Aug 11 2011

Pico Partner required

Published by under Cadets

Following a great Cadet Week, my son Alex would love to sail in a Pico regularly. If anyone needs a helm or crew please let me know on 07702 366053. Rick Paxman

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Aug 11 2011

Cadet Week

Published by under Cadets

I just wanted to say a huge Thank You to all involved for such a fun Cadet Week. I know that an awful lot of hard work and organisation goes into it all … Thank you to everyone involved.

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Aug 11 2011


Hello everybody

Fancy swaping your wetsuit/trapeze harness for some oars and exercise?

BYC are planning their first 14 mile rowing race around Canvey Island on Sat 3rd Sept, start at 2:15pm.

Please click on the link for full details.

I would like to get at least get a couple of crews/boats (i’m up for the exercise) for some friendly interclub rivalery.

Entry fee is £3 per person.

If anyone has knowledge of or owns a suitable rowing/skulling machine (preferably not from the gym nor 240v!)  or fancies taking part, please drop me a line.

If the link does not work, go on the BYC website for all the info.

Thanks, simon

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Aug 11 2011

2011 Sandhopper Nationals – 10th / 11th September

sandhopper NOR 2011

Sandhopper Nationals 2011SI

Sandhopper Nationals 2011 Entry Form


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Aug 10 2011

Yantlet Trophy – Sunday 14th August

Join the great Trophy Race to Yantlet this Sunday – Race start Midday.

Please be take extreme care crossing the deep water channel used by commercial traffic.

Thank you to our Race Officers this Sunday Gordon & Martyn

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Aug 09 2011

Final day cadet week

Published by under Cadets,Videos and Photos

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Aug 09 2011

Prize giving cadet week

Published by under Cadets,Videos and Photos

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Aug 08 2011

Cadet Week 2011

Published by under Bilge

Huge thanks to everyone for making the week such a success and for the unexpected, but very kind generosity shown towards Debbie Kilkelly and myself on the Friday…Thank you all!
May I please take this opportunity to apologise for the mistake with the results of the Hopper End-of-Week race (which were done in something of a hurry) and rectify them here. Tom Metcalf came 3rd, beating Alex Hadley with a determined and very fast time in his LaserRadial. Sorry for the mistake Tom and I hope we see you down at the club and on the water again soon.
Sorry also to Adele Morton and Claudia Wilmore, who were completely missed out somehow! I will put you in and ask Jeremy Sandford to post the results on the club website soon.
Thanks again to everyone for their support and energy and I hope to see you all on the water!
The Walley Cup will be re-sailed in September when the weather improves!
Rupert Snow.

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Aug 06 2011

Final race cadet week

Published by under Bilge,Videos and Photos

48 boats racing at tbyc cadet week
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Aug 04 2011

Fantastic cadet fun

Published by under Cadets,Videos and Photos

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to see more of the days action click on the links in the comments section below….

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