do the engine test.
we hope to have the new boat within the next few weeks where we will have an official launch of our fabulous new asset.
Thanks once again to those on the Committees and those close to the Committees who have given their valued input in this project.
This is a Race Station with the creature comforts fit for the 21st century and a great place to spend a few hours officiating, i hope through your volunteering you get to enjoy our new asset.

thanks again to all involved, please see Barry Duce’s video taken today,



Peter Thompson Commodore

11 responses so far

Aug 19 2011

Chris Purdon Photo’s

Published by under Club Notices

Hi Pete

Sorry to bother you again but could you pop another note on the TBYC website for me?

I am going to have a little gallery of photo’s of Chris at the Yacht Club on Wednesday (Spratty making a board for me – couldn’t find a proper carpenter!).

Could you please ask if people could bring a copy of a photo of themselves with Chris (or just Chris) if they have one, with a little note on the back of who, when and where etc,
At the end of the day I can take them home and they will be treasured memories in the years to come. We will also have a book for people to leave a comment in.

Thanks very much.

Regards Gill

One response so far

Aug 17 2011

Chris Purdon Furneral Details

Published by under Club Notices

Funeral details are,

Wednesday 24th August 3.20pm Southend Crematorium,

following celebration at Thorpe Bay Yacht Club

in true Chris style enabling you to do a days work first! Chris was also happiest in a pair of shorts, deck shoes and shirt, the brighter the better, so you are encouraged to follow this so we can really make a true celebration of Chris on the day, ladies obviously dressed up to the nines!

the above would be great but in all seriousness come as you like, casual with deck shoes.

there will be a collection on the day to be shared between Barts Transplant Unit and an exciting project close to Chris’s heart which you will learn more about on the day.
you can also post kind donations to,
A.R. Adams (Funeral Directors) Ltd
141 – 143 The Broadway
Thorpe Bay
SS1 3EX   (01702) 586383

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Aug 13 2011

Chris Purdon very very sad news

Published by under Club Notices

Chris Purdon has very sadly lost his battle against leukemia following stem cell transplant operation at Barts London. Chris fought very very hard for the past two months with the saddest of endings.
I know Chris was highly regarded from his sailing days at Halfway YC and was a tenacious member of the first Feva squad at TBYC with son Matt and daughter Emma where he pimped any engineered part he could on their boat and many others.
Wife Gill has shown remarkable strength throughout and our thoughts are with Gill, Matt and Emma at this very sad time.
Chris was one of lifes truly good guys and i know this is shock to many, when Spratty has wipped away the tears i am sure his words will be well read.


Funeral details are,

Wednesday 24th August 3.20pm Southend Crematorium,

following celebration at Thorpe Bay Yacht Club

in true Chris style enabling you to do a days work first! Chris was also happiest in a pair of shorts, deck shoes and shirt, the brighter the better, so you are encouraged to follow this so we can really make a true celebration of Chris on the day, ladies obviously dressed up to the nines!

the above would be great but in all seriousness come as you like, casual with deck shoes.

there will be a collection on the day to be shared between Barts Transplant Unit and an exciting project close to Chris’s heart which you will learn more about on the day.
you can also post kind donations to,
A.R. Adams (Funeral Directors) Ltd
141 – 143 The Broadway
Thorpe Bay

11 responses so far

Aug 13 2011

TBYC Feva Summer Holiday Series

Published by under Bilge

Hi all sorry for belated instructions but please find attached Notice of Race & Sailing Instructions for this coming weeks TBYC Feva sailing event.


Your race officer will be Nick Binnendijk who will be conducting a briefing in the club house Monday morning at around 10.30hrs


Happy Sailing Steve


 feva si summer 2011NOR Feva summer 2011

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Aug 11 2011

Thank you

Published by under Cadets

Another fantastic week had by all, thank you to all who helped in the Stingray Group this year. A massive thank you to Rupert and Debbie for all their hard work during the year. Thanks also to Mike for all the work getting the Oppies and equipment up to scratch in the weeks prior to Cadet week. To all the Team Leaders and helpers, who all gave the children some fantastic instruction throughout the week and were great sports who entered the spirit of the event from day 1. Many thanks also to the Guys and Girls on the Rescue boats, Bosuns Hut, Road crossing duties, Catering and behind the bar. A big thank you also to Peter Thompson for all the hard work he does behind the scenes, which probably most of us never see! The biggest thank you of all goes to the children, who once again, were a credit to their parents and Thorpe Bay Yacht, the future of the club certainly looks bright. Thanks again and see you on the beach next year, Mark.

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Aug 11 2011

Duty Swap – 29.8.11 SS3

Published by under Duties

Had previously posted that unable to fulfill above duty due to holiday abroad, but don’t think anyone contacted to offer swap. Please let me know if anyobe can swap – September dates onwards preferable. Thanks, Dan B (o7973 715522)

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