Jul 04 2011

Mulberry Day – Sun 10th July

Sunday 10th July 2011 

Summers here so let’s take advantage of the great weather & long days. 

TBYC Mulberry Day 

Departure from slipway at 10am weather permitting, plan is to take along Club Safety Boats & the Committee Boat with the club BBQ on board. Bring your own food & drink. We will be back in adequate time for those that want to race at 18:00hrs in the Summer Sunday points. 


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Jun 29 2011

Last minute crew needed for SS5 on Sunday

Published by under Bilge

Hi Everyone

we need a stand in crew for SS5 on Sunday please. Race starts at 1pm. PLease can you post a comment if you are able to cover this.


One response so far

Jun 27 2011

Duty Officer cover – July 3rd

Published by under Duties

Hi Everyone

I know it  is short notice but is anyone able to swap duties with me please? I am down to be duty officer on Sunday July 3rd.

Please can you let me know either by commenting on here or email [email protected]

thanks so much! Am happy to cover/swap for another duty/duties!!

One response so far

Jun 27 2011


Date for your diary everybody….NORE RACE 2011, Sat 9th July. So get entered and win some great prizes.

Some bullet points copied from the entry form if one is not available to you yet…..

Start times for Groups 1 & 2 Dinghies-Multihull  & Monohull….start signal; 10:40.

Start times for Groups 3 & 4 Cruisers-Multihull & Monohull…..start signal; 10:50.

Southend on Sea: HW 07:11 (5.3m) & 19:54 (5.2m) BST…..LW 13:10 BST.

Entry fee is a snip at £12.00 for all classes and this includes free entry for the prizegiving at 19:30 on friday 15 th July for all entrants, crew & family. Barbecue food is available to buy and ‘Plan C’ will be providing the music for the evening.

Entry forms are available to be downloaded off the Benfleet YC website and have to arrive by post Thur 7 July or in person by 21:00 on fri 8th July. Also a coloured chart of course, flags & signals to download:


Fast multihull cats with handicap below 720, expect to do 2 laps, (32 miles).

Myself & Sophie will be in SS7. If you wish to leave your munchies, stella artois etc for ‘safe keeping’  until after the race then give us a shout. Cost of the looking after said items will be half the ‘booty’.

Have a great day and see you on the water.

Simon & Sophie.

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Jun 27 2011

Wanted Helm & Crew for Seasafe 3 – Sunday 03rd July

Published by under Club Notices,Duties

Crew required to run SS3 covering club racing on Sunday 03rd July 2011 – start is at 13:00hrs so would need to be afloat midday.

5 responses so far

Jun 21 2011

Eating after Sailing this weekend

Published by under Catering

This weekend’s racing is late in the day and Gary in the kitchen will be happy to serve you when you come in off the water.

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Jun 20 2011

2011 Regatta

YouTube Preview Image

Racing footage of the weekends fun

3 responses so far

Jun 19 2011

TBYC 2011 Regatta – A Massive Thank You

A massive thank-you to the TBYC 2011 Regatta Race Officers Alan & Sally Willis and Howard Hawkes who coped with calm professionalism with everything the weather could possibly throw at them this weekend.

Thanks to all the members that supported in the many functions such as Beachmaster, Pico Race Officers, safety boat crews, race recorders, registration, BBQ ticket promotors and the team that spent both days getting very wet assisting competitors off the water in the challenging conditions and helped with the rib recovery tasks.

Thank you to the members that loaned Ribs as additional safety cover – this permitted a much greater level of coverage allowing the racing to take place.

Plus the results team who turned around the results for our five races  in super quick time – well done.

What a great team & thanks again,

Toby Speller -Rear Commodore Racing

8 responses so far

Jun 18 2011

Regatta – Saturday Pics

Published by under Racing

Click Here

4 responses so far

Jun 17 2011


Published by under Monohulls,World's

Congratulations to Allen Burrell who has just won a silver medal at the Finn world championships.
2nd overall in a fleet of nearly 300 boats is an amazing feat, made all the better when you add in the fact that some of the sailors he beat are ex Olympians.
Well done Al we are all so proud of you.

Regards Spratty and Tracey and all of TBYC

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