Jul 27 2022

Sandhopper National Championships 2022 – 13th & 14th August

Good morning.
The Sandhopper National Championships are here again on the 13th and 14th of August 2022 and with all that has been going on and with a drive for us to get back to Burnham week for the first time in many years, I may not have been shouting enough about how fantastic this event is for our wonderful class of boat.
This year we are also celebrating 50 years of Sandhoppers at TBYC, although a little over 50 yrs, but we can blame Covid for that. So, everyone is welcome to join us to celebrate the class on the Saturday night (13th August) for a BBQ at TBYC. I will issue details as to the cost of this shortly and a reply from you would be very helpful to know If you are joining as this has an impact as to that cost!
Now onto the racing. Everyone with a Sandhopper is obviously welcome to join in, we have Primo available for those that don’t have a boat, it is not currently booked for the nationals. Therefore, if you would like it, please let me know before next Friday and I will put the names in a hat and then let you know if you have been the lucky one!
Also, if you have a Sandhopper and you cannot or don’t want to compete but would be happy for an experienced sailor to compete in your boat, please let me know. Conversely if you would like to race in a Sandhopper at the Nationals and don’t have a boat let me know, I may be able to arrange a boat for you, or a crewing opportunity. Maybe a Win Win.
The NoR & SI along with the Application form are attached. The NoR and SI are in Draft form and will be finalised in a week, if you spot any omissions, please let me know.

If you intend to compete, if you could let me know it would be useful as I will be ordering trophies etc. very shortly.

As ever if there is anything I can do to help you get sailing please let me know

Sandhopper 2022 Entry Form docx

Kind regards
Scott James
TBYC Sandhopper Class Capt & SCBA Chair

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Jul 26 2022

Endeavour Trophy – Sat 30th – Come and watch!

Published by under Club Notices

We have 8 boats competing this year. You will see some of the closest racing ever… Watch from the balcony or come out on the water. There’s plenty of room on the Committee Boat.

A BIG thank you to our generous owners who have kindly lent their boats so that the event can take place.

Here are this years runners and riders. Who will win Cadet Week at take the honour?

Class Boat Sail no Owner Helm Crew
Sandhopper Primo 57 Class Chris Clarke Ken Clarke
Cruiser The Dogs 156 Mark Jewell Paul Farrall Alex Farrall
Finn Bluejacket 154 Richard Barnes Allen Burrell Paul Beasley
Sprint Remedy 27 Chas Gibson Gary Sverdloff Andrew Hannah
Windward/Leeward Nemesis 160 Chris/Ken Clarke Nick Elmore Andrew Wood
Hurricane Zeus 14 Harry Floyd Harry Boygle George Warrington
Cadet Squiffy 41 David Johnson Cadet Week Winner Alex Warrington
Laser Disco 162 Paul Graves Chris Boshier Dominic Speller

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Jul 22 2022

Cadet Week Marquee & Car Parking

Published by under Cadets

Dear members

A polite reminder that the front car park in front of the club will close this Saturday afternoon for the installation of the marquee for cadet week.

Parking will be at a premium during the week especially on Tuesday. Please park considerately in the grass field.

WE DO NOT HAVE USE OF THE OVERFLOW COUNCIL CAR PARK/FIELD THIS YEAR.  If you park here you will need to buy a ticket or use a Southend Pass if you have one. On street parking is available in Burges Road.

Please also note that during the day we will be operating a one way system entering the car park via the dinghy park and the exit via the council field.

Many thanks

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Jul 19 2022

for cadets:

Published by under Cadets

This weekend:

Thursday 19:30 – 20:00 workshop on upwind sailing for racing cadets and cadets who wish to get into racing. Meet at Sail Training Room.
How to stay in the lead after a good start?
Short presentation, discussion in groups,
closing up with a few top tips to win.

Friday Mid Week Race, race start at 19:00.
For racing cadets and cadets who wish to get into racing. Message me if uncertain.

Sunday 9:00 start Tera training with me.
Brrrr, that’s early!
All Tera sailors welcome!
There will be support for the less experienced.
Top sailors expect to be pushed and challenged.
Are you really as good as you think?
Focus will be on boat handling, sailing backwards, stopping, accelerating.
Sailors not having a Tera and wish to join, please, message me.

It is helpful if you let me know.
See you: Andras

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Jul 18 2022

Sandhopper S150 – For Sale **Sold**

Published by under For Sale,Sandhoppers

Built in 1996

Comes with:

A suit of Hyde sails, Dolphin spinnaker, Lonton and Gray sails which are old but ok for cruising. 

Some of the blocks, sheets and halyards (now in  4mm dyneema) have been replaced, New foil bag made by Wilkinsons of Faversham which is unused, Older cover 

Asking price £3500 

The boat was previously owned by the David Johnson who replaced the floor, just before it was sold in 2020.

The boat is in Gravesend, can be put afloat there or delivered to you!


Contact Paul Winterflood for more details

[email protected]

07720 617534

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Jul 17 2022

Cadet Week – 1 week to go!

Published by under Cadets

Cadet Week 2022 is almost here.  It is looking like the weather is going to be great and we are looking forward to a fantastic week!
Please note that the carpark at the front of the club will be closed after sailing on Saturday 23rd July to allow the marquee to be assembled and for the rest of the week..
We will operate a one way system through the dinghy park during the day and members are asked to leave via the council carpark to avoid bottle necks at the end of the day.
Please park considerately in the grass carpark especially on Tuesday for the activity night as some of the field will be reserved for the bouncy castles.  We DO NOT have use of the overflow carpark.  If you park in there you will need to purchase a ticket.

It is your responsibility to cross the road and cycle lane safely with your cadet.  Please use the island when possible.
The East grass area in front of the dinghy is for ribs and rib trailers only – no rigging boats please
The following will be circulated via email and displayed in the foyer
Children’s groups will be displayed in the foyer next weekend.
If you have offered to help with pottery painting or supervising bungee run please add your name to the list in the foyer.
Once again a massive thank you to all our sponsors and the parents and volunteers who are essential to the smooth running of the event.
Looking forward to seeing everyone at registration on Sunday 24th July between 3-5pm
Many thanks
Lindsay Rainbow
Cadet Representative

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Jul 15 2022

sign up sheet for cadet sailing Sunday 17/7/2022 Start on the water at 14:00

Published by under Cadets

sign up sheet for cadet sailing
Mini races 17/7/2022
Start on the water at 14:00

Optional, but will be helpful to me if you do it

Thanks: Andras


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Jul 14 2022

Mini races Sunday 17 July start on the water at 14:00

Published by under Cadets

Cadets and Parents,

Mini races
Sunday 17 July start on the water at 14:00

All sailors welcome, who wish to sail with me and have basic sailing skills.
More experienced sailors are also welcome – be prepared to be challenged.

Have your boats on the beach, be changed and ready.
Briefing is on the beach at 13:50.

Please, let me know, numbers will be helpful for planning.

Parents, I need your help with the preparations, mark laying, launching SS9, helping sailors to launch, helming Polly and crewing for safety and results. Please let me know if you wish to help.
Best would be to start getting things ready at around 13:00.

See you on the water: Andras

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Jul 14 2022

Help! Saturday Race officers needed

Julian and I are Race officer and Assistant RO this Saturday, however can’t be here to run the racing and need so ask someone to step in please.
Sat 16th @ 13.30 Shorebox start.

Update: Thank you Phil Crawford for volunteering as RO – WE DO STILL NEED AN ASSISTANT PLEASE… No experience necessary, just write sail numbers and times..! 

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Jul 12 2022

2 weeks to go!

Published by under Club Notices

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