May 22 2011

What TBYC Members do when their Sailing is cancelled

Jaguar escapes yet again!!  She was recaptured within 20 minutes and placed safely back on her mooring thanks to TBYC members.

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May 22 2011

Volunteer needed.

Published by under Racing

We need a kind volunteer to cover a support boat duty on Sunday 29th May please.

please post here or call me- numbers in the book.

many thanks

Sam Husk.

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May 20 2011

Summer Ball 2011, Wine Orders

Published by under Bar,Social

Summer Ball

4th June 2011

Pre-order your wine and get 10% discount

As you may be aware, we have a new and extended wine list,

chosen by the members and priced at the same level as last year.


Due to the size of the new list we do not stock a large amount of each wine, but re-order on a regular basis.


Therefore, to avoid disappointment on the evening of the

Summer Ball, and to get 10% discount, we have introduced a wine pre order system, that allows you to select the wines of your choice from our new wine list prior to the event.


The pre order forms are available from the bar, these must be completed and paid for no later than Monday 30th May 2011, to ensure that you get the 10% discount


If you do not complete the pre order form, wines will still be available to purchase on the evening of the Ball, at full price, but the selection may be limited, due to overwhelming demand on the night.



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May 16 2011

Newsbuoy Edition 5

Published by under Club Notices

You can now download Newsbuoy Edition (April 2011) click on the image, you can forward it to those friends who may be in other parts of the world for them to keep tabs on TBYC.

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May 15 2011

Alan B does it again. Finn Gold Cup Qualifiers at HISC

Published by under Bilge

Fresh from winning the 2011 Finn nats at Christchurch, Al does it again Hayling Island Sailing Club this weekend. Nice one mate. Any chance of getting some plastering done though…..?

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May 15 2011

Burrage Boys 1st Hobday Anniversary Trophy

Published by under Club Notices,Racing

Huge congratulations to Miles and Mason Burrage sailing their 49er Big Bear to victory today in the Hobday Anniversary Trophy.
these two guys have impressed us all with the dedication to diet and fitness that has enabled them to master the skills at the highest technical & team sailing level which is the Olympic 49er.
I think it is now time to take your father Terry for a spin round the bay!
great sailing guys,


6 responses so far

May 15 2011

Level 1 May 2011

Published by under Bilge

I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone that helped me during my level 1 … I have had such a giggle…So a massive thank you to Mike, Simon, Scott, Nick, Alex,Max,Will,Tony,Rod,Brian and numerous others including Jayne Patrick and  Michael (sure there are lots that I have missed out, if so i apologise) Everyone gives up their precious time and you have all been very patient…Thanks again x

2 responses so far

May 14 2011

Sunday 15th May 2011

Published by under Bilge

Wanted helm for Seasafe 7, would need to be at the slipway at 08:30hrs.

Please let the Duty Officer or myself know if you are interested on 07774 850587, thanks.

Duty Taken by Martyn Eyre..

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May 14 2011

RYA Powerboat Level 2

Published by under Club Notices

Congratulations to Michael Lloyd, Tom Arney, Howard Hawkes & Iain McBain on successful completion of the RYA Powerboat level 2 Course & assessment today.

Well done.

Also a big thank you to Martin Swindon for providing additional safety cover during racing today & Anthony Blower / Paul Clarke assisting the Race Officer at short notice – Thanks.

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May 13 2011

Midweek Racing Photos Wednesday 11 May

Published by under Racing

Michael Airey kindly took his camera out on Wednesday’s guard boat duty and took some cracking shots. here is the link

You need to  create a log in to view them but it’s definitely worth it! I know which are my favourite 🙂

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