Jul 16 2011

TBYC fun day

great shots of the fun day on sundayYouTube Preview Image

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Jul 15 2011

Stingray Leaders

Published by under Bilge

STINGRAY GROUP LEADERS 2011 Click on the link to acess the list of Stingray Helpers for the 2011 TBYC Cadet Week – sponsored by Steve Hopper, Matt Waters and RTR Inflatables.

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Jul 15 2011

Drinks Update

Published by under Bar

Due to popular demand we are now pleased to add to our Bar Stock:

Myers Dark Rum
After Shocks
Toffee Vodka

Please Enjoy !

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Jul 15 2011

Cadet Week 2011

Published by under Bilge

Web Groups and Teams 2011[1] Click link on left to look at the finalised list of Cadets, groups and teams for TBYC Cadet Week 2011…kindly sponsored by S. Hopper and M. Waters

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Jul 15 2011

Slipway Anti Fouling: Your help needed

Published by under Members,Working Parties

Dear All, on Sunday 24th June your help is greatly needed please to scrub and then Anti Foul the bottom of the slipway. Meet at the slip at 9.30am

many hands make light work

thanks sam husk

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Jul 14 2011

BBQ Sat 16th July

It has been decided due to Cadet members taking part in the AYC Matt Trophy & the uncertain forecast that the beach BBQ due to be held Sat 16th July will be postponed.

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Jul 14 2011

All Cadets – Matt Trophy this Saturday

Published by under Cadets

Matt Trophy AYC Open Race for Cadets in any Class

Last Year Alex Farrall won and Alex Hadley came second…How well can we do this year?

Leave TBYC ( weather permitting 9.00am) – sail round to Alex Yacht Club with Seasafe in convoy.

Registration On Alex Jetty From 11:00 Onwards  (download forms from Alex web site (sailing tab) and fill in entry forms.  Give them to me– I will hand them into AYC from Seasafe 2 or 3).  

Briefing 12:15    (I will relay details on the water, if it is not easy to land)                                                                               

Matt Trophy Start 13:25  (after finish – back round pier and home)     

BBQ at Clubhouse 16:00 (Allowing time for boats to return to clubs and competitors to change and return to AYC)       

Presentations 20:00      Buffet  Raffle    Disco Till 00:00       ALL COMPETITORS AND GUESTS WELCOME

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Jul 14 2011

Earls Court Boat show 1967 vintage

Excellent Boat Show ’67 footage, click here.

2 responses so far

Jul 14 2011

Sprints at Nore Race

Published by under Bilge

Congratulations to Howard Hawkes, for 4th place in group 1 of the Nore race last week and winning the Yachting News Trophy – well done Howard. Also well done to the intrepid Daren Fitchew who apparently lost his mast in the mouth of the medway put it up again, finished the race, then lost it again! Incredible. Way to go Daren. Finish at all costs.

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Jul 14 2011

Assistant race officer required

Published by under Duties

An assistant race officer is required for Midweek 6, monday 25th July.

No experience needed.

Contact neilhnnh at yahoo.co.uk

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